Gemini North Node, Sagittarius South Node

March 10, 2021, 9:58 a.m.

Again, I have to mention that this series I’m writing about the nodes are going to be biased based on the ages of those who I have access to. A lot of how we see security changes just so much depending on the changing economy, social relations, and family structures.

The difference between older millennials who have south node in Sagittarius and north node in Gemini born in 1984 or 1985 and gen z who with the same nodes born in 2001 or 2002 is huge. There’s a lot of older millennials with this nodal axis who also have Jupiter in fall, and a handful who have Jupiter in domicile. There’s a ton of gen z with this nodal axis who have Jupiter exalted, and a handful with Jupiter in detriment.

South node in Sagittarius and north node in Gemini, more than any other nodal axis, is a nodal axis that is wounded by and resists institutional rejection or validation. This nodal axis has everything to do with how institutions have changed and have not changed between the years of 1984 and 2002.

An overwhelming number of folks with this nodal axis that I have met are teachers in some capacity, whether that is in formal title but a role that they just tend to take up in their social environments. This happens more so than any other nodal axis. A lot of these folks are frustrated by their relationships to institutions, whether that be family, religion, politics, or something a little more niche.

A lot of the older millennial folks with Sagittarius south node and Gemini north node are also into podcasts. This isn’t just one or two people. There’s a number of millennials with this nodal axis who are starting or have started podcasts. I’m not sure why that is. I haven’t seen that with gen z folks so much but gen z is still very young.

There is something about this nodal axis that feels very unheard. There’s something about this nodal axis that simply craves the starting of new conversations—conversations that haven’t happened before. There’s something incredibly inspiring about folks with this nodal axis because they have something to say and all of their years of frustration around not being heard has only sharpened their voice.

Assumptions about Gemini north node/Sagittarius south node

I actually see the least blanket assumptions about this nodal axis than any other nodal axis. I think that it because there’s something immediate and fear based about how we see the nodes of the Moon and it’s hard to understand how that fear can show up in the so called easy and breezy signs of Sagittarius and Gemini.

The most common stereotype around this nodal axis is that Sagittarius south node wants to preach to other people without listening and that Gemini north node is afraid of critique. This isn’t necessarily true—whether we are open to difference has less to do with the nodes and more to do with social privilege. Sure, there will be some people who have Sagittarius south node and Gemini north node who don’t listen well. However, marginalized folks are usually people who have to, for survival reasons, take on the role of the listener.

Sagittarius south node and Gemini north node doesn’t always show up as a need to be right. However, it does show up in other ways that are related even in cases where a person, due to marginalization, has not been able to be right in most of the discussions that they have been involved in.

Security Issues: Sagittarius South Node

The one thing that I hear the most from Sagittarius south node people across the board is that they feel that they have to fix other people.

There’s so much of fixing other people for this nodal axis. There’s so much of playing the role of a therapist, of having to be the person who has it all together, of having to teach everyone how to do something that should be obvious. There’s so much fucking emotional labor.

There’s also a deep rage, felt usually against the self, that things are not moving fast enough and that, somehow or in some way, Sagittarius south node is always choosing the “wrong” kind of person to be around.

I do think that Sagittarius south node people sometimes hurt themselves because they feel a need to be right. I don’t think that means that this makes them wrong. I think that this means that, sometimes, they choose people who they cannot be wrong around because they identify with the position of moral superiority because they have trouble trusting other parts of themselves.

This means that femimist Sagittarius south nodes go to avidly antifeminist spaces. It means that leftist Sagittarius south node people spend a lot of their time arguing back to imaginary liberals in their heads. It means that Sagittarius south node people sometimes do not do a good job of protecting their truth because they have this idea that, if they can only be right and win once and for all, then they will have earned their right to be loved.

This means that Sagittarius south node people are incredibly naive! These are principled, naive people who believe in their politics sans strategy. They believe that their truth will flood social systems and relationships. They’re visionaries. This is something that is beautiful and moving about Sagittarius south node people that they never lose.

It’s when Sagittarius south node is afraid of somehow losing their truth, when they believe that their truth is not resilient but a thing that must be guarded through either intense confrontation or no conflict, that they get wiped out and disillusioned. Sagittarius south node means that there is actually an intense fear that truth cannot withstand dialogue. This is not true. However, it can be a reality that Sagittarius south node people learn when they are not believed about essential components of their own experience.

Fears: Gemini North Node

The thing that Gemini north node is most afraid of is not being believed. For most, this fear is well founded. We don’t live in a world that believes those who survive. We live in a world that tries to make survivors invisible. Gemini north node anticipates argument over everything that is most sacred to them. They anticipate scrutiny and debate. They anticipate that other people will not be able to hear what they have to say because they are not capable of accepting them as whole people.

Often, the fear of not being believed does not show up in confrontations with those who Gemini north node already expects disagreement. Often, this fear shows up more in community, with those with whom Gemini north node expects but fears expecting solidarity and validation.

In environments where Gemini north node already expects conflict, they feel ready. They know what to do with fear and with anger. They know the scripts according to how they are supposed to act and they know that, if they do not receive the support that they need, that they can leave relatively emotionally intact without changing their truth when they never expected acceptance anyway.

It’s not that Gemini north node wants or finds safety in conflict. It’s that they sometimes identify more with who they are when defending than who they are when embraced.

It is terrifying for Gemini north node to be in places where acceptance and embrace are possible. Gemini north node is afraid to raise its hopes. Especially for those with Jupiter in fall, these people can be cynical. When Gemini north node is in places where they might allow themselves to hope for understanding, they are always ready to be ostracized again—to be left behind or shut down.

Healing and Growth

The only way for Sagittarius south node and Gemini north node people to heal and grow is to let go of the idea that they must derive all of their self worth from those who share their pain or their struggle. They must understand that defensiveness shows up in response to anticipated harm and that the defensiveness of other people often has nothing to do with them.

They must realize that there will be times when they will share conflict with those who understand their marginalization or oppression and that there is nothing about this which invalidates either side. They must understand that, in situations of shared pain, there aren’t any sides. They must understand that these conflicts with people who are capable of deep empathy are much more enriching, often scarier, and more alive than the scripted confrontations that they are used to having with power.

Gemini north node grows through community and not institutions. Institutions often steal our energy away through staged conflict. People are often much scarier in conflict because they have more to lose. Conflicts with people are terrifying because that is precisely where change becomes possible.

The other thing that Sagittarius south node will have to heal is their stigma of their own anger. Sometimes, Sagittarius south node people see themselves as angry people because they are used to identifying with an emotion that shows up when they are unheard. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anger. There is something wrong with misplaced anger, with anger that you cannot express to those with power over you so you show it only to those who want to accept you and it’s the denial of honest anger that produces this misplacing.

Sagittarius south node are not angry people. They’re honest, hopeful people who are guarded about disappointment. Because they work from a place of hope, they often feel vulnerable. Sagittarius south node is a powerful, visionary south node. It is more than capable of transforming dialogue through change when it notices and allows for the acceptance of its own fear and pain.

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