Loving Venus In Taurus

March 3, 2022, 9:48 a.m.

Loving Venus in Taurus is loving a Venus that wants—needs—to be sure before it is willing to move. This isn’t a Venus that’s about throwing your hat away and jumping into the ring to just see what happens. It’s a Venus that is used to playing the part of the emotional bedrock so well that they sometimes forget that love is not a duty but a choice. Loving Venus in Taurus is a Venus that is sure that it is meant to provide, provide, and provide.

Venus in Taurus is a domicile Venus. I like to think of domicile planets as older sibling planets. This is a Venus that is like an older sibling—a Venus that is in charge of feeding, of bringing together, and of playing.

What I see what Venus in Taurus over and over again—I see adults who, as children, fed their siblings growing up, I see people who provide funding to their communities, I see organizers who make places for everyone who wants to move with them, I see workers who support a family member or partner or employee even if that means working multiple jobs.

With Venus in Taurus, I see people who are in charge of providing. Venus in Taurus gives sometimes because they want to, sometimes because they choose to, and sometimes because giving is a duty of its own.

It is much easier for a Venus in Taurus to work to provide something to another person. It is a Venus that cleans up after other people, organizes the community dinners, and organizes the storage closet. It is much harder for Venus in Taurus to accept that these things can be done by someone else.

Venus in Taurus provides because of generosity of heart and also, sometimes, because they might be afraid of what will happen should their generosity become expected, decided upon by people who are not them, and orchestrated into another person’s plan. Venus in Taurus is afraid of being left with the duty of providing but without choice.

“What if someone else does it wrong? In a way that disrupts the group? It has to be me.” “What happens to me if I’m not there to provide? Do I lose my identity? It has to be me.” “People expect me to provide. People expect that I behave a certain way and they have come to expect certain things from me. I have to do it this way.”

This is why Venus in Taurus is a Venus that only moves in certainty. It is the Venus of slow decisions. It won’t make a choice when it is pressured into it. It makes a choice when it is in control of itself. That’s the power of Venus in Taurus.

Loving Venus in Taurus is about loving not its sensuality, not its generosity, and not it’s knowledge of pleasure. Loving Venus in Taurus is about loving its choice. It’s about loving someone who makes the choice to give because they actively choose to love you.

That’s overwhelming. That’s so much to take in. It can make entire nervous systems blink twice fast and hesitate.

Taurus Venus is a sensual Venus. It understands the magic of touch. It holds onto what is beautiful and good and pleasurable. It holds onto these things not only for their own sakes but because these things are grown through relationship. Venus in Taurus is the garden where pleasure is grown.

People change when they enter the garden where pleasure is grown. Venus in Taurus understands this. They have seen how this can happen. This is also the power of Venus in Taurus. This is a Venus that has witnessed the ways that pleasure changes a person. Their response to this? Give, give, and give. Invite, invite, and invite. Their joy is radiant. They want you to come under their wing where it's safe.

How does one love the garden of pleasure? How does one love someone who is skilled and practiced in love? How does one love someone who is sure that they know what love means?

Sometimes, loving a Venus in Taurus is simply allowing this love dominatrix to take the reins. It means respecting their reign, understanding their rule, and allowing yourself to be taught and guided. Other times, loving a Venus in Taurus means that you interrupt the love that they already know to be true not to dissuade them but to remind them that, when falling, love is never what you already think it is.

Loving a Venus in Taurus means entertaining the principle of the surprise. It’s letting you remember that love is not doing what is expected but what is unexpected. Venus in Taurus has the audacity to expect love, to plan for it, and to choose it. And, yet, they too fall in love when they least expect it.

In the end, the power of Venus in Taurus is that it is a Venus that doesn’t need to expect love, doesn’t need to plan for it, and doesn’t need to succumb to it. This is because Venus in Taurus understands that love relies on choice. This is a Venus that is able to decide what love means to them, what gives love meaning, and where love brings them.

Loving Venus in Taurus is about loving agency and choice. You get to decide what you seed in the garden of pleasure. These things might grow independently and autonomously but you get to choose the things that begin.

Celebrating Venus in Taurus, celebrating nourishment and this great, deep provider, is about celebrating choice. Only when providing becomes a choice does it also become an act of love. Venus in Taurus doesn’t settle for anything less.

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