Astro Advice Column: Remixing Algol

May 13, 2022, 9:55 a.m.

Welcome to my Astro Advice Column! If you subscribe to my Astro-Kats or Star Kids Club groups you are able to ask me questions about astrology for this advice column.

Hi Ace, my MC, partner's mars, and our cat's venus are at 26 degrees taurus. Thinking about it in my own chart has been okay (sometimes even fun!) but idk what it can mean in synastry. I know mommy issues run deep in my family and I sometimes fall into a hole where things get distorted. I love my partner and just want to give our cat a good life. How do I understand, remix or remediate algol?

—afraid of a perfect storm

Hello, afraid of a perfect storm! How was that eclipse in November 2021 for you? That was pretty close to Algol, wasn’t it?

First of all, your cat has a good life. Your cat knows how to live well. They’re a Taurus Venus and they have a human who is coming to ask questions about how to give it a good life? So, I can already tell that your cat is one spoiled munchkin. They probably sprawl out all the time, tapping their tail, just fully relaxed. You can probably learn more about how to live a good life from this cat.

Are you an artist? Do you make images? Or do any kind of design? Reproduction of form? What about your partner? Your cat?

Algol is an interesting star. The mythology behind it talks about how Medusa was so attractive that she was constantly getting assaulted by creepy men. She was a priestess of Athena. Eventually, Athena puts Medusa on an island with all of her sisters and turns her head into a gordon that turns any man that looks upon her into stone. There’s a lot of differing opinions about why Athena did this. Some say that it’s due to envy and others say that it was for protection.

Algol is about captured beauty. It’s could be about the envy that beauty produces. It could also be about beauty’s need for protection. Algol is about beauty and power.

Where does Algol show up in your material lineages? It’s right there on your midheaven. What about the areas of life that your partner’s Mars rules?

I meet a lot of people who are artists with Algol impacting the chart particularly if it’s angular. Now, I understand that a lot of people are artists and that artistic practice can be immaterial or research based or sporadic so let me clarify. I meet a lot of people who do this thing where they reproduce images repetitively until they have a sense of control over or freedom from that particular image. This is sometimes part of an artistic practice and, other times, it shows up in other ways.

There’s a fair bit of remix already within Algol but it’s not remix for the sake of deconstruction or obliteration. It’s repetitive remix—remix for the sake of capture. It’s Medusa turning all those guys into stone. It’s fixing something in place so that we become free around it. That’s the energy of Algol.

To work with Algol, find an image or an archetype that cuts into you and then, using the power of your imagination or paint or time itself, fix it into place. Create a doll of it so that it cannot move anymore. Then, consider how you move around this thing that you have made into a doll. Consider whether or not your movements have changed when you find that the image that hurts is fixed in time.

Algol is a gift. It’s often artistic talent. It’s the impulse and will to capture beauty again and again over a long stretch of time.

Now, I’m not an astrologer who specializes in fixed stars. There’s other people who do this—Oscar Moises Diaz is one of them. He works with parans and all that jazz. There’s a couple of fixed stars, however, that I do have relationships with and that does include Algol. I’ve found that Algol is often about aesthetic production. I hope this answers your question somewhat. I hope you pay your cat tax and send me a picture of your cat.

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