On Not Being A Stereotypical Taurus

April 22, 2022, 8:39 a.m.

It’s really funny—I think Taurus Sun is one of the only Sun signs that is often stereotyped by what this sign looks and feels like when the Moon is placed here rather than the Sun. Taurus Sun is often assumed to be comfortable, at times too comfortable, always eating and reclining with the carelessness of someone who’s looked at a week’s calendar and decided that they’ve had enough.

This is Taurus Moon, exalted Moon. The Sun in Taurus? That’s a much less comfortable placement. This is a peregrine Sun we’re talking about. Che Guevara was also a Taurus and he wasn’t just known for his looks.

Taurus Sun is the Sun sign that is most likely to be mistaken as Aquarius, based on the most stereotypical significations of Aquarius at least. Taurus Sun are those sexy freaks who shake their eyebrows off and play with the presentation of their face in the mirror until they rejoice in becoming recognizable and unrecognizable at will. They’re the ones who put their bare feet up in polite company even when you’re not supposed to do this because it’s more comfortable that way. Taurus Suns are the peculiar ones, the strange ones, who always seem to reflect on the thing that no one has thought about at length and too deep.

If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, maybe you’re not classic looking or wear inoffensive colors or spend all of your time eating comfort food. If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, maybe you’re not basic.

If there’s something about Taurus that’s peculiar, then there’s something about Taurus that is meticulous. Taurus Sun notices everything. They’re able to do highly detailed projects that span the lengths of months. They keep receipts on things. They have receipts on you.

There’s something about a Taurus Sun that is just as scrutinizing and deliberate as a Scorpio Sun. These are the fuckers who pay attention to almost everything that happens. These are the fuckers who research conspiracy theories in their free time because they can’t believe that they live in a world that makes as little sense as it does, because they can’t believe they’re expected to trust such a fantastical world.

You have to prove it to Taurus before they believe it.

There is something about the sign Taurus that is about comfort—yes. However, Taurus Suns are not comfortable Suns. They’re Suns that try to find comfort in being misplaced. They’re Suns that can’t decide whether or not they care about how other people see them. That’s why they often look so flamboyant.

If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, then maybe you’re not sure how you seem even though you know exactly what you look like. That’s okay. You’re creating beauty and beauty always looks strange, misformed, and peculiar when it’s in the process of regeneration.

Taurus creates its own aesthetic. It doesn’t borrow. This is why Taurus Sun does not look or seem like a stereotypical Taurus. Beauty created is also beauty contested and tortured. Taurus Sun is in love with the monsters. They’re dissectors of beauty who have a heart for the ugly. They sense that beauty is also violence and they rebel sometimes violently against this mundane bureaucracy. They understand that you must see your own ugliness in order to understand your own beauty and, in understanding this, they chase the grotesque.

And monsters—this is something that so many Taurus Suns are interested in. Monster designs, monster figures, and monster stories.

If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, you don’t aspire to beauty as stasis. You are far too interested in the breakdown of assumption. You’re too obsessed with your monster movies and your precious grossness. You protect this grossness at all costs because you sense that it is what liberates you.

If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, you’re not a statue. You’d much rather be a goblin. There is joy in being goblin-like. There is the eating with your hands, the digging up of dirt, and the running on your hands and knees. Sometimes, I talk to Taurus and I feel as though they would much rather run around on their hands and knees if only they could get away with it.

Part of what makes Taurus strange is not just that they do strange things. It’s also that they don’t tend to announce the strange things that they do. They don’t make a show of this and that. This is not a manifesto to them. This is about being themselves, about the uncanniness of self acceptance, and about trying to figure out what feels natural in a world that fetishizes the normal.

If you’re not a stereotypical Taurus, then maybe you’re becoming yourself. You’re birthing yourself, degenerating it, and you bring a good dose of humor and hedonism into your own becoming. You’re a goblin-thing equipped with sureness and grace. You’re someone who can never be told who you are because you have to unearth the floor in order to find yourself.

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