Grand Air Trine

July 20, 2021, 10:39 a.m.

Grand air trines are funny, witty, and charismatic but they are also people who may say very little. Grand air trines are obviously intelligent but they’re flexible. There isn’t any one way that they tend to be or to act. They’re people who listen first and then act second. They make you feel comfortable because they’re picking up on your mannerisms and reflecting it back without even making you aware of it.

You don’t really know whether a grand air trine likes you. You might think that they’re pleasant to be around or that you wouldn’t mind inviting them to the things that you go to but there are always parts of a grand air trine that are a little cryptic—a little mysterious.

The thing about the air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—is that two of the three are the signs in which the Sun finds its detriment or fall. The planet that does the best in the air signs is Saturn, who exalts in Libra, rules Aquarius, and rules Gemini by triplicity.

Grand air trines love confusion because that is where they learn about themselves and the world. They’re not threatened by not having the answers. They love that moment of asking a question that no one in the room knows the answer too and seeing the gears in everyone’s heads start to whir. Confusion is how they bring disparate people into the room together. Confusion, and the willingness to entertain it, is intimacy.

Confusion works for knowledge but against identity. Grand air signs are not content to simply be but they are always in the act of becoming. Because grand air trines doubt everything, they also doubt that they are the people they are believed to be—that they believe themselves to be. They’re Hamlet, wondering if he is to be or not to be. They’re not content with survival. They don’t feel that they have to prove themselves. They want life to be more interesting than just staying alive.

Wherever a grand air trine might appear, they invite into the space the double. The double does not have to be a person. The double can be a question, an idea, or a complaint. The double elaborates on the values of the space by bringing up the “what if.” What if agreement is an illusion? What if the future version of you dissented with the decisions made by the present day version of you? What if the work is unsettling is never quite done?

But a grand air trine doesn’t ask unsettling questions to create conflict. This grand trine hinges on Venus. They ask to terrify but their terror is an invitation. They see nothing wrong with living in the same house of fear together. That, after all, is where the best jokes are made.

Whether grand air trines are comedians or journalists or librarians or friends, what they are first and foremost are philosophers. They are not quite wonderers because they are too smart and savvy. Instead, what they create is complexity. Complexity is necessary if we strive to be inclusive. This is something that grand air trines know well.

My second favorite thing about grand air trines is their sense of humor. They have a dry wit, not easily scrutable, like a sly smile that you only see if you are really looking. But my favorite thing about grand air trines is that they do not enter into relationship with you with any agenda or with assumptions but simply allow their open hearts to invite the new into their lives. Grand air trines do not know who you are (they scarcely know who they themselves are) and they never seek to make existence a solution. Instead, they take on the work of endless description after description and description with you as double, clown, and partner in crime.

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