Saturn In Detriment

May 14, 2021, 12:37 p.m.

Saturn in detriment is one of the most naive and inspired placements. You see, Saturn in detriment is used to anticipating disappointment from authority figures, from big structures, and from identity markers—and Saturn in detriment chooses to not play by the rules despite that bone deep longing to be held and guided.

There’s something very nostalgic about Saturn in detriment but this isn’t a nostalgia for childhood—it’s a nostalgia for what was lost before it could be experienced. You see, Saturn in detriment is a luminary ruled Saturn and the luminaries always come back to family There are a lot of lost and drifting father figures with Saturn in detriment, a lot of lost anger and a lot of lost grief. Saturn in detriment has never once believed in authority. Saturn in detriment fears control and, in fearing control, rages at control.

There are moments during which Saturn in detriment romanticizes the loss of control—lost father figures, whether that figure is a family member or boss or partner, are people who don’t do the things that they are supposed to do and they wear this violent romance around them. There is an instinctual rejection of this violent romance but there is also this whimsical yearning as well. People who don’t follow the rules wear their hearts on their sleeves except that they don’t. People who don’t follow their own rules wear performative emotions and performative vulnerability.

People with Saturn in detriment don’t believe in rules. They don’t believe in nationality and they don’t believe in the old clubs. They neither romanticize history and nor do they wish to live in the past. Instead, Saturn in detriment chooses, willfully, to believe in the future.

Saturn in detriment people anticipate exclusion. They truly believe that there is no place in the world for them unless they steal one away in the dead of the night or blast into the earth to earn a stake in something. These people are either drifters or iconoclasts.

And it’s because Saturn in detriment has a troubled relationship with belonging that it also has a troubled relationship with visibility. Because Saturn in detriment questions citizenship, questions ownership, and questions inheritance, it also troubles identity. Saturn in detriment is hesitant to belong and hesitant to identify. Saturn in detriment wonders just who the hell they are a lot.

People with Saturn in detriment work a lot. They put all of their time in because, you see, work isn’t work—it’s life. Saturn in detriment needs to feel like it has both feet on the ground but what often happens is that it feels like it’s running, playing catch up with the future version of itself.

What Saturn in detriment is good at is imagining a future that includes all of the chaos of change. Saturn in detriment doesn’t believe in a future that doesn’t involve breaking the present apart. Breakage is hope because breakage is change. Apathy around what already exists is also dire hope that what has not happened can happen. In this way, Saturn in detriment is the best kind of child—it’s the kind of child who doesn’t copy the adults but believes in the sacred protection of life that has yet to live.

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