
Sept. 25, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Chiron is confusing. It's supposed to be our pain and the healer archetype all in one. How is Chiron's pain different than Saturn's pain, or Mars's pain? How is it's methods of healing different than that of the Moon or Mercury? All planets have pain, and they all have healing potential.

The most contemporary Chiron figure we have right now is the main character of the movie Moonlight. According a in a review of Moonlight:

"The centaur Chiron was an outsider in both worlds: He was abandoned by his nymph mother because of his appearance, and yet, because he was the son of a god, he was different from the other centaurs: gentler and less wild. In some Greek art he is depicted with the front legs of a human. In the world of mythology, Chiron isn't like anyone else. He's a character without a peer."

In Katie Sweetman's, of Empowering Astrology, talk on Chiron at the NYC Queer Astrology Conference, she compared Chiron to a knot, rather than a wound. According to Piper Anderson, in a training I participated in on the prison industrial complex, trauma takes the form of a knot.

Anderson told us to wrap a hand into a fist and to try to pry it open with the other hand. Involuntarily, the fisted hand resisted the prying hand. Then, she asked us to wrap our hand very gently around the fisted hand. Also involuntarily, the fisted hand began to relax.

Chiron is a spot in the natal chart that represents pain, which takes the place of a perceived flaw. It's an adolescent wound, because Chiron is an adolescent archetype. Chiron was the teacher of teenagers. When we're teenagers, we aren't children anymore and aren't allowed to participate in adult affairs yet.

There is incredible strength in Chiron, the same way there is incredible strength in the teenager, as someone who is unable to participate in or become understood by society. The teenager sees the world and is completely disenchanted.

Chiron is the teenaged wound that we saw ourselves “getting over” when we were younger, but which had an incredible influence on how we see our own disobedience and disgruntlement as adults. It's the reactions we learned, the strategies we created, and the healing work we found. It's the pain we find ourselves “getting over” again and again.

It's important to take teenage angst very seriously, because it's at the moment of being a teenager that we clash most strongly with adult expectations. Because we haven't taken on the burdens of what our world is, our teenaged selves are when we are most frustrated with what we are discovering it is not.

In Jon Savage's book Teenage: the Prehistory of Young Culture, he traces the history of the adolescent and finds that it's always been defined by crime and the military. When we look back on our teenaged selves, we're looking back on the defining moment of our indoctrination into what we call reality, and all the anger that comes with it. We're looking at a moment when we're most likely to be used, least likely understand the source of our use, and most likely to instinctively feel at odds with the ways we are used.

Teenagers are angry for a reason. Chiron is angry for a reason. Look at your natal Chiron, and figure out where and why you are still angry, frustrated, and angsty. Then, take those reasons very, very seriously because, when you were growing up, none of the adults did. Only when you take your teenaged angst seriously can you become an adult. When you constantly play the role of adult that your teenaged self despised, you relive your teenaged pain over and over again.

Chiron in Aries

You were told that you were too angry, too selfish, and that you weren't allowed to be yourself. You learned to repress your anger rather than express it. Because of this, you learned to prioritize being socially acceptable before your own instincts. To hear your instincts again, you must go against common courtesy and find the means to validate your own anger, so that you are able to use your instincts in your every move.

Chiron in Taurus

Your pain comes from feelings of worthlessness. It is hard for you to feel like you deserve anything in your life. You constantly feel that you have no (social, political, liquid) capital. Your low self esteem can show up in your paycheck. You must define what luxury means to you, apart from capitalism. You must allow yourself the enjoyment of life because no one will give that to you.

Chiron in Gemini

You were either told that you weren't smart enough, or too smart for your own good. Whatever the case, you felt that there was someone else's standard of intelligence that you do not fit into hanging above your head. Define your own learning process, apart from any institution of learning. Be your own teacher and be a student of life. Make making mistakes and asking dumb questions a daily habit.

Chiron in Cancer

Your heart is misunderstood by your own family. You feel that you never never truly belonged anywhere, especially at home. Because of this, you feel an immense pressure to prove yourself in the world. You want to create your own place in the world, because you feel that you were never given one. Going back in time is tough for you, but a necessity. Unpack the politics of belonging within your own family.

Chiron in Leo

You were told that you were too arrogant, and that you should not wish to be most special than anyone else. You have a fear of commanding more attention than you are capable of maintaining and that, if you are given attention, that others will eventually find you common and repulsive. You fear being outcast. Do not let these fears keep you from enjoying your talents. Find the courage to feel seen.

Chiron in Virgo

A fixed mindset made you fear the beginning of any process, because you never want to mess up. Perfectionism taught you that there is a fixed way of doing things, and that you are never able to meet the standards that exist. Let yourself feel the power of failure. Failure happens when you are still learning. Resist the temptation of thinking that is is possible to know everything.

Chiron in Libra

You never seemed to measure up to your peers. You grew up mimicking the people around you, because you were afraid of what would happen if you were unlike them. You were compared to other kids, by parents and friends. It is important for you to realize the social context of your childhood, because class, race, and gender defined so much of it. When you do this, you can begin to understand your anxieties about social station or status.

Chiron in Scorpio

You were taught, when growing up, that it is safer to deny your own power. It is safer to deny that you have any power, to resist having any, and to repress frustrations with being disempowered. Your fear of social influence causes you to isolate yourself and build your walls high. It will benefit you to define your own values and create goals for what you want to create power for, rather than fearing or seeking power for its own sake.

Chiron in Sagittarius

You were told that you had to develop a sense of responsibility and to cut your curiosity in half. This led you to feel that living has no meaning, and that to find truth, one must cease to exist in reality. In actuality, you have been completely misunderstood. You must develop your own ideology to figure out how to make your ideals understood. Find your sense of adventure how believe in something that doesn't depress you.

Chiron in Capricorn

You grew up too early. You had to take on responsibilities unfit for someone your age when you were younger. You were not able to achieve something that you wanted to achieve. You often feel that this was because you lacked control when you were younger. Actually, what you desperately need is a healthy dose of inspiration. You have the capacity to be a role model, as long as you find your own mentors and friends.

Chiron in Aquarius

You never seemed to fit in. You were always the weird kid, who everyone either enjoyed or despised, or a good dose of both, as a freak. Over identifying with the freak identity can make you seek out positions of being marginalized because your fear of never finding acceptance. Remind yourself that it's your differences which are shared by those around you. What makes you outcast is what gives you an incredible empathy.

Chiron in Pisces

You adopted a habit of feeling hopeless to deal with a things when they got too tough. As a result, you may find yourself over investing in already failed or hopeless causes, just to preserve a victim identity. A lack of faith keeps you from effective action. What you need is to realize your own capability. Find the means to do something that you know will succeed, rather than something you know will fail.

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