Jupiter In Leo: Fame And Father

Feb. 15, 2021, 6:31 p.m.

Jupiter in Leo is a daytime benefic that looks to the daytime light for meaning. These planets really get along, Jupiter and the Sun. They’re on the same team and they both want to shine so brightly.

I’ve found that Leo can be both straightforward and messy. I’ve found that a lot of Leo placements are heavily influenced by the relationship with the father. What Leo placements look like changes so much depending on the specific nature of the relationship with the father.

Father can be a person or it can be a concept. Sometimes, our concepts of father have little to do with the actual person or people who father us.

I’ve found that Jupiter in Leo people often have ideas about success that are at least a little motivated by father. Sometimes, this is about identifying with the father, with wanting to be like the father as much as possible. Other times, it’s about antagonism as motivation—about wanting to be as least like the father as possible. Sometimes, it’s about wanting to save the father. Other times, it’s about just believing, for some reason or another and for better or worse, that they are like their fathers more than their siblings or aunties or mothers.

A lot of Jupiter in Leos are artists. There’s no doubt about that. In being artists, a lot of Jupiter in Leos want to do things as independently as possible.

But Leo is also a sign that looks for approval and validation. Even in cases where there is supreme fury with authority figures that might include the father but does not have to, there is usually some need for approval and acceptance with Jupiter in Leo.

There is nothing wrong with needing acceptance. Needing acceptance means that you do not define your success as something that you can achieve on your own.

I had met so many Jupiter in Leos who are Artists. At first, I thought that it was a simple case of there being a lot of artists who want astrology readings but I don’t see this many artists with other age groups (the Jupiter in Leos who I meet the most are born in 1990). And Jupiter in Leos are not satisfied with artistry or being artists in some narrow and vague defined way. Jupiter in Leos want to be Artists with a capital A.

The problem is, many Jupiter in Leos are trapped in cycles of creative exploitation instead of exploration. Many Jupiter in Leos feel as though their creative labor has been stolen from them instead of being encouraged. Many Jupiter in Leos feel as though they are forced to create in someone else’s world and not their own.

Jupiter in Leo is a Jupiter that claims the world as their own. It is a Jupiter that creates its own future on it’s own terms and not those of someone else.

Artists, the kind with a capital A, usually work alone. They get a fair amount of publicity about whatever it is that they do and they introduce new ideas to the masses. They’re geniuses that don’t need to cite anyone in their work because it is all original. Most of the time, Artists are white men who cannot entertain the idea of anyone else encroaching on space that is theirs and theirs only.

It takes a vast amount of privilege to claim the type of space that Jupiter in Leo wants to claim.

The problem with Jupiter in Leo is not Jupiter in Leo. The problem is that domination does not lead to creativity. The problem is that the world cannot be claimed. The problem that it is often impossible to create futures without a huge accumulation of capital. And because Jupiter in Leo wants creative freedom in attention economies that exploit it, it can often confuse social capital with freedom.

The thing that Jupiter in Leo enjoys most of all about the world is the fact that there is never one genius in a room. It is the fact that there is no genius when one person speaks louder than everyone else. It is that any hungering for fame is really a hungering for love that no amount of attention without adoration can heal.

Visibility is not love. Social capital is not freedom. Attention is not acceptance.

s Jupiter in Leo is a Juptier that dreams in visions—not manifestos or treatises or poems but visions. It is a Jupiter that is literally able to see what it wants—a Jupiter that, in being able to see exactly what it wants, also has the audacity to claim these things. The only thing is, it is not a Jupiter that works alone and in domination. Rather, it is a Jupiter that must also work in conflict and harmony with the visions of others.

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