Virgo North Node Pisces South Node

May 9, 2021, 8:50 p.m.

There’s something that is very subtle about folks who have the nodes in Virgo and Pisces. These folks are geniuses in their own right because they’re always attaching the detail to the vision. There’s a lot of devotion and also a lot of fervor for folks with Virgo north node.

There’s an anxiety to folks with this nodal axis as well because looking for God in the details of things can often mean paying almost hypervigilant attention to the question of what happens if everything goes all wrong.

The majority of people who I have met with Virgo north node are older gen zers who were born somewhere in 1997 and 1998. I have also met people who were born in 1980 with Virgo north node and Pisces south node but the majority of my observations will be based on people who are in their early twenties.

Because Virgo north node Pisces south node people are learning how to make quiet ideas loud, a lot of them seek protection for their ideas. This protection can look like institutional access if that is affordable, community protection, or even secrecy or subtlety.

There can also be a fair amount of insecurity that manifests as worry for folks with Virgo north node Pisces south node. This worry over an uncertain future, over what other people might think of something that you did, and over whether your relationships can withstand change looks different for gen zers with this nodal axis and millennials. I find that a lot of the anxiety that gen z with Virgo north node has over who they are and how other people react to them can get projected over the internet. There’s a lot of social fear that is held by the internet.

But the best thing about Pisces south node people is that they are incredibly aware that they are not alone in their concerns. They understand that their anxiety is often not a personal issue but a political one. And they challenge us to understand that concern is a form of empathy that has the power to transform into action.

Assumptions about Virgo North Node, Pisces South Node

There’s some assumptions around Pisces south node that I don’t find too relevant—namely, the idea that Pisces south node is a dreamer who can’t get their shit together to live in the real world. Very few people have the resources and privilege to spend all of their time navel gazing and this is often not what I find when I meet Pisces south node people.

I find a lot of diligence with Pisces south node people. I find a lot of overwork, actually, and often an impossibility around finishing things.

You see, Virgo north node Pisces south node people are perfectionists. From the outside, perfectionism can look like dragging your feet, like messiness, and like being lackadaisical about the things that you care about.

Pisces is just as systems oriented as Virgo. Pisces is incredibly details aware and Pisces worries just as much as Virgo. There’s an assumption that Pisces is an easy breezy sign that’s always reclining and laying down. This isn’t Pisces. Pisces is a perfectionist and Pisces can be ruthless in the pursuit of perfection.

There’s this assumption that Virgo north node Pisces south node people have their heads in the clouds, that they’re in need of a reality check so that they can get to work. Virgo north node Pisces south node people live in the same reality as the rest of us—they experience the same reality, the same criticisms, and the same non consensual relationship to work as the rest of us.

Security Issues: Pisces South Node

Again, Pisces south node is a perfectionist. Often, this perfectionism camouflages itself as idealism. However, idealism is a work of imagining a different future. There is a lot of room for mistake making and uncertainty in idealism. The reason why I would describe Pisces south node as perfectionist rather than as an idealist is because perfectionism is an exercise of trying to protect oneself through anticipating disappointment.

For some reason, Pisces south node often feels that it is not allowed to do things unless it can do things perfectly the first time. People with this south node feel like they shouldn’t be allowed to have relationships unless they know how to create a perfect relationship before they meet people at all, that they shouldn’t be able to work unless they know how to do the job, and that they should speak unless they know what they’re talking about.

The thing is, no relationship is perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect act of labor. Most people figure out what they know through conversation and not before they speak.

Pisces south node people hold themselves to incredibly high standards that are invisible to anyone looking from the outside. They are reluctant to share their standards with others because they are afraid of not meeting those expectations. They have internalized the idea that perfection equals safety, that no one can blame them for anything if they cannot figure out where mistakes have been made. The thing is, perfection doesn’t exist. Perfection is about disassociation.

A lot of the time, Pisces south node has a much easier time dealing with other people making mistakes than with themselves making mistakes. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, there is also a need for everyone who shares space with Pisces south node to become a moral perfectionist if a lack of perfection is experienced as an emotional attack.

However, allowing other people to fail is not true healing for Pisces south node. Often, allowing other people to fail reinforces the idea that Pisces south node is not allowed to fail.

Fears: Virgo North Node

What Virgo north node is scared of is really very simple—it’s afraid of disappointing other people, of not fulfilling idealized expectations, and of making mistakes in real time.

And Virgo north node people thrive when they make mistakes! They thrive when they realize that not everyone is out to punish them for falling short of expectations that no one else can even see. They thrive when they realize that the future they yearn for is built from practice and not perfection.

But there is this intense fear around making mistakes, around being the person who other people make room for, and around being forgiven. Virgo north node people are always ready to forgive other people but they feel that they are not ready to be forgiven by other people.

The reason is—forgiveness is taught to them to look very patronizing. It’s taught to them as an issue of inferiority and superiority. Forgiveness is what an adult does for a child but not what a child, fully dependent, does for an adult. Being performatively forgiven for something is humiliating. Being forgiven reminds Virgo north node of being put in the position of being forced to change themselves unwillingly.

This is also why forgiving other people is not what healing is centered on for Virgo north node people. Forgiveness can come or go, depending on circumstances, but forgiving someone who harmed us before we are emotionally able to do so can be about control more than empathy. Performing forgiveness can be about putting someone in their place. Performing forgiveness has everything to do with the fear of being rejected if we are less than perfect. It can reinforce the idea that we must be perfect in order to survive.

Healing and Growth

Virgo north node Pisces south node people grow tremendously when they experience real tenderness—when they experience self forgiveness instead of self critique. They grow when they allow themselves to realize that, not only is forgiveness possible, but that it is a necessity.

The acceptance of compassion only becomes possible when Virgo north node Pisces south node identifies the difference between care and criticism. There can be sometimes issues of martyrdom with Virgo north node and Pisces south node but only because the capacity to do more for others and to erase the self can reinforce moral perfectionism. And moral perfectionism, again, is not about idealism. Rather, moral perfectionism has everything to do with wounds around institutions of moral superiority.

Virgo north node Pisces south node people are here to show us how to fuck up. They’re here to show us just how much learning and care and understanding can happen when you fuck up and you let yourself be forgiven. They’re here to show that being willing to fuck up can create possibilities that haven’t existed before.

However, before Virgo north node is able to do this, they have to let go of the idea that they could be a perfect person if only certain things in their life had not happened the way they did. They have to accept the totality of life and the selves that they have earned through practice and process. They have to learn how to show their work.

They have to reject the idealized versions of themselves that exist, in perfect moral superiority, to serve endlessly and selflessly for all of eternity. This idealized version of what it means to be a good person is a cruel metaphor that cuts, at best, and stagnates, at worst. It is a punishment tool that punishes the self even when it punishes other people.

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