Earth Grand Trine

June 28, 2021, 8:48 a.m.

Earth Grand Trines are organizers. They’re not organizers because they jump into action or because they are especially gifted at persuasion—they’re organizers because they are able to get people to arrive at the same place and they’re especially able to do the challenging act of getting them to stay there.

I can always feel it when a client has an earth grand trine. The world, no matter how impatient or hurried I felt, skids to a stop when we start speaking. Earth grand trines are masters of time. They know that time is not something that disappears but something that elongates when it is fed. Earth grand trines assume that we will have time to talk about what it is we are here to talk about and they’re in no particular rush.

I envy the patience of an earth grand trine. I savor it. It puts me in my place. The other thing about earth grand trines is that they tend to be doms. Because they know what it is they’re doing, moving with quiet self assuredness, they don’t need to do anything special to lead you there with them.

Earth grand trines are keepers of things. They move by accepting things and keeping them until those things have changed just by being with them. They accept people in this way, keeping friends for decades and decades. They accept their bodies, noticing every movement and pulse. They accept the world and they grow enough food to feed their whole house in their gardens when they get access to land.

I’ve never talked to a single earth grand trine person who didn’t have body wisdom. Earth grand trines know that they have bodies and they’re not afraid to be substantial. They’re not afraid to spend an entire day dancing and moving and they don’t believe in not being good at movement. There’s a subtle grace to an earth grand trine. It’s like they know and have realized beauty without needing to talk about it.

I sometimes struggle in sessions with earth grand trines because so much of a session is conversation and the languages of an earth grand trine happen to be silent. An earth grand trine speaks by moving, by tasting, and by doing. They often need to experience something in order to know it, not to talk about it. If I were a body worker, I might speak the same language as earth grand trines.

Earth grand trines know things without needing to look like they know anything at all. A lot of the descriptions for earth grand trines have to do with common sense but most earth grand trines I’ve talked to have just as much uncommon sense. They carry knowledge that they don’t need to push to find—they carry knowledge because they inherit it.

There is something about earth grand trines and make it harder for them to get rid of things. They carry memories and experiences from when they were young—very young—in their bones. They don’t understand what getting rid of things means. They can forget to change until it catches them unawares.

And earth grand trines are shy. They’re undemonstrative sometimes not because they don’t have anything to say but because they don’t believe that anyone will believe them when they say it. Earth grand trines have a secret fear that speaking will mean having to debate their own existence and experience of things. They’re afraid that someone might induce them to change their minds and that, by changing their minds, that they will change their lives.

But all earth grand trines go through these bursts of change that wreck everything that they have held onto. Change, for earth grand trines, is not mundane but cathartic. It tends to happen all at once until the earth grand trine is fooled into thinking that it has no control at all. This is because it is within the nature of earth to transform itself. The reason why earth grand trines hold onto things, again, is not truly to maintain them but to transform them.

No one changes as much as an earth grand trine person, even though they seem like such constant and unwavering people. It’s just that they tend to make all of the changes that other people might make over the course of a decade in the course of a few weeks, after thinking and planning for at least two decades. Earth overturns and it plots but, at the end of a day, earth keeps itself alive by lifting itself up and thumping it’s way somewhere else, reversed and forever different.

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