Astro Advice Column: Sitting Naked In The Kings Lap

July 14, 2022, 10:29 a.m.

Welcome to my Astro Advice Column! If you subscribe to my Astro-Kats or Star Kids Club groups you are able to ask me questions about astrology for this advice column.

Hello! Firstly, thank you for sharing your time, labor, and knowledge - I've read every one of your articles.

As a small preface to my question - I like to write, and lately I've started casting charts for my already-existing characters. I find this to be challenging fun in all regards. It forces me, as a student, to think about astrology in an organic way and to understand how I could translate certain concepts across different settings. And all this while uncovering hidden points of potential inspiration or character exploration!

This brings me to my question: what's going on when a natal planet is cazimi but also in its sign of fall (or detriment)? Specifically I'm asking about Saturn in Aries, but I would deeply appreciate any insight you could provide.

—Sitting Naked in the King's Lap

Omg. Thank you for this question. I love it?? It’s so fun to write to and my mind is spinning with all of the ways to describe a cazimi Saturn in fall. Here are a couple:

1. A shadow king who pulls the strings behind a well loved and somewhat naive child king. This shadow king is from the reign of another time and, though he is without his own allies, he knows how to use the resources of the new king to his own benefit.

2. An old tree, barely hanging in there, with a strong supernatural protector.

3. Someone who has been exiled from their own planet who also drives the most powerful spaceship known to living beings, lost and drifting, and with the ability to go to whatever universe they want to go to.

4. The guy from American Gods who gets out of jail only to work for a god.

5. A ghost who lives in a house that has been remodeled. After remodeling, the house has become the most beautiful house in the town but the ghost still remembers what it used to be like.

5. The defeated candidate in a run for office who becomes absorbed into another person’s cabinet (like Kamala Harris).

6. The vice president in VEEP.

7. A father who runs a small noodle shop whose son takes over and turns it into an amusement park.

8. The secret lover of a celebrity who is responsible for much of their artistry.

9. A secretive dog trainer who has trained all of the most well known celebrity dogs who do the coolest tricks. No one knows how to get a hold of this mysterious dog trainer or how they might pick their clients but everyone knows that they only produce superstars.

10. A weary immigrant parent, weary and misplaced, confused about all of the things that their child wants and needs.

11. A maker of counterfeit currency who, due to some social upheaval, sees their fake coins become valued as actual currency.

12. The keeper of stories in an apocalypse who teaches the children who are immune against the disease that ravaged the world how the old people did things even when they know that much of this has become inconsequential.

These are just a couple of renderings of cazimi Saturn in Aries—that is, a fallen Saturn bolstered by the light of an exalted Sun. What a fun combo. What does this placement mean to you? I love your imagery of sitting naked in the king’s lap. It’s sexy and just a little dangerous. Maybe my renderings don’t mean anything to you. I just had fun with this since it’s not a placement I have. These types of fictional renderings—they help us process the real stuff, don’t they? The stories that come out of you—they change as you change.

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