Reparenting Libra Moon

Dec. 17, 2020, 3:21 p.m.

Something that is understated about Libra Moons is that they are often adult children—not in the same sense that Capricorn or Aquarius Moons are, who are asked to should responsibilities that adults don’t want to handle, but in the sense that they were treated as equals when they should have been treated as children. Libra Moon is sometimes a spousified kid. They’re a kid who the parents needed, desperately, to be an equal partner in the household. They were a kid who their guardian clinged to, showing their own emotional sensitivities to in a way that most adults, let alone kids, don’t know how to handle.

Saturn exalts, or reveals itself, in Libra. Kids who are expected to act older than their elders see the ridiculousness of it all and end up screaming over everyone else. Kids who are expected to act the same age as their elders might see the expectation as normal, expected, and not a thing that should be hard for a kid to achieve.

You’re a Libra Moon and, all your childhood, you felt as though you had to act older than you were. You’re a Libra Moon and age becomes such a thing in dating. You might have dated older people, trying out the brat act for a while, or you might have dated younger people, trying out the elder look for just a bit.

You’re a Libra Moon and you’re looking for equality but all of the power dynamics that our social expectations are built on mess that up. You’re a Libra Moon and the equality that you were taught as a kid actually hid pieces of neglect that your adult self still has trouble processing.

You’re a Libra Moon and you need everyone to like you. For so long, you thought that you are only allowed to exist when those with power like you. It is hard for you to understand that you can simultaneously be unliked and safe.

Libra Moon is the Cinderella Moon. Often, because Libra Moons learn to negotiate with and soothe people who are much older than themselves from an early age, they believe that they can escape their circumstances by making a powerful, rich, spectacular person fall in love with them. Sometimes, Libra Moons treat their relationships as homework that they must complete before they, finally, become mature and developed persons ready for emotional availability.

You’re a Libra Moon and you often do one thing and say another. You often say that you absolutely despise a person and do everything that you can to earn their affection. Sometimes, you find yourself saying that you love a person and doing everything that you can to keep your distance.

It’s hard for Libra Moons to talk about power. Talking about power is awkward and Libra Moons want conversations to be facilitated, smooth, and relaxed. Talking about power dynamics within a relationship where two people care about each other very much but whose existences oppress one another is the most awkward thing possible. Talking about power dynamics within relationships is something that Libra Moon has to become very good at, for their own survival often depends upon earning that skill. Reparenting Libra Moon is about learning how to make power dynamics explicit so that direct lines of accountability can be built by all parties involved.

You’re a Libra Moon and you don’t need everyone to like you all of the time. You’re able to teach yourself better survival strategies when you are willing to say things that you know will piss people off.

Reparenting a Libra Moon takes pissing a lot of people off. Not everyone who is used to you acting one way will want to come with you when you stop making room for their chaos at the expense of your own time. Reparenting a Libra Moon takes compassion—it takes not despising yourself if someone who only saw you as an object ready for exploitation ceases to make room for you. Reparenting a Libra Moon takes admitting that you didn’t have the emotional maturity to see past some of the mistakes that your younger self had made and that hindsight will always make you think that you should have been perfect all along.

You’re a Libra Moon and, just like everyone else, it can take years before you become an adult. You’re a Libra Moon and you’re allowed to act as selfish and spoiled as any baby when you are in the process of becoming an adult. You’re a Libra Moon and you cannot expect yourself to know how to express anger before you have learned how to throw a proper tantrum.

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