Loving Venus In Pisces

May 19, 2022, 8:50 a.m.

Okay. It’s time to talk about Venus in Pisces. This is the exalted Venus, the big Venus—the Venus that is just so loudly Venus that it can’t be anything else.

The first thing that we have to consider is just how much Venus in Pisces loves love. Venus in Pisces loves it. It can’t get enough of it. Venus in Pisces finds the romance in almost everything. The trains stop working on a rainy day and Venus in Pisces writes a poem about the magic of walking home wet. They notice a plastic bag blowing in the breeze and they see a metaphor about all of the lost souls in the world who are looking for destiny.

This is a Venus that falls in love with you. It’s a Venus who is available, generous, and present. It’s a Venus that observes you and, in observing the shape of your eye or the tilt of your neck, realizes without warning that they have fallen in love and that they’re unsure if they can go back. This is a Venus that falls in love several times in a day.

Loving Venus in Pisces is loving someone who sees the most mundane balloon and screams in laughter because they think it’s dick shaped. It’s loving someone who sees the animated life-stuff that the universe lives and breathes in—someone who finds pleasure in almost everything. This isn’t just about romantic love. Venus in Pisces loves the stuff of life.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s consider the real depthness of Venus in Pisces. Venus in Pisces isn’t just about beauty or appearances or strategy. There’s something more here.

Venus in Pisces is magic. This is what magic is made of. Venus in Pisces is someone who is on a scavenger hunt for a thing that they cannot name and have no business naming. Venus in Pisces does not need to name what they long for in order to justify the search. They do not have to put effort into the search. All they need, to search, is to remain constantly available.

I’m not kidding about the magic. There is a magic power to this Venus. Sure, Venus in Pisces falls head over heels fast. Sure, Venus in Pisces is a slut in all of its power and glory. But—the magic. That part is true. But I’ve talked to Venus in Pisces people who have found lost people and stories simply by following one symbol or color around the world.

And this is a talented Venus. The talent that they have will be evident. Venus in Pisces knows its own bewildering talent for putting things together and then taking them apart.

This is a Venus that understands that beauty is not power but magic. Beauty is a glamor spell and it is also a quest. Venus in Pisces doesn’t need to decide to give anything for beauty. They have already given everything for the quest for beauty.

There is magic to full fat, magic to impressionable purples that disappear when the seasons transition from spring to summer, and there’s magic to fluorescent light as well as to candlelight. Venus in Pisces doesn’t need to put on airs or to methodically articulate beauty to find it. It can find it in anything. Venus in Pisces finds beauty in the most ugly and unsexy departmental buildings.

And, yet, Venus in Pisces does not understand beauty because they know that it’s not a thing that could be understood. It’s a thing that, like them, constantly unfolds without pressure and with only permission.

Let’s talk about strategy. Dignified Venuses are Venuses who are better than strategy. However, Venus in Pisces doesn’t need strategy. This is because Venus in Pisces is not selective. This is a Venus that tries everything once. When it works, it works. When it doesn’t, Venus in Pisces moves on.

Sometimes, Venus in Pisces tries everything at once. This is also okay. This is a Venus that has a work crush, a bar crush, and twenty friend crushes at the same time. There are so many distinct and flavorful forms of love to enjoy. Who could limit themselves to just one?

Loving Venus in Pisces is loving someone who is in love with the world. It’s loving someone who knows how to make love with trees, with tall grass, and with water. This is the wettest Venus, the Venus who gushes at the slightest touch—the messy Venus plays with dirt and rocks and doesn’t give a shit about keeping things pristine. This is the Venus that must eat in bed. It’s the Venus that wants to eat off your body in bed.

Venus in Pisces doesn’t need a reason to do things. It needs no justification or rationale. It just needs the want. Wanting something is enough for Venus in Pisces to find permission.

Loving Venus in Pisces is loving someone who does what they want when they want it and how they want to do it. Venus in Pisces doesn’t fuck around.

This is the Venus that understands that the erotic has its own truth that doesn’t need to be confessed. It’s the Venus that knows that the first step of every love spell is to fall in love first. It’s the Venus that is always open because “why not?”

Loving Venus in Pisces is loving the exalted lover. It’s loving the lover who doesn’t love in any articulated way, who has no plan or strategy, and who follows magic because they know that it will take them to a place that will accept both of you together. It’s loving someone who accepts the entirety of you. This is terrifying. Loving Venus in Pisces is about loving the terror and the magic of real emotional availability.

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