Pisces North Node, Virgo South Node

Oct. 15, 2021, 8:33 a.m.

Most of the people who I have talked to with Pisces north node and Virgo south node are either in their 30s or 50s. People who have Pisces north node Virgo south node in their thirties tend to have Saturn in either Sagittarius or Capricorn. A lot of them also tend to have Chiron in Gemini, bending their nodes. Folks with Pisces north node Virgo south node in their 50s have Saturn in Taurus and most of the ones I’ve talked to from that generation tend to have an oppositional Jupiter in Scorpio.

It was my friend Maya who really clarified the Pisces north node Virgo south node for me. She told me that people of her age have a lot of wounds around their voice. They are people who are unsure of whether the stories that they have to tell about themselves are the right ones, if other people will “get” those stories, and about whether there are too many stories like theirs.

People in their 50s with Pisces north node Virgo south node have a similar issue, except that they are farther along in their lives. I’ve noticed that everyone with Pisces north node Virgo south node deals with something that is similar to envy but isn’t quite envy. They do a lot of comparison of self with other people but it’s not exactly about wanting what other people have. It’s this anxiety around either blending in too much with the group or around not being like other people at all and getting left behind.

Pisces north node Virgo south node people are elated that they’re not like everyone else but they’re also terrified of it. Pisces is where Venus, the planet of social expectations, exalts and Virgo is where it falls. South node in Virgo is about difference. North node in Pisces is about wanting acceptance.

Assumptions about Pisces North Node, Virgo South Node

I have noticed that people with Pisces north node Virgo south node do have very critical inner voices, that they often seek to protect themselves by being hard on themselves before anyone else can, but also that it doesn’t usually show up in the ways that we expect it to.

Classic delineations for Pisces north node Virgo south node is about nitpickiness, about oversensitivity, and about prudishness. Pisces north node Virgo south node is thought of to be that person who is critical of everyone and can’t settle for anything less than perfection. I haven’t found this to be the case.

One thing that I have noticed about Pisces north node Virgo south node is, and I mean this in the gentlest of ways, that they are a mess. They typically have a million and a half things going on, feel like they’re constantly having to navigate friend group drama, and like sticking to a basic routine will drive them up the wall.

The other thing that I have noticed from Pisces north node Virgo south node, particularly for those in their 30s, is that there are a lot of stoners with this nodal axis. Now, when I say stoners, I’m not talking about people who smoke every now and then. I’m talking about people who spend years of their lives at least semi-stoned and needing weed to relax. This isn’t a judgment. We will talk about why I think Pisces north node Virgo south node seems to consume more weed than other people a bit later.

Security Issues: Virgo South Node

The south node of the Moon is about what the Moon has learned to internalize. Virgo is where Mercury enjoys its domicile and exaltation. It’s where Venus suffers a fall.

South node in Virgo is about labor. This is because Mercury is the planet of labor. What south node in Virgo is about, is the assumption that it is much safer to earn than to receive. It’s the assumption that you can’t really take what is given to you, that life holds no gifts, and that trust is not given but earned. South node in Virgo is about needing to earn everything, even those things that are impossible to earn, like love or trust or desire.

I meet a lot of Virgo south node people who have inherited a type of work or a type of mentality around work from a family member. There’s immigrants whose presences in a nation-state often have to do with their ability to work, there’s folks whose mothers worked before there were a variety of jobs available for women, and there’s those who were told that things like beauty and grace are things that are earned through pain and labor.

It’s not that Virgo south node is a workaholic. This is a south node that is harsh but it is often harsh on the person who has south node in Virgo and not a south node that lashes out at anyone in its vicinity. In fact, part of the work of labor is also the work of pretending that you are not working hard at all. Virgo south node people are often laidback in personality. They often cultivate this laidbackness by constantly scrambling to be where their every friend needs them to be, by hiding needs of self, and by constantly trying to be available.

Labor is about treating the self as if it were disposable. Virgo south node does this because it believes that there is more safety in a useful self than a useless self. They are concerned with what they can do rather than what constant availability might do to them. They might feel a sense of anger towards those who seem too haughty, at those who are privileged enough to take a day off now and then. They might feel an overwhelming anger at other people’s boundaries and at other people’s limits. This is because Virgo south node doesn’t think that there is safety in having limits at all. They believe that safety can only be earned when you push past your limits.

