Loving Venus In Cancer

March 9, 2022, 9:35 a.m.

Venus in Cancer is sticky rice. It holds all of the pieces—bacon bits, shrimp, mushrooms—together. Venus in Cancer sits huddled in its own little corner of the plate, sweetened by condensed milk, and happy to blend into itself as long as it stays close to bright and eye-catching things.

When in doubt, Venus in Cancer simply does not let one go. It worries over who is leaving and who is staying even when all parties are present. Venus in Cancer doesn’t need anything from you. It just wants you to show up. It doesn’t settle for anything short of your company.

Loving Venus in Cancer is a slow love affair. This isn’t some big and brassy Venus who shows you all of their bells and whistles on the first day. Venus in Cancer doesn’t seek to impress—it seeks to linger.

Loving Venus in Cancer is like loving a Sunday evening routine. It’s like texting a friend who you know will always text you back. It’s not needing to text your childhood friend that you’re on your way because you always always walk to school together.

Yes, Venus in Cancer keeps its friends around. Ten, twenty year long friendships—Venus in Cancer remembers your name.

Venus in Cancer has the dirt on anyone and everyone or, at least, those it cares about. If Venus in Cancer doesn't know your secrets, then it hasn’t been paying attention to you. If it has been paying attention to you, then it will also know your secrets. There’s not much that can get past a Cancer who cares.

There’s an aspect of Venus in Cancer that makes it a more controversial Venus and that is its immediacy with emotions. You tend to know when a Venus in Cancer needs your help. This is a Venus that hears in subtleties and can, sometimes, choose to express in soliliqueys. Venus in Cancer is not secretive. Sometimes, Venus in Cancer chooses to spread the secrets that it knows. It will not keep a secret for the principle of secret keeping, especially if holding onto the secret hurts someone else.

And Venus in Cancer remembers everything. Loving Venus in Cancer is loving someone who remembers all of the loving words you’ve ever said to them. Loving Venus in Cancer is loving someone who remembers all of the hasty words you said to them in anger and fear.

You see, sometimes, Venus in Cancer lends an ear or commits to sitting down and helping you with a tough situation even when they are unsure of what they are doing. Venus in Cancer acts first, jumping in to help. Once Venus in Cancer has committed to helping you, they will look for help themselves. Venus in Cancer believes that one person’s problem is also everyone’s problem, if we all cared about each other.

Often, Venus in Cancer is more interested in the relationships where there is history and mistakes and messiness and less interested in new friends. This isn’t because it is easier for Venus in Cancer to forgive. It’s because Venus in Cancer prefers what they know to any kind of blank slate. We are together, Venus in Cancer says. Why would we ever come apart?

Venus in Cancer does not prefer more harmonious relationships. They expect their loved ones to come through the thick and the thin. They understand that there is much wisdom in difference.

Loving Venus in Cancer is like loving the scrolls of history. It’s loving a Venus that needs to know you, really know you—a Venus that won’t settle for half knowing you. Loving Venus in Cancer is loving someone who knows how you tick. It’s not for the fainthearted or those who are content to look away from themselves in self disgust. No, Venus in Cancer demands that you unearth all of your bits and that you let them love your entirety. There are no secrets with Venus in Cancer.

Loving Venus in Cancer is often not the same as loving just one person. When you love Venus in Cancer, you love everyone who they have allowed to shape them. A Venus in Cancer, a Venus in its own triplicity, is not a Venus who is ever alone. It’s not like those air or fire Venuses who circulate along the edges of a room not knowing how to strike up a conversation. No, Venus in Cancer is in the center stroking someone’s hair and looking into their eyes.

When you love Venus in Cancer, you also love the community that Venus in Cancer comes from. You don’t get to tuck a Venus in Cancer away in your own pocket and keep them just for you. A Venus in Cancer comes with a family of trans siblings, a network of cousins, or a close knit circle of BTS stans who they text almost everyday. (And, should you ever fuck with Venus in Cancer, it’s the entire group that comes after you…). Loving Venus in Cancer is loving someone with kin.

Venus in Cancer is a Venus that looks for protection in togetherness. It needs no patriarchy and it begs for no top to bottom protectionism. Venus in Cancer believes that we will all figure it out together. It has no far fetched designs and no schemes. Venus in Cancer has no patience for manipulation. It wants to be loved right now—right now. There is no reason to fear and no purpose in wait, not when we have so much to bear together, in discord and congeniality.

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