Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018

Nov. 3, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

Jupiter in Sagittarius is also the Year of the Pig in the Chinese zodiac. The pig is a sign that has a lot more yin energy than yang, since it happens near the height of winter, close to the new moon, or close to midnight. It's the sign right before full yin, with just a little bit of yang that is close to disappearing.

This means that the Year of the Pig is full of subconscious energy. When Jupiter was in Scorpio, we saw empowerment of marginalized identities through the mass branding of taboo. When Jupiter first entered Scorpio, the #metoo movement happened. As Jupiter goes home into Sagittarius, ideologies become processes of legislation. In the Year of the Earth Pig, politics are not idealistic but material.

It's one year before 2020, so we'll have to see who we can vote for next year. Politics in America is really a marketing game and of course a reality show star with a lot of money, in the last cycle, was able to win.

We're all living in the same time frame of late stage capitalism, when class struggle is a brand. Whether we're people who are marked by being radicalized or gendered, people who aren't able to claim a so called neutral position, and whose identities as brands are highly visible, or white men who are able to go about the world without thinking of race or gender, whose identities as brands are not so visible, it's our struggle that's commodified and sold back to us.

Identity politics is class struggle, and it's been commodified for decades. And we haven't been the customer of this social economy for a very long time. We, and our attention, are the product itself.

What do you want to do with that?

It's time for white men to stop assuming that their “class” struggle (which is seen as more legitimate due to their invisible race and gender) as more materialist and less idealist than other people's politics. Race and gender have material consequences. We're all getting poorer and poorer.

Jupiter in Sagittarius wants to ask you, what do you want to do about it? Use your imagination.

November 2018 has Mercury retrograding in Sagittarius, right next to it's sister planet Jupiter. We might feel the need to scream and shout about something. We might get into fights that shake our frames.

It's time to. Jupiter in Scorpio was a power play. The pay off was that our ways of thinking had to get more rigid. Jupiter in Sag is more about loose, experimental thinking. It's about thinking something that we can't believe we had the audacity to say out loud. It's less about power and more about freedom. What does freedom, outside of any mass produced image, whether that's from Harry Potter or the Hunger Games or Westworld or Rick and Morty, look like for you? A blank slate is a good place to start.

All these media products sell liberation back to you. America's claim to soft power is founded on the image of liberalism and a so called free market (which is actually intensely regulated). We all buy it because we buy into it.

I'm not sure what liberation looks like at all so I don't know what it can look like for you. However, I can give you some pointers of where you should look and what you should pay attention to as you create new types of liberation in your life. Based on your rising sign, here are a few places you should do the work of defining liberation in your life:


Try to create liberation within institutions, classrooms, publications, propaganda, religion, and misinformation.


Try to create liberation within relationships, resource sharing, intimacy, sexual politics, partnerships, and collaborations.


Try to create liberation through relationships, social alliances, enemies, publicity, social media, visibility, and representation.


Try to create liberation through your labor, your daily schedule, your relationship to your body, your priorities, and your acts of service.


Try to create liberation with your love, your creativity, through play, spontaneously, with pleasure, and through enjoyment.


Try to create liberation through your heritage, your family, your roots, your repressions, your shame, and your home.


Try to create liberation through your language, your assimilation, your associations, your networks, and your complications.


Try to create liberation through your values, using your resources, through your money, your self worth, and your nurture.


Try to create liberation through your identity, your image, your perspective, your gaze, and your lens.


Try to create liberation through your imagination, your fantasies, your narratives, your purpose, and how you define meaning.


Try to create liberation within your communities, your friendships, your inspirations, and your sense of future.


Try to create liberation using your reputation, your goals, your oppression, your struggle, and your sense of (un)reality.

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