Loving Venus In Aries

Feb. 14, 2022, 5:47 p.m.

Venus in Aries in a contradictory Venus. It’s a Venus that, when things feel too deep, tries to draw away and make light of the moment. It’s a Venus that, when things feel too skimmed through, tries to push everyone’s heads underwater.

Venus in Aries is that annoying urge to push your best friend, who happens to be very scared of the water, straight into the pool. It’s sometimes the mischievousness of doing all kinds of things in an attempt to get someone who won’t look your way to trip over their own two feet just to get a second glance at you. It’s often the urge to flee when too many people expect to come out and do this thing right now.

This is a Venus that doesn’t like to be told what to do. You simply cannot tell an Aries Venus what to do. Loving a Venus in Aries is about loving someone who can’t be told what to do.

You see, Venus in Aries may like to win but it doesn’t like to play another person’s game. Sometimes, it’s surprising how uncompetitive Venus in Aries is. This is because Venus in Aries drops out when it senses that it has no stake in the game.

Venus in Aries chooses what it pays attention to. You don’t get to choose for it. And Venus in Aries will only do things if there is some meaning at stake.

This is a Venus that hunts. However, Venus in Aries, being a Venus in detriment, is often a Venus that doesn’t know what the hell it is doing. A good hunter lays in wait, observes, and moves at the right moment. A Venus in Aries in pursuit behaves rather like a chad. It comes full force, revealing all of its colors, sits down in front of you and says, “I like you SO much. Don’t you like me too?”

There’s no games with a Venus in Aries. There’s barely any flirting. There’s no lengthy pursuit. There’s point A and point B. Aries Venus cares about the distance between these two points and why they have not made you fall in love with them yet.

Sometimes, loving a Venus in Aries is about loving adrenaline and fear. Being pursued by a Venus in Aries and pursuing as a Venus in Aries is, quite simply, very scary. There are no illusions and allusions. There is only a direct and candid expression of vulnerability. This is terrifying.

What Venus in Aries wants most of all is not a weight to their scale, someone to balance their talents and flaws, or someone who murmurs over their wounds or even someone who waits for them. What Venus in Aries wants most of all is simply a partner in crime. This isn’t a Venus that is concerned about doing good and making sure that they are seen doing good. This is a Venus that moves with action first. Venus in Aries wouldn’t be caught dead talking about their good works. Venus in Aries acts and then wonders what it all means later. They need to be able to move and thinking about things before moving means wasting valuable motivation and time. This is why Aries Venus is so hopelessly attracted to mischievousness. Embodying mischievousness gives them the permission that they need to move at the pace they need.

Venus in Aries doesn’t care about how they are seen. This is the Venus with the rumpled collar, with the bed head, and with the mismatched socks, sloppily dressed with shoes always worse for wear. Even as artists, Venus in Aries is anti-aesthetic. They have an instinctive derision towards aesthetics. They sense that aesthetics are a kind of bureaucracy that they have no time or patience for. Just get the thing done and how it looks is how it looks. Who gives a shit about anything that is more than what is absolutely instrumental? You’ll notice that Venus in Aries doesn’t usually have a lot of stuff.

In love, Aries Venus wants it hard. They don’t like to share. They’ll deal with sharing a little bit as long as there’s something that they have just for themselves. When they like you, they want you all for themselves. They want to keep you and they want to eat you. Desire, for Venus in Aries, is violently physical. They don’t care for endlessly discussing it or romanticizing it. Remember, Venus in Aries is anti-romance often. They care that desire is carnal and that it’s there and they want to do something about it.

Loving Venus in Aries is about loving the body. It’s about loving what the body does, all of its instantaneous expressions. It’s about loving the way the body cries, unbuckles, and relents when you’re least expecting it. It’s about loving a body uncontrolled.

And, when Aries Venus doesn’t like someone or something, they really can’t be moved otherwise. They’ll change their mind surely and often because this is a cardinal sign but they won’t do it if too many people ask them to. If Venus in Aries likes to win, they always hate being won over.

The most frustrating thing about Venus in Aries is that they’ll sometimes ask you what you like, only to inform you quite plainly that they prefer something different. This doesn’t disturb them. They don’t mind having different preferences. Rather, it stimulates them.

Loving Venus in Aries is about loving difference. It’s about loving acceptance because Venus in Aries believes that acceptance is important not when you are the same but when you are different. When Venus in Aries loves you, they expect you to love yourself as hard and relentlessly as possible. That’s the expectation of Venus in Aries.

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