It’s kind of crazy. Dir en Grey, like DBSK is a five member music group with three Aquarius Suns. I’m here kind of wondering why groups with a large number of Aquariuses become so successful.
Another thing about Dir en Grey is that all the members have some sign in Pisces, except Kyo. It takes Pisces to get a following in countries where no one speaks your language. The musical styles of Dir en Grey tend to assimilate, but the lyrics don’t. Pisces will go out of their way to make another person comfortable, and Diru does this, except for a vocalist that’s unbudging.
All the Aquarius fixed-ness makes for a band that's been together for more than 20 years now. They just put out this new video.
Here are also some of my older favorites from the years!

Kaoru, everyone's boss. He writes all the songs and runs the interviews. You might spot him updating the official twitter or attending business meetings. Just like Yunho from DBSK, Kaoru is an Aquarius Sun and Capricorn Moon. These people know how to run the business side of things very well. Heechul once said that Yunho likes to sit with Siwon and talk about the future of the Korean music industry. It’s easy to imagine Kaoru doing the same thing about how to continue being a band post visual kei.
Despite all of Dir en Grey’s changes, a lot of them seemed planned and timely. They were visual when visual kei was popular, they stopped being visual when they tried to enter the US market, and they went back to being semi-niche at the rise of social media. They transformed themselves at opportune times in marketable ways. That’s because they have a Saturn ruled person behind the scenes, pulling the strings.
Kaoru’s taste in music is also the most mainstream. He liked Nine Inch Nails and X. Kaoru basically saves the group from going the way of Guniw Tools or Anti Feminism or something.
Inside the group, Kaoru has Mercury in Pisces which makes him a great blender of content. Since he’s the main composer, it’s not surprising to see many musical genres blended together in their songs. Pisces is both an avid imitator and has a taste for horror. Watching their stuff, we get the sense that we’re seeing a bunch of guro manga that Kaoru was probably really into at the time of making.
Shinya, the weirdest member of Dir en Grey. He’s an Aquarius too but with Moon in Taurus. Having an exalted moon makes him prefer his own space. He seems like a really introverted person until you realize that he knows literally everyone. He’s seen hanging out with Kenzi, with Yoshiki, and even Kisaki. Aquarius, especially when paired with Taurus, has a tendency of seeming like an introvert but actually being extroverted. They’re the silent ones who are always at every party.
We don’t know that much about Shinya. All we know about Shinya is that he can’t fly a kite and washes his dog in the sink. And that he is the weirdest ever - have you seen his instagram?
Having Sun and Moon in fixed signs will also make Shinya pretty stubborn. He’s the only member who never smoked despite being around heavy smokers. Taurus is strong and Shinya seems like the most foolhardy one of the group. Taurus also loves to be idolized and it was Shinya’s dream to be in an idol group for a while.
The planet Shinya has in Pisces is Venus. This is a Venus that will accept anyone and get along with anyone. Remember, Shinya knows everyone whether they’re incredibly famous or not at all. It’s also a sensitive Venus that needs alone time when they get overstimulated. At the beginning of their career, Dir en Grey was able to get Yoshiki to produce Gauze, eventually signing into Free-will. Since Shinya seems to be the one hanging out with people who run the scene, I’m wondering if he’s the one who has all the connections in the group.

Kyo, the voice of my teenage angst. A typical Aquarius, Kyo doesn’t abide by any social rules. He dropped out of school early, which makes you want to call him a rebel until he says that he had traditional values. You just can’t pin him down!
In interviews, Kyo is always complaining actually. He’ll say that he didn’t want to go to America, that his throat really hurt when he went drinking with Tommy, that he went to an ice cream festival and there were too many people. Moon in Virgo makes Kyo picky and cynical. You can just see him warily check something out, scrunch up his face scruntinizing it, and shaking his head no.
Kyo’s taste is probably the most art-house. He likes things like The Holy Mountain and Oldboy. He’s also a die hard Star Wars fan. The giant nerd aspect of him goes well with his placements. He probably spends some time dissecting fan theories online.
Now, Kyo is the only one who has no Pisces. He doesn’t want to break down boundaries. Like he said, he’s a conservative guy from Kyoto. When they wanted to go to America, he almost quit the band. The Virgo in him was probably worrying about all that could go wrong. Once in America, he didn’t try to assimilate at all. He stuck to his roots and didn’t socialize with the other bands they toured with, not even Slipknot.
Die, the conspicuous one who definitely slept with a fan.
Ruled by Jupiter, Die has a Sagittarius Sun and Pisces Moon. This makes him a little whimsical. All his songs sound really different from each other, he’s really good at the guitar, and he likes his hair big and red.
A little silly, Die seems to like making jokes the most. He’s really laidback. In America, he was seen hanging out with American bands despite not speaking the language. Since Jupiter is here to break down boundaries, he was probably great at fitting in, despite being the foreign group, just by being really relaxed and fluid.
Die is probably the most Piscean of the bunch, with a Jupiter at home conjunct his Moon. He is really, really Jupiter and really, really Pisces. What Die brings to the group is variety. He got tired of them getting too routine and all the songs he wrote for Withering to Death sound different than the rest. Let’s face it - a lot of Kaoru’s songs sound exactly the same. Thank god there is an experimental Die in the group.
Toshiya, the only one who smiles. He’s all fire with a Sun in Aries and a Moon in Leo. He’s so much fire that he’s barely got any planets in the other signs.
Toshiya seems like a lot of fun. He also spits on the fans sometimes, or used to. He plays video games and takes the longest to get out of bed. They recruited him once the rest of the band was already formed so he had his own reputation in the scene independent from the group, as fire signs are wont to have.
All the fire gives Toshiya a taste for the glamorous. He likes Vivienne Westwood and apparently has a red bedroom. His early outfits were really mischievously punk and you can tell he had fun designing them.
The team recruited Toshiya when they were at their most competitive. It was when Kyo wasn’t talking to anyone and Die said they had a mentality of needing to beat everyone else. With all his fire, Toshiya was their hidden ace with a great sense of competition and ability to stand out. The Pisces planet he brings is Mars. People with Mars in Pisces, like Marilyn Monroe, are able to become anyone at any time. Toshiya is here to make things that shock also incredibly glamorous.