Capricorn North Node, Cancer South Node

Aug. 20, 2021, 9:24 a.m.

My references for Capricorn north node Cancer south node will mostly be millennials and gen x. Now and then, I get a stray boomer who also has this nodal axis but those visits are infrequent. I haven’t met any gen z people with this nodal axis. The youngest age group with Capricorn north node Cancer south node turned eleven in 2021 and I only work with adults.

This means that I have rarely met a Capricorn north node Cancer south node person who was raised in what we might think about as a “traditional” family setting. This is a big deal because a lot of what I had learned about this nodal axis had to do with family traditions. This is the domicile and detriment of the Moon itself reflected through the nodes, after all. But neither millennials or gen x grew up with traditional families.

Gen x, or, as I like to think of them—the L word generation, is an age group that wonders at what being together with people even really means. They grew up with family values, theoretically, but they rarely saw those same rules modeled by the adults around them. They grew up in an era of a breaking apart of the couple. I see a lot of gen x with Capricorn north node Cancer south node who experience their nodal stuff through romantic relationships. Not always. But the tendency is there. Romantic relationships and what they mean changed a lot for gen x as they grew up.

Millennials, however, I have noticed, tend more to find that their nodal issues show up with work. It isn’t because millennials are more traditional or not than gen x or that they have more relationship stuff figured out. It’s just that millennials were tasked with figuring out how to survive in a more precarious economy. And so, a lot of security fears show up with the question of how rent will be paid and whether a workplace is taking care of them rather than with a romantic partner.

Assumptions about Capricorn North Node, Cancer South Node

The assumption, with Capricorn north node Cancer south node, is that these people are sheltered. With this assumption is the assumption that the home is a shelter.

Not everyone finds that the home is a shelter and that the family is a shelter. In fact, very few people do. I have met a lot of Capricorn north node Cancer south node people who have experienced home as a cult, as a danger, and as an inconstant thing that never quite seems accessible.

Most Capricorn north node Cancer south nodes are afraid of being controlled. This may be shocking because so many stereotypes around this nodal axis are about the tendency to let themselves be controlled by someone else! There’s the idea that Capricorn north node Cancer south node has to will themselves to break out of the family, that they have to affirm themselves as individuals, and that they have to push themselves to leave the womb.

This leads us to the other assumption about Capricorn north node Cancer south node, that somehow this nodal axis is meant to be a #girlboss. This assumption is ridiculous because there is no safety in being a #girlboss because there is no safety in capitalism.

Capricorn north node Cancer south node does need independence. However, the struggle for independence is not sudden. It’s not like they wake up one day and realize that they need to break free. The struggle for independence is lifelong. Capricorn north node Cancer south node people struggled for independence as babies, as children, and as teenagers. The ways that they struggled for freedom sometimes don’t look like what they are. Sometimes, once Capricorn north node Cancer south node are adults they grow tired of struggling. And then the struggle changes.

Security Issues: Cancer South Node

What Cancer south needs to get straight is the difference between empathy and burden. A lot of Cancer south node people are born feeling as though they are supposed to solve the issue that is the family. A lot of them feel like they have to take on the responsibility of carrying a parent’s feelings for them. A lot of Cancer south node people thought that, if only they could predict what everyone else was feeling all of the time, that they could finally figure out how to be safe.

Cancer south node is afraid that, if they are unable to guess correctly what another person is feeling or unable to predict their responses to whatever Cancer south node wants to do, that they will get in trouble. There is a similarity to Capricorn south node here. While Capricorn south node is saddled with the guilt that results from a fear that they do not live up to what they owe to others, Cancer south node tries to avoid guilt by becoming exactly what other people need at any given moment.

Cancer south node, contrary to popular opinion, can be just as emotionally guarded as a Capricorn south node. However, instead of shutting their emotions down, they avoid emotions by borrowing the emotions of another person. They borrow emotions because being together in a feeling seems safer than being alone in one.

Cancer south node feels more secure when they are most needed. They want to be needed because being needed, they think, means that they won’t be excluded. They often learn, the hard way, that this isn’t true. You can be made to feel needed, or even convince yourself that you are not allowed to leave because you are needed, in a relationship or job or family, without being included or understood.

