Pisces Venus, ____ Mars

Aug. 5, 2021, 10:27 a.m.

Venus has a lot to do with how we receive and accept other people. Mars has to do with our drives. Together, they can tell us a lot about how we function relationally, aesthetically, and cooperatively. While it’s always informative to check the ruler of the sign that your Venus or Mars is in, as well as the houses in which you have Aries-Libra or Taurus-Scorpio, you can learn about your cooperation style and style in general from your Venus-Mars combo.

Here is a bit of info about how each Mars sign behaves with Venus in Pisces. You can find what your combo is with a natal chart generator. Just look on google!

Pisces Venus, Aries Mars: Lawless

Pisces Venus Aries Mars

You don’t play by the rules. You make your own. You are used to thinking about things in big structures because, often, you want your theories and ideas about relationships to not just be applicable to you but to everyone. Somehow, you are able to do the task of delivering bad news without making anyone hate you. Instead, you understand how to get a large group of people on one side. It can sometimes appear as if you have no enemies but it is not always clear why. You have an easygoing demeanor but, somehow, you get a lot done. No one knows why. You satisfy those who look up to you with your ideals.

Pisces Venus, Taurus Mars: Teletubby

Pisces Venus Taurus Mars

You are fantastic at existence. You just do whatever it is that you want to do and, by just being you, you find that you are charismatic and enjoyable. It’s not that you feel that you have to prove yourself to anyone else in any particular way—it’s just that there is a vividness about you which makes you memorable. You liberate other people by doing things that they might hesitate to do in such a self assured way that one might wonder why there need be any hesitation with selfhood at all. You cannot help but care for people within your vicinity. Because you expect complete gentleness with the world, you often receive gentleness back. When you do not, even when the charges are slight, you have a hard time accepting your heartbreak.

Pisces Venus, Gemini Mars: Soft

Pisces Venus Gemini Mars

Your softness is evident, not just because you are compassionate but also because some of the things that you say are easily skewed when they are understood by different people. This is different from just mental flexibility. You are able to express a wide variety of meanings to a wide variety of people by saying the same thing. You are intelligent about words, what they mean, and what they can mean but you are most intelligent about people. You understand what people want and you understand how to shape a message so that it appeals to the most amount of people possible. In voice and tone, you are soft but your message is always clear.

Pisces Venus, Cancer Mars: How in a weird way

Pisces Venus Cancer Mars

You are good looking even if you are not by conventional standards. You occupy the space of being “hot but—”. You are hot but sad sometimes, or you may be hot but more interesting than expected, or you may even be hot in an ugly way. No matter what you look like, there is a mystery to you as well as a gravitational pull that makes other people just want to look at you. Your hotness is not about your face as much as it is about the intuitive way you know exactly when you show or hide in order to keep everyone interested. Rest assured that other people are looking at you but trying to pretend that they are not. You are not a stranger to the experience of someone else having a crush on you but you do not always appear as the popular type.

Pisces Venus, Leo Mars: Classic

Pisces Venus Leo Mars

You are charismatic in that bright, shiny, old fashioned way. In matters of charm, you do what works and what works well. You are good at pointing attention towards what is understated and keeping attention there. This is why you do not hurry in your actions. You know that it is much more impressive to move slowly rather than harriedly. You do not sacrifice appearance for the sake of speed. Your mission in life is to do what you do well as much as you can while looking as good as possible doing it. While your priorities may seem simple, this commitment actually allows you to explore your craft deeply and fully. You keep your promises to yourself.

Pisces Venus, Virgo Mars: Distinctive

Pisces Venus Virgo Mars

You aren’t like everyone else even when you blend in. You walk the line between sharing identity with other people and having a distinct style that makes you stand out. You are strange but in a normal way. You put a lot of effort into your relationships, especially when they are not going well, and you do not always expect the same amount of effort back. You understand the art of yearning well. There is a sensitivity to you and, because of that, you do not enjoy too much attention. You can become worried about what other people have to say about you. You are attracted to quiet and solitude with company.

Pisces Venus, Libra Mars: Romantic

Pisces Venus Libra Mars

You fall in love with love itself. You are able to take almost any subject matter, even mundane or horrific ones, and turn them into sensations of romance. This is because you can find a way to fall in love with almost anyone. It can be hard for you to say no to a romantic partner, especially if it looks as though they may need your help. Be careful of scams because you are susceptible to falling for them. There is a gentleness about you but there is a sense of torment in your romanticism as well. You are not simply in love when you fall for someone but tormented by limerence.

Pisces Venus, Scorpio Mars: Goth

Pisces Venus Scorpio Mars

You are often torn between wanting to appease the people who you know you can help and making your own way in the world. Often, you do not know whether you want company or if you want to be alone. This is because you are able to be charming even when you are in the worst of spirits. In fact, you may be especially funny and bewilderingly cool when you are feeling down. When you are in love, you feel captured by the other person. You will always pursue those you enjoy and are used to getting what you want. You expect desire to make you totally transparent to the one you desire. This is why it is so thrilling but frightening for you to admit to having feelings for someone.

Pisces Venus, Sagittarius Mars: Relatable

Pisces Venus Sagittarius Mars

If there is one thing that you are exceptional at, it is the art of making people who know you feel like you understand everything there is about them. You know how to make someone else put them in your shoes. This is not an easy task because it requires that you know not only yourself but also other people. This is why you are able to get a huge number of people excited about big ideas. You are very wacky but you wear your wackiness in stride, almost ignoring it in favor of a more typical type of charm. People who expect you to be very weird are surprised at your normalcy and people who expect you to be very normal are surprised at your strangeness.

Pisces Venus, Capricorn Mars: Dreamy

Pisces Venus Capricorn Mars

You are able to draw what is secret into perspective. It can sometimes feel as though you are able to become anyone that anyone may demand. You are a walking dream, it appears, striding your way into other people’s lives. You are also fascinated with dreams and with fiction. Acting comes naturally to you and you are able to do incredibly precise impressions of other people. You almost always meet expectations and you are able to embody the highest hopes of what someone might need from a person. Take care to not allow other people to idealize you. It can be difficult to convince someone that you are not an idea but an actual human being.

Pisces Venus, Aquarius Mars: Forward

Pisces Venus Aquarius Mars

You’re a leader by example. When you seek to push ideas, you try to embody those very principles by continued daily practice. This is why, though you are idealistic, you will always mediate those ideals based on what you, yourself, are capable of accomplishing. You are drawn towards the future rather than the past but believe that the future does not come without effort. Your optimism holds you but it is your pragmatism that drives you. You are interested in the fates of many worlds and not just the world that you live in. This makes you curious and approachable.

Pisces Venus, Pisces Mars: Sad Horny

Pisces Venus Pisces Mars

Desire, for you, is most beautiful when it is also uncompleted. You love to yearn towards a lost lover, a mistaken identity, and towards a lost relationship. It is not that you love to be sad but that there is beauty in sadness that you feel compelled to explore. You are a fantastic poet. You are deeply uninterested in useful things or being of use—in fact, it angers you to feel exploited. You don’t feel like you need to explain yourself in order to say no to things and you frequently disappear from the room when you feel like it. It is difficult to meet you. You identify more with animals than with other people. You cry inexplicably over small things but feel like you can’t release true heartbreak.

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