Scorpio North Node, Taurus South Node

June 20, 2021, 9:02 a.m.

Most of the Scorpio north node Taurus south node people I meet are currently in their mid twenties. I’ve met a good number in their forties and older but, because the bulk of my clients tend to be folks in their twenties and thirties, I’m talking mostly with people who have Scorpio north node, Sagittarius north node, Capricorn north node, and Aquarius north node. A lot of this will be written with the struggles of millennials in mind.

And millennials have a very specific type of angst that can show up with Scorpio north node Taurus south node. Millennials have a lot of money angst. Scorpio north node Taurus south node people inherit a feeling of loss—of having lost something sacred and important.

Scorpio north node Taurus south node can look incredibly different based on class differences. For some, Taurus south node is about being in survival mode all of the time and having to worry over every expense. For others, Taurus south node is a middle class type of insecurity that has to do with the pressure of class ascension.

Scorpio north node Taurus south node people know that we have been robbed, almost all of us, by corporations and the state and they’re pissed about it. They sometimes try to figure out just how much their boss has robbed them—how much the state has robbed them. They feel that there is something missing.

When thinking about Scorpio north node, Taurus south node, money, and stability, I can’t think outside of the context of the present. Labor is fucked over and the owning class is getting richer and richer. Scorpio north node Taurus south node’s specific angst over money, power, and worthiness live within this context.

Assumptions about Scorpio north node, Taurus south node

There’s an assumption that people with this nodal axis have what is sometimes called “bad money karma.” I don’t think Scorpio north node Taurus south node people have bad money karma. I think we live in an exploitative and extractive economy.

There’s an assumption that Taurus south node is a hoarder, that they’re too stingy, and that they base too much of their self worth on money. This assumption goes hand in hand with the assumption that money is what causes inequality when, really, it is power that causes inequality. This assumption also forgets that people tend to be afraid of letting go of money when we live through poverty.

Because attachment to money is seen to be a problem, a lot of the antidotes to this nodal axis make sense when you have enough money to have good choices and do not make too much sense if you don’t. Scorpio north node Taurus south node people are told to let go a little, to spend more, and to let other people handle their finances. A lot of these things don't work if you don’t have enough money to not worry about money.

The other assumption about this nodal axis that I haven’t seen is that Scorpio north node Taurus south node people are somehow lazy. I haven’t seen this to be the case at all. Rather, I’ve seen a lot of folks who are extremely capable but reluctant to be valued only according to their labor. I’ve seen a lot of folks who love what they do but hate how they have to do it.

Security Issues: Taurus South Node

Taurus south node people have a lot of responsibilities at home. They feel a lot of obligation towards their families and they believe that they need to be in a position that makes it possible for them to give back to their families.

I meet a lot of people who live at home not because they want to but because they feel that they are supposed to or that they have to. There’s kids to take care of, aging parents, or the apartment needs someone who speaks English fluently there or else a landlord might threaten to evict.

Taurus south node people are taught that they have to be able to handle everything themselves. They’re taught that no one wants to hear about their shit—that they have to own their struggles themselves. Taurus south node folks have a hard time asking for help. They have a hard time knowing even what someone may be able to help them with or that the picture of someone who needs help is the same as someone who juggles too many tasks at once.

As an astrologer, it is always harder to get Taurus south node people to open up and share even when they tell me that they want to. Taurus south node people feel that what they are going through isn’t anyone else’s business even when they know that their struggles are not only theirs but are shared also by other people.

Taurus south node people hate being put in the position of doing the grunt work. They have often been put into this position and they are afraid that their worth isn’t validated outside of the labor that they can provide. They find doing invisible work easy but they grow resentful and angry when they are invisible because they fear that they are unprotected.

Fears: Scorpio North Node

Scorpio north node people are afraid of their own anger. They’re afraid that showing their anger, their struggle, or their work will somehow make them less worthy of affirmation. They’re afraid that, if they’re unable to do something the first time in a pristine way, that they’re unworthy of doing it at all.

It is hard for a Scorpio north node person to show their vulnerability but it is even harder for them to hold onto a relationship once that vulnerability is shown. Their first instinct is to run away to where no one knows them and to start over. Scorpio north node people are learning how to integrate discontentment into their visions of sustainability.

Scorpio north node people are afraid that their anger will alienate them from other people. They feel that their rage is bottomless. However, much of what they are rageful against are issues that are shared by their communities. Scorpio north node people are learning that their rage is not a limitless and senseless tantrum but that it is a feeling that wants to be shared.

There are some similarities between Scorpio north node and Aries north node, since both north nodes are ruled by Mars. Scorpio north node is afraid of falling into the trap of constant competition. They’re afraid that their envy for their peers will be scoffed at when that envy is actually only an emotion that reveals very real scarcities.

Scorpio north node people always want insider information about an organization or institution or job because those things represent power to them. They want information about people who represent power to them. This information gathering should not be fed because it actually reaffirms the idea that worthiness only exists in relation to power. This information gathering is often limitless because no amount of information about unjust power takes away the injustice. It is an anxiety exercise and it doesn’t lead to healing and growth.

Healing and Growth

A lot of Scorpio north node Taurus south node people are organizers. A lot of Taurus placements, in general, tend to be organizers. Organizing can be a site of healing for Scorpio north node Taurus south node people because it gives them a place to reaffirm their relationships to their communities first and places power second.

I also usually encourage Scorpio north node Taurus south node people who live with their families to live apart from them, even if it is in the same neighborhood or for a short while. I understand that this choice is not always accessible to folks and I understand that the idea that we do not live with family is individualistic and western. However, I still encourage Scorpio north node Taurus south node people to leave home if it is possible for them because I find that many folks with this nodal axis are dealing with heavy family expectations that stop them from growing.

Taurus is the exaltation of the Moon, the place where the Moon feels the most pressure to perform well. Scorpio is the fall of the Moon. Taurus south node is afraid of losing resources or of their family losing resources when they change. They are often afraid of change because they’re afraid of loss. However, they are here to challenge the values that they have inherited. Putting geographical distance between themselves and the site of family can go a long way.

But what really makes Scorpio north node Taurus south node grow is a challenge of their assumption of loss. Challenging assumptions of loss means understanding that someone else’s abundance does not take from your own abundance. It means understanding that we all have different currencies even when we are forced to use the state’s currency. It means understanding that you lose nothing when you lose what has kept you stationary for far too long.

Scorpio north node Taurus south node people are learning how to change with other people. They heal when they steward resources with other people. They grow when they say no to duty that doesn’t lean towards change. They heal entire communities when they trust themselves in relationship to other people, knowing that anger and jealousy are not only acceptable but evidence that they will never experience capitalism in isolation.

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