Sagittarius Venus, ____ Mars

March 2, 2021, 5:28 p.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Sagittarius. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Sagittarius Venus, Aries Mars: Public display of affection

Sagittarius Venus Aries Mars

You don’t keep secrets—not your own nor anyone else’s. You don’t believe in keeping love under wraps and you will always announce what makes your heart tremble to everyone and anyone, even if this means spilling the private things that a lover whispers to you on a pillow to all of your friends. Because you talk about all of your relationships quite openly, there are those who think that you are more flighty than you are. You’re not—you’re a person of simple tastes who sticks around with those who make you feel good. You don’t need anything complicated and nor will you attempt ever to make love more complicated than it needs to be. All you require are those who willingly support you as you stand tall for yourself.

Sagittarius Venus, Taurus Mars: Courageously cheesy

Sagittarius Venus Taurus Mars

You’re not afraid of being canned or cheesy. This is because you value heartfelt emotion over any kind of social status. However, you’re not the best at distinguishing between artful displays of emotion and subtlety. You can be naive and you are prone to falling head over heels in love with those who make a big splash over things. When you are secure in your relationships, you do not require too much time together because you understand that trust is what allows for partners to develop separately. You are able to get along with almost anyone but you will only show your anger to those who you feel truly understand you. Those who are farther from you see you as completely good natured and those who are closer understand that you also have your moments of brooding and solemn silence.

Sagittarius Venus, Gemini Mars: Free

Sagittarius Venus Gemini Mars

The most important thing, the one thing that you absolutely cannot live without, is freedom. You will go through great lengths to achieve freedom—moving across the world, growing up fast, or even being untruthful. Your integrity is shown through how much commitment you have to your principles and not towards someone else’s morals. Everyone can see that you are intelligent and most are afraid to argue against you. You are capable of winning arguments even when all the chips are stacked against you not by invoking compassion but by a hard and reasoned debate style. Because you are able to talk yourself into anything, you’re also capable of talking yourself out of anything. Be honest with yourself—that is the only way through which you will be able to uncover what you want.

Sagittarius Venus, Cancer Mars: Eccentric

Sagittarius Venus Cancer Mars

You’re extremely powerful and those around you can feel your power. The reason why you are so powerful is because you are capable of expressing your emotions in fantastical and wildly almost cartoonish ways with an extremity of self control. You decide what you want to express and you almost never express everything that you feel in a moment. Rather, you strategically choose your expressions so that the person who you want to be is conveyed exactly towards the right room. This doesn’t mean that you are dishonest. Rather, your affect is sincere. It means that you are able to be guarded without appearing to be. You need a lot of space in your relationships so that you can practice radical honesty with yourself, which includes the acceptance that it is sometimes vital to express things even when they are not going to be well received.

Sagittarius Venus, Leo Mars: A little kid

Sagittarius Venus Leo Mars

You’re not necessarily showy. There is something, however, naive about the ways in which you imagine yourself and recreate yourself. You don’t aim to speak to those who already discount you and your words. Your sense of wonder if built for those who want to do the work of imagining new worlds with you. You’re an artist but you’re not sophisticated and nor are you interested in sophistication. Instead, you act like a little kid who lives solely to enjoy the things that they were born to enjoy. It can be hard for you to work a job that requires you to be in direct contact with an authority figure because the childlike part of you aims to appease authorities while the wild and free part of you aims to escape. You can sometimes prefer to earn a living working in a job that you do not necessarily like just so that more brain power is free to ponder other things. However, you demand complete creative independence in spirit even when it’s not available in form.

Sagittarius Venus, Virgo Mars: Processor

Sagittarius Venus Virgo Mars

You’re always working even when you’re not. Because you have the biggest dreams and most romantic elations as well as a crucial sense of the everyday, you expect yourself to be able to carry out your strangest fantasies through careful planning. Those who do not understand you may say that you are didactic but you are not didactic. You are incredibly subtle with what you want and how you demand what you want. You derive pleasure from sorting out exactly what flirtations and actions will tease out the reactions that feed you. You will always overthink a text message to a lover not because you are overly anxious but because you find so much joy in precise communications. You can accomplish a lot but not everyone will understand what it is that you are trying to do. When you trust your instincts, you can inspire those who must do before they are able to understand themselves.

