Aries North Node, Libra South Node

Feb. 21, 2021, 9:07 p.m.

Wow. Okay. Starting this series with Aries north node. I have a lot of clients who were born in 1986 and 1987 with this north node. This age group doesn’t include everyone with this nodal axis. It’s not complete. Everyone with this nodal axis will express their nodes differently.

First of all, the nodes are not easy. It’s a part of the chart that flinches when you touch it. There is a lot of fear in the nodes. They don’t always tell you where to go unless you’re dealing with issues around fear and scarcity. They don’t tell you how to be successful. That’s not what they’re about. The nodes are about survival.

When we talk about the nodes, we’re not talking about going from the south node towards the north node. We’re not using evolutionary language here. We’re talking about two points in the chart that talk about fear.

Assumptions about Aries north node/Libra south node

A lot of the assumptions around this nodal axis have to do with the housewife stereotype. It’s this idea that people with south node in Libra are demure little things who never speak up for themselves or live for themselves and just need to get some independence to break free. This is not true.

Aries north node people are often very independent, and often knowledgeable, people. They often have Jupiter in domicile or Aries. A lot of them grew up without a lot of parental supervision. A lot of them had to figure out how to survive very early on by themselves. This is not a group of people who are overly protected, like the stereotypes geared towards white women of a certain class say. These are people who had to figure some things out for themselves.

What gets lost in the traditional delineations of this nodal axis is the competitive nature of Libra. This happens because Libra is very often misunderstood because it is stereotyped in accordance with certain gender norms. Often, Aries north node and Libra south node people do end up processing a lot of their security through gender but gender looks vastly different for everyone.

What Libra south node people tend to think they want is to win. This is because they’re anticipating things to be competitive even when they are not. Sure, there are some cis straight women who process winning as winning the attention of an unavailable man but not everyone processes winning in this way. What Libra south node people have to realize is that the ways that capitalism has taught them to win are often methods of self harm.

So, you see, Libra south node people are not all kept housewives. They don’t let people walk all over them. They will chew you out and they can be in positions of power while still feeling trapped by the nodal axis. Healing is not about conquering.

Security Issues

The south node in Libra anticipates judgment. A lot of the time, Libra south node people are told that the way that they compare to other people or the way that other people see them say more about who they are than who they, themselves, think they are. Sometimes, there are issues of a lot of siblings competing for the parents’ attention. Sometimes, the parents themselves are unavailable even while Libra south node tries, desperately, to get their attention.

What Libra south node wants, at times very desperately, is the feeling of being accepted. This is because Libra south node has spent a lot of time feeling like they are not normal. They feel incredibly unprotected in this world. This is why Libra south node can often go around looking for someone to save them.

Saviorism can happen in a variety of contexts. Libra south node might look for a partnership, an institution, or a job. When they search for these things, they are looking for something that appears to be validated by socially measured ways of evaluating a thing. Again, Libra south node people feel that they are not normal in some way. They feel that no one can accept them if they do not have something on their arm that camouflages them enough to pass through society.

The reason that Libra south node people do not feel normal is because they are caught in a mindset of believing that competition is the only thing that will save them. They feel as though they are being evaluated by some objective judge. They are afraid of being judged by their peers and they are also afraid of standing out too much. They are afraid that other people will think that they’re trying to be more special or above everyone else.

This often gives south node in Libra a bad case of imposter syndrome. They often work in ways that are new, which means that they have a hard time getting anyone to understand what they are doing or getting validation. But no amount of social validation will ever heal a Libra south node.


North node in Aries people are terrified of being alone. This does not have to do with gender roles all the time, though it can. The real reason why Aries south node people are terrified of being alone is because, again, they feel that they are not normal and, if they are cut off from society, they will drift off and become hopeless, “crazy” people.

Aries north node people are terrified of their stigmas or of the things that make them stigmatized.

Aries north node people are obsessives. They’re artists, which means that they’re obsessed with weird things that no one else ever thinks about. They’re obsessed with the end of the world, with grotesque manga, and with shipping routes—whatever it is, Aries north node does not want you to know about it. This is because Aries north node wants you to like them and they think that, if you knew about what they wanted, that you would not like them.

It is hard for Aries north node to be in an argument with someone because Aries north node always thinks that they must change another person’s mind about something in order to win. Arguments are very frustrating for Aries north node because there might have been a lot of repressed conflict in their home life. Because of this, Aries north node has a hidden yearning that there will be an end all conflict that ends all conflicts about a specific issue—they prepare themselves tirelessly for this nevercoming event because they think that, if they can come out on top at the right moment, that they will win. After that, everyone can live in harmony.

The trouble with this is that end all conflict never comes. No one wants to fight them or, more likely, the more you fight someone the more you both dig into your own corners. Fighting never changes anyone’s mind. Aries north node can get very disappointed about this because they put so much pressure on achieving security by winning that final showdown.

Healing and Growth

A lot of Aries north node Libra south node people really do thrive and grow after breakups, which is where I think that popular stereotype around the trapped partner who just needs to break free comes from. However, the thing that traps Libra south node people is not a relationship. Rather, it’s the expectation that escalating conflict leads to (their) victory.

Aries north node people heal and grow when they realize that they don’t actually need anyone to validate their obsessions. They don’t need to change anyone’s mind. They don’t need that final showdown with their boss or partner or friend that they sometimes find themselves fantasizing about. They don’t need revenge to feel safe expressing anger.

What often keeps Libra south node people trapped in this cycle of fear is that they are actually so good at conflict. Usually, when they fight they win because they’re so good at looking at things from every angle. They’re so good at knowing how to fight.

What Aries north node people are trying to figure out is when to fight and, with that, when to walk away. What makes this hard is that Aries north node people are often attracted to people who have very different opinions than themselves—people who are willing to fight them so that they can recreate that dynamic where they try to win and then harmonize. It is hard for Aries north node people to walk away from a conflict that’s waiting to happen, particularly if the person they would be fighting with is super hot. Libra south nodes want to win that person over.

What heals Aries north node is actually walking away from a conflict that they can win. They don’t grow when they win fights because this just keeps fueling the same scarcity under competition mindset. They grow when they reclaim their own space and nurture their creativity and joy. They grow when they create safety by choosing when to have conflict and when to not.

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