Mercury In Gemini Analyzed

July 12, 2022, 12:02 p.m.

This is the domicile of Mercury—Gemini. It’s the quick witted and always edgy place where Mercury feels most at home. And guess what? Mercury is a kid who doesn’t like to be at home. They like to run away, to escape, and to steal some cows while they have run away and escaped.

Mercury in Gemini isn’t just domicile. It also enjoys triplicity. This is something that Mercury in Virgo doesn’t have. When Mercury is both domicile and in triplicity, it is a Mercury that is not only able to succeed but also able to be well liked while they’re at it. That’s not always the case for Virgo Mercury.

Mercury in Gemini makes its own intelligence known. There’s no batting around the bush here. You tell a Mercury in Gemini that they are smart and they smile, reminding you of the time that they won a debate with you last. It doesn’t ruffle their feathers. They’re not embarrassed over it.

Good teachers love Mercury in Gemini because they ask all of the good questions and bad teachers hate Mercury in Gemini for the same reason. The one thing that Mercury in Gemini does not tolerate is any kind of intellectual laziness. No—it doesn’t allow anyone or anything to do their thinking for them. That’s why they doubt so much.

Whenever someone tells Mercury in Gemini that something is impossible, Mercury in Gemini takes it upon themselves to prove that assumption wrong. It might take them five years to do so or five minutes but you can bet that they will do it. That’s the purpose of innovation for Mercury in Gemini—to prove that nothing is impossible.

This is not a lazy Mercury. Remember that Mercury is also the planet of labor. This is a Mercury that goes the extra mile. It sets those meetings. It organizes the calendar. It knows all of the productivity apps that one might use and it, especially, might know of the ones that make collaboration easier. Mercury in Gemini expects that you follow their schemes with them to the end. “What do you mean you’re giving?” Mercury in Gemini asks. “We haven’t even gotten there yet.”

This is a Mercury that doesn’t tolerate stupidity. It sees stupidity as a thing that it is capable of reshaping into something else.

Everything is useful for Mercury in Gemini. They find a stick on the ground and they know a million uses for it. They know how to boil bark so that it soothes burns and they know how to harvest flowers that will keep inflammation at bay during the summer. Everything has a use in a Mercury in Gemini’s eyes—even you.

Oh, they know how to use you all right. They know how to train you and to encourage you until you become just as capable of a person that they imagined you as when they saw you. They’ll stretch your imagination and they’ll expect you to become smarter, faster, more diligent, and more interesting.

Never bore a Mercury in Gemini.

You see, this is the power of Mercury in its domicile and triplicity. This is a Mercury that doesn’t only make the self more intelligent and interesting. It infuses its wit onto everyone and everything that it comes into contact with. Mercury in Gemini doesn’t make the self more interesting. It makes the world around it more colorful and agile.

Mercury in Gemini is not satisfied with simple self importance even though it will wear it beautifully because it understands that the self must be sometimes be important to be interesting. Mercury in Gemini wants us to build new worlds together. It doesn’t understand why things can’t be better because it is so practiced at making things better. It’s the helpful Mercury who can see everything that you’re doing wrong whose hand twitches because it yearns to help so much. It’s the Mercury that arrogant people cannot stand.

Mercury in Gemini treats the ego like it’s a flexible thing. It prefers that nothing remains overly rigid. Even though it knows that there is a good way to do things it also knows that there are also always better ways to do things. Mercury in Gemini is relentless in its faith that you will come with them into a better future together.

This is Mercury, in Gemini, as a builder of the small and as a destroyer of the large. Mercury in Gemini doesn’t have time for inflated egos. It is far too interested in playing with blocks.

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