Now that we've investigated DBSK members individually in the first part of this two part analysis, let's look at some of their relationships.
I'm only using Sun-Moon pairings for this because that's enough. I'll also only compare Sun to Moon and vice versa because that's what I've found works best for basic synastry.

There are three Aquarius Suns in this group. There's a lack of water and emphasis on Aquarius and Sagittarius, signaling lack of intimacy. Yoochun is kind of an odd one out with his Taurus Moon squaring three people's Suns in the fixed signs. Changmin has the only water luminary. It's not a very well rounded group, but one that can get incredibly focused together.

Even before the geese left the flock, we always had the sense that there was a group division right between Jaejoong and Changmin. JYJ just seemed different than the other two members. They were more flamboyant, experimental, and softer in forms of masculinity.
JYJ all have Sun or Moon in Gemini and Sagittarius. The only two members don't have this. There's something goofy about the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. They don't behave but they're very good at making their own publicity.
However, what they're evidently not very good at is planning. Who decides to split from their very commercially successful group that is doing well in a growing Chinese market right after one of the worst recessions of recent history to invest in sheep placenta? The fuck? They should waited a few years for Obama to bail the banks out at least. Not only that, but they literally forgot to get work visas for their first U.S.A. tour and couldn't make any money.
I'm talking about this relationship first because I feel that they're the closest friends, despite never being a popular couple. Jaesu was never promoted for some reason, maybe because both of them had feminine images. However, this is the duo that we see interact the most freely during their off moments. It's Jaejoong and Junsu, together, who prank call Suju when they're resting and there's that fancam of Jaejoong crying and Junsu stroking his hair. After they leave the group, they actually live as next door neighbors voluntarily. That's not usual for coworkers that have been forced to be together since they were literal children.
Jaejoong is a Sagittarius Moon and Junsu a Sagittarius Sun. When people share a sign between Sun and Moon, there's a gravitation. The Sun person will always love to pay attention to the Moon person. In this case, Jaejoong also enjoys Junsu's company as his Sun in Aquarius trines Junsu's Moon is Gemini. Junsu is the most popular member inside the group, with an air Moon in a group that's primarily Aquarius Suns, so Jaejoong welcomes his attention.
JYJ basically clusters around Junsu. Yoochun and Junsu share Gemini with their Sun and Moon. This time, Junsu is the Moon person.
Yoochun is always laughing at things Junsu says, repeating them when he doesn't think anyone heard, cutting in when he's trying to do magic tricks, telling stories about Junsu, or trying to get his attention in other ways. He says Junsu's name a lot. You can tell he thinks Junsu is hilarious and likes to make fun of him.
However, the Moon person doesn't always reciprocate. I don't think Junsu likes Yoochun as much as he is liked. We don't see Junsu initiate contact as much as Yoochun does. When Yoochun calls him, he doesn't always react. When Yoochun was on trial, Junsu was posting silly selfies without a care in the world.
That's because Yoochun is Taurus Moon, which Junsu's Sagittarius Sun just doesn't care about. When Yoochun speaks, watch his eyes kind of glaze over. The slow speed of Yoochun's speech is just too boring for a Sag.
Here, we get a Sun-Moon opposition and square. Yoochun's Sun in Gemini opposes Jaejoong's Moon in Sag. When this happens, the Moon person feels comfortable in the Sun person's presence. When they first debuted, Jaechun were best friends. They got their driving licenses together, Yoochun went home with Jaejoong on holidays, and they dated the same girl.
Jaejoong's volatile Moon would have felt right at home with Yoochun's flakey nature. When you see them together, you get a mean girls vibe. You can just totally see them make fun of everyone else ruthlessly. I believe that they remained friends since they did choose to collaborate together, but I also think part of that was for marketing appeal, since both of them were popular in Japan.
I also think that they fought a lot. Jaejoong Sun in Aquarius and Yoochun's Moon in Taurus would have clashed. Once they had left SM Entertainment, they would go drink at the same bars but separately. They did not choose to be around each other. Jaejoong says that he was annoyed when bartenders kept assuming that he'd want to sit next to or see Yoochun, and that he didn't. In retrospect, now that we know about the rape, it could have been because Jaejoong knew at the time and saw something happen.
Overall, I think they got too close and that closeness brought about an intense clashing.
Even before the split, Yunho and Changmin seemed more obedient and culturally normative than the three other members. It made a lot of sense that they remained with the company. Yunho because he's a traditional figure and Changmin because he wasn't trying that hard anyway/seemed apt to do what he was told.
They sort of make sense together as a concept, not just because they're both tall but because they're both Aquarius Suns. They both look mass produced. Their dance movements read as militant and they can look like clones at least from a distance.
