Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our primal drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.
Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Scorpio. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!
Scorpio Venus, Aries Mars: Smolder

Sometimes, you can be a little flippant but only because the sheer intensity of your presence has accustomed them to everyone in your vicinity taking what you say very seriously. Usually, people who burn very bright in emotion are unable to sustain that passion for very long but not for you. You are able to keep expressing the intensity of a high emotion in a prolonged way until that emotion has had time to develop into a full narrative. You do change your mind but it is not outside opinion that leads you to a perspective shift—it is the utter exhaustion of one feeling so that another must take its place. You tend to return to old stances on things rather than risking a new initiative sometimes and each metamorphosis is a confirmation of who you already were all along.
Scorpio Venus, Taurus Mars: Statue

You almost never react when someone tries to provoke a reaction out of you. This gives you an incredible centering of self that some people can see as apathy. However, you are never apathetic. Rather, you are concerned with the development of one formal structure over and over again until it metamorphosed into something else. This can be that you date one “type” over and over again, each time feeling that you are learning new ways of breaking out of your emotional structure rather than going through the same lessons over and over again. What people see from the outside is not what you feel on the inside. This can lead towards you feeling misunderstood. However, you may not want to be understood by too many people and may, instead, lean into the one or two relationships that you consider to be lifelong.
Scorpio Venus, Gemini Mars: Mod

Your charisma is not rooted in any ability to take firm stances on items but on your ability to change minds. You are a mediator who can, sometimes, withhold your own opinion of things. This means that you do not want to be known for having a made up mind or firm opinion of anything but, instead, seek to always be between ideas and to initiate conversations. Other people may see you are wishy washy precisely because you are loyal—you do not adopt a different personality for different groups of people but bring your bag of different personalities to the same group of people. No one is able to understand the extent of you until they have seen you move through the different phases and iterations of a relationship in the full.
Scorpio Venus, Cancer Mars: Contract

There is something magnetizing about you that simply pulls another person into your intimate world, where you then precede to hold another hostage with a firm and sure grasp. You prefer someone else to initiate relationships and conflicts because you do not want to expose your desire for another too readily. You feel that your silence is louder than any clear statement that you might be able to say and will need to choose people who are able to listen to silence. What you want most is to be in a position of being protected while retaining your full power. There is nothing wrong with this urge. Your need to own someone is pleasurable to many. However, it is your power to voice desire that will give you full ownership over your own powerful emotions.
Scorpio Venus, Leo Mars: Strong

You don’t explain yourself. Even when someone else is painting you in the wrong light and you have all the evidence that you need to make your case clear, you do not explain yourself. You do not anticipate compassion from the world. Rather, you have learned that the world rewards the strong and you try to remain firm in your strong image. You believe that you show that you care for someone when you carry grievances on your own shoulders, not naming them because you seek to be the strong one for others. This can make it so that other people often see you are someone to be won over or argued with rather than someone to be empathized with, which is what you need. You love loyalty and are unlikely to forgive someone once they have betrayed you.
Scorpio Venus, Virgo Mars: Alt

You have almost certainly created an entire, hidden world that is only yours and inhabitable for anyone who is not you. You have your own philosophies for life and treatises based on your experience. In order to cope with the world, you create your own miniature worlds in which you are God. You are strange and you love being strange because you love your strangeness. There is no pleasure like being able to tell someone that they never understood you to begin with. However, it is also up to you to realize that the strangeness of your inner world is not so strange after all. In fact, the microcosm that you believe to protect you is actually not a boundary at all but an absorption of things that seem large only on the surface. You are capable, not only of creating complexities, but also of shifting mountains.
Scorpio Venus, Libra Mars: Latex

You are in control of yourself, which is not such an easy thing. You know when you need to cut your losses, you have a long term plan for the future, and you know exactly how much you need to withhold or give away in order to own your own universe. This is because you are one of the most socially aware people out there but you are able to understand other people without feeling as though you have to please them. However, it is exactly because you might always see yourself in conflict with or in relation to another that you can sometimes expect that you will not be accepted too early. It is easier for you to leave once you have experienced a conflict than it is for you to stay because you often shy away from speaking your mind fully when there is an issue. Vulnerability in practice will help you to create the long lasting relationships that you desire.
Scorpio Venus, Scorpio Mars: Sorcerer

You are a sorcerer. You have the will to change your reality and you also know exactly what ritualizing manifestation needs to look like. Your performance of self is completely different from your mundane self because it is through physical performance that you perform ritual magic. Your magic is about willing yourself into being. This is not an easy feat but a strenuous one that requires severe training, whether that training involves politics or martial arts or dance. You do not see the logic in asking yourself to be more genuine—you seek to represent yourself in your full power and do not see any other displays of self as honest. You see your selfhood as an art form that must be rigorously cultivated. This means that you do not respond readily to people but treat any interruption as a challenge that must be digested fully and slowly.
Scorpio Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Novelist

You’re a wonderful storyteller. Not only are you able to create a grand story arc with several moral meanings, you’re also able to enwrap each plot point around several long cascading storylines. In fact, you may see real life as a story that never quite ends. What you are able to do in relationships is narrative control. You are able to control ideas around who cared about one person more, about who was hurt, and about who lost interest first. The downside about having such incredible narrative control over your relationships is that you can sometimes neglect to hear how things transpired from the other person’s side. This keeps you from growing as you should. When you are able to keep from thinking about what to say next, you are able to truly hear another person and help them elaborate their thoughts without speaking over them.
Scorpio Venus, Capricorn Mars: Self-disciplined

You have a lot of self control. The reason why you can accomplish a lot without having to seem like you’re exerting yourself is because you are prepared to make great sacrifices in order to put yourself in the right position to succeed. However, because not everyone can see the sacrifices that you have made, they may doubt that you deserve your position and deny your abilities. You are capable of managing groups of people with very different interests without alienating too many of them, which is a skill that not everyone has. It is your grace in doing these things that make people underestimate you. You make hard things look so easy that those who have not lived a day in your shoes can judge you very quickly. Sharing some of your burdens will make you more sympathetic but it will be hard for you to do this because you can sometimes feel that you will risk your credibility when you share hardships.
Scorpio Venus, Aquarius Mars: Adverse

When you don’t care about someone, you don’t care. When you do care about someone, you can’t help but care. What makes things confusing for people and for you is when you make a point of showing that you do not in the slightest care about someone precisely because you care so much about them. This is called self sabotaging by hiding your feelings. It is powerful for you to show your anger because you only become enraged about someone when you care deeply about them. It is very difficult for you to admit that you are angry because this puts you in a position of vulnerability. In order for you to feel loved, you will have to lose some of the power you gain from pretending to be cooler about someone than you actually are.
Scorpio Venus, Pisces Mars: Mystery

You don’t really want to be noticed. In a group of people, you talk the least. In order for other people to get to know you, they will have to pause and huddle down to speak and listen in your volume. In a group, you often say off hand things that no one really hears or acknowledges. This is just your own way of moving through the world socially. In relationships, you prefer to pick a favorite person who you do everything with but you keep yourself interested when you become many different things for that one person. You hide how hard you are trying for someone with an easy going attitude but those who are looking are always able to see just how much effort you put into the people who you care for.