Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.
Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Aquarius. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!
Aquarius Venus, Aries Mars: Space Cowboy

You are very cool but you were not seen as cool when you were younger. Basically, you show your full enthusiasm around the very niche interests that drive you to wonder about the world. Because you are less than patient about communicating about your complex and deep considerations, you may grow weary at trying to explain yourself to other people all the time. When you do take the time to explain, you are a genius but, when you do not, you are an otaku. Your mere presence gives the people around you license to embrace their most embarrassing interests. Aesthetically, you are more interested in conversation starters or items that relate to your interests and less so in glamor or trends.
Aquarius Venus, Taurus Mars: Vegeta

You don’t mind it when other people disagree with you. In fact, you often reach your favorite ideas when you intellectually spar with another person. You respect your rivals immensely and you take care to not let a conflict die because it is just so interesting to be in debate. Really, what you desire is something who matches you in strength and personality so that you are able to learn more about yourself through your encounters with your reference. You prefer simple clothing and you remain relatively quiet when you are in a group of people, preferring to let yourself settle in with others in time.
Aquarius Venus, Gemini Mars: Shuffle

You are persuasive. You are able to see a multiplicity of opposing perspectives not because you want to play sides off one another but because you strive to overcome a point of tension by finding common ground. Those who don’t know you well may think that you tend to thrive in disharmony but this is not true. In fact, you may know many sides but have your own interests, which you almost never disclose explicitly. Your goal is to end conflicts as early as possible while protecting those you feel responsible for. People around you tend to underestimate you but you generally prove that you are more than capable of what you take on. Your parents may have been people with very different viewpoints and you are comfortable with tension.
Aquarius Venus, Cancer Mars: Mischievous

In love, you cast a wide net and are able to get on with almost anyone but you also get hurt easily in life. At some points, you are the life of a party, encouraging others to begin mischievous games and risque conversations. However, your mood can suddenly turn and you may become the type to brood in a corner while others have their fun at a moment’s notice. It is not that you are temperamental—it’s just that you understand your existentialism in different ways. You are talented and you are used to being celebrated for your talent from an early age. This allows you the agility to use your gifts for what you like instead of what you feel like you have to do simply because you are good at any one thing.
Aquarius Venus, Leo Mars: Smart

You are always able to make your point, even if that means making someone else fall flat on their face. You are a gifted storyteller and you gravitate towards dark, dystopian themes with a dash of fun. Whodunit’s with fast paced storylines are especially compelling to you. Really, you just hate to be bored. You live to banter with other people and are especially gifted at starting dialogues between those with very different viewpoints. You are not afraid to push buttons and, in fact, may love the validation that pushing the right conversations brings about. Beware of starting conversations where you feel like you have to prove your own intelligence. You will grow more bored when you feel like you have to come out on top all of the time.
Aquarius Venus, Virgo Mars: Sophisticated

You strive to be casual but you are not. You always notice the subtleties of other people and are incredibly aware of how your every tone change or slight change in pattern might read to other people. You are a master at adopting a practiced personality so that you can settle your mind down. This is why your aesthetic is always extremely curated and why you love to create moodboards with picky ideas of what should be included and should not. In love, you seem more nostalgic than you feel. You understand how to thrive with a partner who you share habits and responsibilities with and, so, you feel the lack of one physically immediately after a breakup.
Aquarius Venus, Libra Mars: Manager

You like to take the high road. When in doubt, you ask everyone around you what their opinions of this and that are so that you are able to integrate all opinions into a mean. Who you don’t listen to is more revealing than those you do since you mostly take note of everyone unless their ideas are too extreme. When you speak, it is hard to dispute with you because your ideas feel objective instead of personal since you appear to speak for many others rather than only for yourself. Make sure that your integrity is not compromised and that, when it is, that you do not attempt to fly high over your own guilt because you are used to a high way of orating.
Aquarius Venus, Scorpio Mars: Different

No one really knows who you are. If someone were to write a biography of your thoughts and feelings, it would take a team of debating scholars who are good at guessing at worldviews based on contradictory evidence. You do not mind doing one thing and saying another when doing so will push your goals further along. This is why you tend to choose partners who are very different from you, because you prefer to create more possibilities through partnership rather than less. You are direct and forceful but you are not simple. You are simply able to communicate complicated ideas in short sentences.
Aquarius Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Friendly

You have a smile for everyone but you never stick too long around a person once you have made the appropriate comments necessary to consider them an acquaintance. There is something goofy about you that makes it feel as though just about anyone can start talking about anything to you without getting dismissed for having the wrong ideas. You are not judgemental and you always strive to know more about a person. When you are thrown off, you don’t show it. Instead, you flash another grin and try to move past the situation immediately. Your style may be dapper because you love to mix the casual and the formal.
Aquarius Venus, Capricorn Mars: Poker Face

You prefer to let your silence speak over your words. While you have an eye for design, you do not truly care enough to style yourself too tediously and you much prefer looser fits that can be adapted for any style. It is often difficult to tell who you like and who you dislike because you are an expert at keeping a poker face for just about anyone. You do not show when you are surprised but you enjoy shocking other people by saying outlandish and strange things in a normal tone of voice. You do not draw attention to yourself by performing or talking loudly but by being genuinely weird and hard to get. It is very easy for you to tune anyone out almost completely.
Aquarius Venus, Aquarius Mars: Big

You believe in either going big or going home. You are not interested in intimate conversations that no one understands and are only interested in talking with as many people as possible. This is why you are drawn towards grandiose themes about life and the world in the movies and books that you watch and read. However, you are not unsubtle. Your way of speaking may have a way of seeming like you are constantly proclaiming things but you are able to make fun of yourself enough that this is not annoying. You do not announce things because you feel that you have more to say than anyone else but simply because you are able to relate to so many people that you simply must start a conversation with.
Aquarius Venus, Pisces Mars: Confounded

You have an incredibly subtle way of thinking through things but this is not communicated fully at any given moment. This is why there will be those who find your style confusing. You like the look of a mismatch over that of a match. You may feel frustrated that other people only seem to know you through one aspect of your personality while you know yourself to be a multiplicity but you also do not like explaining yourself to other people. You do not want to be truncated and understood in brief and, often, you may not feel like socializing at all. You are a private person with many friends and may find yourself having to resist invitations out more often than you’d like.