While it makes sense on the surface that Yunho would keep being leader, since Changmin read as wishy washy pre split, that's not what happened. Remember that we're comparing Yunho's Capricorn Moon to Changmin's Aquarius Sun. Aquarius reads things from the top down and doesn't like to be told what to do. When Capricorn claims seniority, Aquarius will find it ridiculous (like the way Changmin seems to think Yunho claiming to be leader of one other person hilarious).
When Sun-Moon combos are adjacent, it's hard for them to see each other. It's like they're existing side by side without really understanding each other's motives. That's what happens with Changmin's Pisces Moon to Yunho's Aquarius Sun too. In both situations, Yunho is the sign that comes before, or the sign in the twelfth house position. Capricorn is before Aquarius and Aquarius is before Pisces. In the relationship, Changmin is the one with the upper hand. Changmin is just more fortunate than Yunho. His luck triumphs Yunho's hard work. While Yunho was working two jobs and sleeping on the street to train, Changmin was scouted by luck alone. Of course Yunho resents him a little. Changmin, in turn, is embarrassed by Yunho sometimes because he can see beyond him.
In interviews today, Changmin seems to have taken his most comfortable position of being really chillax and not making any decisions and letting Yunho do all the work. Though Yunho is technically still the leader, we get the sense that Changmin can cut into his careful and methodical marketing with just a word and have the deciding vote. When they appear in Knowing Brothers, Yunho is the one who has researched the show extensively, talking about how people like to show because people get to make fun of Ho Dong. However, by the end, when the duo loses one of the challenges, he's the one who makes the embarrassing error of seeming entitled to another try because they're Dong Bang Shin Ki before Changmin rebalances the dynamic by pranking him during the blindfolded walk.
Pre-split relationships
This was the most heavily marketed relationship, with Yunho taking on a hard masculine role and Jaejoong taking on a traditional feminine role. It was a pairing that neither were comfortable in.
They're both Aquariuses so they both understood what it meant to play the part in a societal point of view. They both understood how playing characters could reach subcultures that influence the mainstream.
Jaejoong's Sagittarius Moon would have been fine with Yunho's Aquarius Sun but Yunho's Capricorn Moon would have been a little annoying to Jaejoong's Aquarius Sun. If you watch the behind the scenes shooting of Balloons, every single time Yunho enters the room, Jaejoong stops whatever he's doing and leaves or sits down (See the GIF at the beginning of this article for an example of how lethargic Jaejoong was that day). He's visibly upset at one moment and talks to a member of staff looking frustrated. There are other times when they're obviously in a very big fight. Personally, they would have been a little iffy with each other but they didn't exactly play themselves on camera.
The reason they were both uncomfortable with their marketed relationship was because they both despise being in a role altogether. Jaejoong laments “I have this in my head all the time and I'm really starting to think I'm this person.” Later, a director tells him to be who the fans think he is. Contrast this with Jaejoong's hints about queer sexuality in the beginning of his career, which he seemed excited about and came from his own initiative. Yunho, too, initiates queer subtext often, though his Capricorn side seems more comfortable playing a role. Jaejoong's discomfort at yunjae wasn't around the queerness but more because he hated the stereotypical femme ness of his role. He always prefers to shock, whatever wildly inappropriate statement that requires he say.
This is a typical Aquarian dilemma. They truly understand how social roles function, especially queer ones, and they're happy to play them when they're not mainstream but they're finicky about being put in a box. They prefer to freak people out a little. The mass produced and nuclear family oriented nature of yunjae left a bad taste in both of their mouths, but especially Jaejoong's.
Out of everyone, Junsu and Yunho have known each other the longest and are the more comfortable around each other. They share friends, old friendships from before they became famous. They trained together for years before debuting. It's easy to see them as teens, dreaming of the same dreams, lost in a machine together. I'm not sure how close they were, but Yunho's Aquarius Sun trines Junsu's Gemini Moon, making this a friendly relationship.
I was surprised that Junsu let himself get so passive aggressive on Twitter at Yunho in 2011. He's usually spotless at controlling his image.
Yunho's Capricorn Moon is what puts Junsu's Sagittarius Sun in its place. Capricorn has the power to literally cut Sagittarius off. When Yunho thanked Lee Soo Man out of Capricornian professionalism, it cut Junsu's truth seeking Sun deep. He felt betrayed, from an old friend, and hated the inauthenticity. They probably had moments when they complained about the company together. Sagittarius is just shocked that Capricorn would suffer through it and choose respectability and a reliable paycheck over brutal honesty.