Sagittarius Venus, Libra Mars: Politician

Sagittarius Venus Libra Mars

Not only are you able to talk in big ideas and in manifestos, you are able to speak your passions in a way that those who do not share your exact struggle can wholeheartedly emphasize. People feel as though you are speaking for them even when they are not. You are charismatic and are capable of coining enough slogans that no one can quite forget you once they have met you. Everyone can see your personality and you are not afraid of this. In intimate partnerships, beware of making speeches. Because you can trust your empathy in many ways, there will be moments during which you assume that you know how someone else feels without all of the information available. You are not responsible for speaking to someone who you love. You can trust that you will always have enough people to support you that you do not have to turn small arguments into large ones by arguing a dead point to the end.

Sagittarius Venus, Scorpio Mars: Powerful

Sagittarius Venus Scorpio Mars

You’re powerful not because you believe in influence. You are powerful because you are able to analyze, dissemble, and confront power while loving people. There’s something about you that makes people turn their heads and really look when you walk into a room. You’re not the flashiest person but the way you speak makes the things that you say feel deeply important. You may not say that much but you say a lot with what you do say. People want to listen to what you have to say because you bring a poeticism that is sharpened by charity towards confusing or convoluted ideas. You can bring people together towards a shared goal easily and you’re able to make risky moves without alienating those around you. You seem simple on the surface but you’re anything but.

Sagittarius Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Transgressive

Sagittarius Venus Sagittarius Mars

At first glance, you seem like you’re stuck in an eternal adolescence without a care for the world. Upon closer look, however, one will notice that you never tell a story that is without a moral no matter how silly or strange that story may first appear. Though no one knows if your stories are exactly true or false, everyone understands you do be a person who makes a lesson out of experiences that other people might find chaotic or useless. You do not waste time not because you serve progress in any way but because you turn every side journey into a main theme. You always talk back to those who are rigorous but in such a funny way that even those who do not want to like you inevitably do. Though you appear to be completely casual, your sense of humor is deep and profound. You are able to speak to those who disagree with you without giving up your morals.

Sagittarius Venus, Capricorn Mars: Iconic

Sagittarius Venus Capricorn Mars

When language doesn’t move how you need it to, you make up new words. When you don’t see what you need in a room, you create it. You understand that you will only have an impact on your environment when you give yourself the time and space that you need to understand yourself thoroughly and you will always want to create an impact on your environment. You are capable of taking a pre-existing ideology and turning it into your own thing—something new that can only be understood through careful belief in your own perspective. No one is able to win an argument against you because you take the time to think through things carefully. Anyone who tries must be prepared to be scrutinized as hard as you scrutinize yourself and this is not an easy position to be in for most people.

Sagittarius Venus, Aquarius Mars: Satirical

Sagittarius Venus Aquarius Mars

You don’t believe in being put in a box which means that, whatever labels or identities you find yourself in, you will always find a way of talking back to the voice in your head that surveils you and tries to measure you against the markers of belonging. There’s something a little detached and sarcastic about the way that you see yourself and it can be hard to create room for harder emotions. Your ideas move faster than your emotional body, which means that you can sometimes berate yourself for feeling the consequences of oppressions that you wish to have thought beyond long ago. You’re very good at making fun of yourself. While this can be important for self growth, it is also important to take your vulnerable emotions seriously sometimes. You’re far better at advocating for others than you are for yourself precisely because of this need to disappear into anonymity even when you have important things to say.

Sagittarius Venus, Pisces Mars: Surreal

Sagittarius Venus Pisces Mars

You’re not good at telling a story from start to finish—you’re far too elegant to do this. Instead, you were put here to wreck the existing narratives that we tell ourselves about who we are. You don’t close doors when you are in conflict because you will never be that person who remains firm with what they think even against all odds. Rather, you open possibilities through conversations that span any lengths of time. There will be those who prefer to disagree with you because they do not have the patience to challenge their assumptions and seek to avoid long, drawn out discussions of something that they have made up their minds over. Not everyone is as loose with what they believe as you and that is okay. However, wherever it is that you go, you make things a little different because you ask things that no one else has ever dreamed of asking.

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