Pain is also a big part of labor. This is what Virgo south node struggles with the most—integrating their pain into their identities. And why not? Pain is senseless. It is nonsense. There is no use in pain and the best kind of pain in the type that can be kept out of the way.

Fears: Pisces North Node

Pisces north node is about the difficulty of accepting pain. The hardest thing about Pisces north node is that Pisces happens to represent things that cannot be earned—it represents beauty, whimsicalness, and romance. It represents self acceptance, which is not something that can be earned through labor but must be accepted through understanding.

Pisces north node is always working to improve what they seek to heal. This healing does not work through willpower or criticism or strategy. The healing that Pisces north node seeks works through a self understanding that can only exist when pain is known and understood,

Pisces north node is terrified of their pain. They tell themselves that it does not really exist, that it is useless, that it is unimportant, and that life is able to go on without this recognition of hurt. They tell themselves that they are not really afraid of their pain but that they just don’t have time for it. They tell themselves that they don’t have the privilege of processing pain, that they don’t have options, and that everyone expects them to be people who take pain in stride so that they can keep on moving.

Because Pisces north node tends to deal with pain through dismissal, they are often unaware that they are scared of anything at all. This, I think, is why there are so many Pisces north node people who are stoners. Weed is really good at managing pain, at managing fear, and at managing anxiety. However, it is a drug that is not associated with breakdowns or with personal weakness. Weed is cool. It’s just weed. It’s used to relax—cool and relaxed people smoke weed.

But Pisces north node is not about managing pain. It’s not about improving the self despite pain. Pisces north node is about understanding what pain is trying to do for you. There is a specific purpose that pain serves, despite its uselessness. It is something that understands you better than you know.

Healing and Growth

Pain shows us that we are human and that we are alive. Pain shows us what we do not need to do and what we are incapable of doing. Pain also shows us that we do not need to be perfect. Pain shows us the parts that need the most self forgiveness.

Pisces north node Virgo south node carries every transgression of self like a bag of coins that it is afraid to spend. They don’t forget every time that they have wronged a friend or suffered a friend wronging them. They carry these pieces around afraid to look at them too closely because they are afraid that they are unforgivable.

Pisces north node Virgo south node heals and grows when they allow themselves to forgive where there are wrongs. They heal when they realize that they might do a friend wrong but that this friend might forgive them when they understand that they were in a place of pain. They grow when they learn how to forgive those who have done them wrong, when they realize that their pain does not make them more alone but that pain is something that most people know.

Forgiveness, you see, is the thing that can’t be earned. If you could earn forgiveness, then it wouldn’t be forgiveness. Forgiveness is not about allowing someone back into your life once they have changed. Forgiveness is about understanding that not everyone will change but that it is okay and often necessary to understand their pain anyway, whether or not you let them back into your life. Forgiveness doesn’t have to be about being someone’s friend again. Forgiveness is about not excusing the pain that you experienced by blaming yourself, saying that you pick the wrong people. Forgiveness is about understanding the permanency of pain.

The thing is, pain is inevitable. There is no amount of work, of becoming faster and stronger and better, that will deliver you from your pain. You cannot earn your way out of pain. What makes pain scary is that it cannot be controlled. You do not choose when you are hurt—you cannot avoid it by making smarter choices or by avoiding certain things. You are not able to earn your way into labor that does not hurt you. Because the responsibility of harm is in the hands of those who harm, you cannot control the pain that you experience.

Pisces north node Virgo south node is terrified of forgiveness because, by not forgiving themselves, they hang onto this idea that pain could have be avoided if only they didn’t fuck up that one time. But this isn’t true. It would be fantastic if it were true but it’s not. If the pain that they experienced wasn’t their fault, that also means that there is no guarantee that it won’t happen again.

And that’s the thing about forgiveness—it’s about accepting pain, accepting harm, and accepting what you remember to be true. Part of accepting pain is about accepting the possibility for it to happen again—it’s about accepting the self in pain and about truth. It’s about understanding the integrity of the self, about understanding the integrity of worship, and about realizing that the body does not become stronger when it is treated as more disposable. When you realize that you are not disposable, anger comes, grief comes, and sometimes fear too. And these feelings are important enough to be cherished.

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