I believe that Junsu and Changmin got along well pre split. There's the Gemini Moon to Aquarius Sun combo again, making Junsu well loved. They have a Sun-Moon square, with Junsu's Sagittarius Sun and Changmin's Pisces Moon but mutable squares tend to be less ground moving than fixed ones. They tend to mean a lot of chatter and what drama arises generally doesn't last.
Minsu played a lot of video games together. I'm sure they had their fights, as Junsu's Mars actually conjuncts Changmin's Moon, but neither has the capacity to hold onto their anger. When this happens, the Mars person can be hurtful to the Moon person without realizing it. However, where and how this would have been done would remain unseen, since Pisces expresses itself in unspoken moments.

There is no love here. You almost never see them interact and this makes sense. Yunho's Aquarius Sun makes a fixed square to Yoochun's Taurus Moon. This isn't an easy aspect. There's frustration and anger involved. Both signs are good at keeping their anger wrapped up until it explodes, but it always eventually does.
Yoochun's Gemini Moon would be unable to actually acknowledge Yunho's Capricorn Moon. While Yunho may see Yoochun as someone he actively dislikes, Yoochun just sees Yunho as someone he is fundamentally uninterested in.
In this picture, you can see Yoochun offer a water to Yunho, who tells him to drink. Now Yoochun plays along but he seems pretty annoyed about being told what to do.
For some reason, Changmin always seems to be able to deal with Jaejoong's antics despite him being pretty shy and Jaejoong being kind of mean. Let's look at why.
His Aquarius Sun would have been happy to meet Jaejoong's Sagittarius Moon. Then, his Pisces Sun is able to handle an Aquarius Sun without him really trying. In fact, Changmin's Pisces Moon makes it so that he's not threatened by either Jaejoong nor Yunho.
Both Jaejoong and Yunho's chart lacks water. Junsu and Changmin have the most water out of everyone. They would have both liked being around Junsu and Changmin. We see Jaejoong try to interact with Changmin and we see him not really know what to do with his sensitivity but we never see him be mean in a way that Changmin can't handle.
Watch this interaction between them, where Jaejoong begins by obviously kind of making fun of Changmin and his straightness. Changmin looks very uncomfortable but confuses and diffuses it eventually with a turn of phrase.

Micky and Minnie - I honestly don't know about this one. We see them together a lot but only with Junsu in the same room. Junsu, as we talked about, is a terrific equalizer in the entire DBSK dynamic. However, that could just be their managers encouraging them to hang out since they're the youngest three.
Here, we have two Sun-Moon squares, both fixed and mutable. Yoochun's Gemini Sun squares Changmin's Pisces Moon. Changmin's Aquarius Sun squares Yoochun's Taurus Moon.
We do see Yoochun be kind of cutting to Changmin, especially in the early days. He laughs too hard at Changmin's expense sometimes and seems to do things that throw him off a little. However, later on, especially after their Japanese debut, they seem to have found a comfortable zone ganging up on Junsu, who can very well take it and laugh, instead.
Water conquers air (Pisces-Gemini) and air conquers earth (Aquarius-Taurus). The reason we often see Yoochun in a bad mood, looking less then thrilled, and sometimes ignoring everyone like he seemed to be all of 2006 may be just because he's a lone Taurus Moon in a room full of Aquariuses all the time. Unlike Junsu who is accepted by everyone, he naturally rubs everyone the wrong way.
So, I think yoomin were not especially close because Yoochun already has enough to deal with and Changmin doesn't like to start drama. They work better in a group dynamic than one on one. Mutable squares can set off interesting conversations, so they might have had some good times together too, but I don't think they would have gotten close enough to fight for real at any point. I can also see them hating each other's guts. However, in 2009 there was a moment where they were in the same building together on accident and SM had to put out a press release saying that they weren't the ones with beef.
Why don't I think they were worst enemies even though their charts aren't that compatible? Besides Junsu leveling things out, they're the ones who became idols with the least amount of effort. I don't think either of them had as much to lose as Junsu, who spent his entire childhood training, or Jaejoong, who was basically a teenage runaway, or Yunho, who was homeless. Still, I don't think they could have ever gotten close with one another despite being the only chill members in a group of intensely ambitious people.