And Cancer south node thinks that they are yearning to be understood. When they are faced with guilt, when they feel that they did not meet someone’s expectations of who they are supposed to be, they are forthcoming and vulnerable. They are ready to explain their entire trauma history because they showed up late to an interview. They over explain because they think that, if only they can get someone to understand them as they understand others, that they will be delivered into safety.

Cancer south node, a lot of the time, feels unsafe. They feel unsafe in their bodies, out in public, and sometimes even with their friends. The reason they want to feel needed, the reason they borrow another person’s feelings just so that they are less alone, is because they are responding to the suspicion that safety is not something that can be discovered.

Fears: Capricorn North Node

A lot of Capricorn north node people grow up trying to push against the rules of the family. A lot of Capricorn north node people grew up feeling like they were not understood by the family. A lot of Capricorn north node people grew up having to anticipate the needs of overly restrictive or authoritarian parents. Maybe it was the church or an immigrant family that was afraid of the outside world or a patriarchal ideology—whatever it was, Capricorn north node learned how to anticipate it, when to push against it, and how to avoid it.

This means that the thing Capricorn north node is most afraid of is that they will let down the people who need them the most. They are afraid that disappointing other people will lead to their eventual abandonment. They are also afraid of being unneeded because they learned that being needed means that you have a place in the family, even if you don’t like that place very much.

When Capricorn north node feels safe, they are rebellious and tenacious people. It’s when they feel that safety is threatened or precarious that they start to over explain themselves, hoping that a sympathetic ear will come in and save them.

Because Capricorn north node people learned that safety was about disappearing behind someone else’s needs, they are afraid to make themselves bigger. Despite all their pushing against authority, they can find themselves afraid of actually winning. This is because Capricorn north node has learned how to push when they know that the answer is no.

What Capricorn north node is afraid of is the possibility that the answer doesn’t have to be no, that they don’t have to ask for permission for doing things, and that they will lose their guilt over things that give them pleasure. They are afraid of giving themselves permission because they fear that not having to ask for permission or fight for it will make them lose control.

Healing and Growth

Have you noticed a pattern with Capricorn north node Cancer south node?

Capricorn north node Cancer south node is rebellious when they think that they can’t win and can’t be left behind because they are also trapped. They’re rule driven and can become controlling when they finally find that freedom their childhood selves yearned so much for. But then they act out and buckle against anyone who tries to control them.

What Capricorn north node Cancer south node is really learning is that safety is not something that another person can give them. They are learning that there is no savior coming for them. There is not a single partner or job out there that will give them immaculate and eternal security. They are learning that there is no safety in codependency. This nodal axis has Cinderella dreams of a prince or job taking them away to a place where their safety cannot be interrupted. They are learning that such a place cannot be given to them because, if it is, then it will never be safe. They are learning that the world is precarious and that safety is constructed.

Because safety is constructed, it must also be built. Capricorn north node Cancer south node is learning how to build their own safety. There are many forms of safety—financial safety, social safety, housing security, or safety in one’s own body. But none of these types of safety arise spontaneously. They are all cultivated. They all take intentional effort. They are all constructed and exist if you and the community around you believe that they exist at the same time.

Capricorn north node Cancer south node is very, very good at living in the same reality as other people. They are very good at gathering people. Remember how they learned how to predict people’s responses and emotions for them? The reason Capricorn north node Cancer south node has this skill set is not because they are meant to use it to appease authority or anyone who scares them. They have this skill set because they are able to convince people that safety is possible if we all believe in it at the same time together.

Sure, Capricorn north node Cancer south node thrives when they accept responsibility. But responsibility isn’t individual. Capricorn north node Cancer south node grew up overly responsible—responsible for feelings that they can’t control. They are learning that there is a difference between what they have control over and what they do not. And, most incredibly, they are learning that the responsibility of what they do not have control over is shared. They are realizing that they do not need to explain themselves to be understood because they have always been understood by those they share responsibility with.

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