Astro Advice Column: Quadruple Libra

March 16, 2022, 6:38 p.m.

Welcome to my Astro Advice Column! If you subscribe to my Astro-Kats or Star Kids Club groups you are able to ask me questions about astrology for this advice column.

How do I make decisions about planning my life in the future. I feel like an air plant and I want to be committed to a practice but I feel like I forget what I am doing all of the time. Pls advise. PS my Saturn is domicile so I do not know what’s going on. Can you help me activate her.

—Quadruple Libra

Hi Quadruple Libra and thank you for your question. This is an interesting question that I think afflicts many Libras placements. I love how you described the feeling as being an air plant.

I found it interesting that you mentioned the domicile Saturn. Saturn on its own doesn’t necessarily help you make decisions and a domicile planet isn’t necessarily a decisive one. Sometimes, a domicile plant has the experience of being that very gifted kid who got tired of being weighed down by the responsibility of having to always be good and just simply doesn’t want to perform anymore. In other words, this may not be a question of activating or fixing Saturn but of trying to see all of your planets as a resource.

If you see your Libra placements as an air plant, I’m wondering how an air plant might commit to a practice and to planning the future. Air plants are such durable plants. They don’t need a ton of moisture and too much water can kill them. What do the air plant Libra placements need in order to imagine a future? What feels supportive to an air plant? How does the air plant say no to things that are too much or too overwhelming for it to handle?

You mentioned planning my life in the future. This gives me the sensation that there are already things in the future that are messy or sprawled out that need organizing. I wonder what would happen if you didn’t plan the future but, instead, created your own future. This future doesn’t exist yet. It only exists if and when you create it. You’re not looking at different outcomes and trying to choose between them, hedging your bets on the least worst without knowing whether or not it will pay off, but simply and miraculously creating your life.

Your life isn’t something to plan. It’s not something you choose. It’s something you create. Life is a miracle. Let’s treat it as such.

If your Sun is in Libra, I think something that afflicts Libra Suns is the condition of knowing exactly how other people may or may not see you. It’s the frustration and agony of being misunderstood. For Libra Suns, it sometimes feels as though you get trapped in an endless matrices of choices and that there’s no point or like one should just give up.

Someone who has both planets in fall and domicile planets in their chart, sometimes, in my experience, feel heavier about expectations than someone who has just one. This is because the different planets will have different strategies. Someone who only has planets in fall can build self assuredness faster through fallen planet strategies but someone who also has domicile placements might blame themselves more because they also have known or been shown success.

The domicile Saturn knows how it sees success. It might have seen some very stereotypically successful people or enjoyed good performance in some craft. You know some degree of success with a domicile Saturn. But if your Sun is also in fall? That Sun has its own strategies for survival. It has its own strategies of being cool, of being loveable, and having fun. These strategies are just as worthwhile as domicile plant strategies.

My Mercury is in fall and, if I were to write in a way that exalted Mercuries write in, I would fail. I never did well in school writing and was always sent in for remediation. My sentences never made sense and I didn’t see why they had to. I always got D’s. But I learned how to write in the fanfiction community, which is a community where everything goes and “bad” writing is welcome. I don’t know if I would ever name myself as a writer but writing is a big part of my work now. And I trust the way I write.

Plants in fall sometimes thrive when they work in collaboration. Sometimes they thrive when they are allowed to be sarcastic about what they want. Sometimes, they thrive through imitation. They find originality by cycling through imitations of things that they find cool, gross, or hot. Planets in fall know what other people want from them. How they respond to that knowing is up to them and that is where they have the most fun.

Your Sun in fall has its rhythm and way of being. Maybe it needs to work in collaboration. Maybe it seeks perversity instead of glamor. Maybe it’s better at clowning than professionalism. All these needs have to be honored for it to thrive. And, when they are, this Sun will thrive. You just have to trust your own style. But you have to find out what makes an air plant realize its own ability to create, not manage, its own miraculous life.

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