Loving Venus In Aquarius

May 11, 2022, 9:03 a.m.

Venus in Aquarius is not considered, strictly, a debilitated Venus. It’s not detriment or in a state of fall. It’s just peregrine, like most Venus placements, unless it’s between 7-13º. Like most peregrine Venuses, Aquarius Venus is a Venus that feels like it does not belong where it finds itself. It’s a Venus that is often in a state of movement and in a place thinking of elsewhere when they are really here.

Venus in Aquarius is a little like Venus in Leo which is interested in funny characters and charisma. Except, while Venus in Leo takes for granted that creation is already done and ready to be witnessed, Venus in Aquarius sees creation as something that has not yet happened and can only happen in the unknowable future.

This is the Saturn ruled Venus without triplicity support. Saturn and Venus are an odd pair in astrology. Saturn in the diurnal malefic and Venus is the nocturnal benefic. Saturn and Venus often make a sexy, awkward, and lagging pair. Venus in Aquarius is just as kinky as Venus in Capricorn except that it often changes its mind about realizing its mission midway.

This is the shifting Venus. It’s a Venus that pops towards you and then away again. Venus in Aquarius is unpredictable. Venus in Aquarius is there with you, reading all the books that you do and knows everything about your bedtime routine, and then as suddenly as a lightswitch, Venus is Aquarius disappears. It’s turned towards something else.

Loving Venus in Aquarius is about loving someone who changes their mind mid sentence. It’s loving someone who spends three months with you glued to the hip and then lost for weeks at a stretch.

The thing is, Venus in Aquarius spends a long time in their relationships. I’ve seen this happen over and over. It’s like Venus in Aquarius barely knows how to do short term relationships. Maybe this is the Saturn part of it all. These are people who stay with a person for decades at a time. However, Venus in Aquarius will only stick around when they are allowed to leave. Ask them where they will be next year and they’re give you a blank stare. This is a Venus that only comes back because it knows how to go.

Venus in Aquarius does not stay for the sake of duty or obligation but because they see the potential in creating something new together. This is a Venus that likes to work on art projects, on new life, and on visions with their people. Venus in Aquarius sees creation as something that we must all commit to together but on our own time. It’s a Venus that spends a fair amount of time waiting, considering, and planning.

Loving Venus in Aquarius is loving someone who has a vision of you together—someone who needs a vision of you together to ground them because a relationship is just two nonsensical people together otherwise. Loving Venus in Aquarius is about loving the ability to dream larger when you dream together.

One of the most understated parts of Venus is Aquarius is its tendency to help. This is an incredibly helpful Venus. It’s a Venus that shows up to be a friend not because anyone is counting on them but because no one knows how to. Venus in Aquarius makes the time to come help you, again, not because of duty or obligation, but because of their own ethics.

And Venus in Aquarius always has relationship ethics. They work and word these ethics continuously. Sometimes, it’s these ethics that they are committed to rather than any one person. Sometimes, loving Venus in Aquarius can feel like loving the strength of someone who relentlessly tries to build character than the person who currently exists in the present day.

Venus in Aquarius is always thinking about the future, about what could be rather than what is. This is a Venus that sometimes acts like a five years old and, other times, like a fifty year old. Loving Venus in Aquarius is loving someone who doesn’t believe in age and, still, tries to grow up as quickly as they possibly can.

This is a Venus that is full of contradictions. Venus in Aquarius is a strict Venus. It does not allow the bending of the ethics that they have worked to understand. Venus in Aquarius is a tremendously helpful Venus and, yet, it balks at the concept of anyone knowing just how much they care. Venus in Aquarius stays in relationships for decades and for entire lifetimes and, yet, it’s a Venus that freaks out a bit if they consider the prospect of having to stay somewhere for more than 12 months at a time.

This is one of the funniest Venuses in the zodiac. It’s a Venus that comes with all of these different rules and regulations designed with the mission of keeping them comfortable. It’s a Venus that forgets how flexible it can behave. It’s a Venus that has no idea how to introduce itself or how to say goodbye but understands intrinsically how to stick next to a person, quietly or loudly, so that they feel less alone. It’s a Venus that treats the stranger like a best friend and, sometimes, remembers to look at a sister and wonders when they got so tall.

Loving Venus in Aquarius is hilarious. It’s about loving someone who is so awkward that they don’t know how to be awkward. It’s about loving someone for real, about loving someone who has no idea how to put on even the slightest pretense about who they are. It’s loving someone who calls for you when you least expect it and runs for the door when you were sure they would stay not because they have any kind of motive but because they’re figuring out how to be around people for the first time all the time.

Loving Venus in Aquarius is loving someone who is always in the process of becoming no matter what age they are. It’s loving someone who has learned to laugh at their own shenanigans. It’s loving someone who wants to create themselves with you as witness because they understand that the best kind of vulnerability is the unpretentious sort.

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