New Moon In Virgo 2018

Sept. 9, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Not only do we have the New Moon in Virgo, we have a grand earth trine, and Venus ingress into Scorpio.

The narrative of money as a highly individualistic pursuit of happiness as a Wal-mart cartoon face makes us all vulnerable to rising costs, lower wages, and rising tides. Figure out a way to pull resources together.

Start with excavating the source of your problems - your money trauma.

What experience, or set of experiences, or slow and painful process, has broken your trust with the people you are most willing to give your time to? What did that experience, or those experiences, teach you about money and self worth?

We're held captive by so many scams, on an everyday basis, that we can't count them all. Forget trying to fight them all, or figure them all out. Every number that you have in your bank account was born out of a scam.

The thing about the nature of the scam is, it tricks its victim but also the scammer. You can never tell, for certain, who has the power in the sugar baby and sugar daddy relationship.

Stop building your self value inside of a scam oriented marketplace.

Instead, start to win. Reclaim the resources of your body. Don't fetishize good health but nourish it as a process of biological change.

This New Moon in Virgo, get some rest. Stop working and stop scamming.

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