Taurus Sun, ____ Moon

Dec. 11, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continueing this Sun-Moon combo series with TAURUS :)

If you’re an Taurus, look up your Moon sign and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.

Taurus Sun, Aries Moon: Deliberate

Taurus Sun Aries Moon

You operate primarily from your strong sense of values and it takes a groundbreaking event to change your mind about something. You always believe that you are right and must learn that others, with different experiences, can be right too without making you wrong. You may feel that you are operating from a place of oppression because the very things that you want most out of life put strong stress upon the things you intrinsically need. You action oriented instincts run into obstacles when your longer term goals call for a great deal of time and patience. You often have the sense the you cannot wait any longer for something that you have been waiting for an eternity on. You must find a way to manage both your idealism and your materialism.

Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon: Backbone

Taurus Sun Taurus Moon

There is no one in the world more stubborn and unyielding than you. Often, you’ll find that you no longer desire to do a thing that you originally set out to do simply because another person suggested you do it. You feel a strong desire to own all of your own actions. Your perspective on the world is both moral and material. You value simplicity, certainty, and honesty. These strong values that guide your movements in the world that never bend. Because of this, you often become a symbol to those who know you of a rigid ideology or industry. While those who support your cause may have conflicting interests or voice their doubts, they only feel free to do so because you become the backbone of whatever it is you support.

Taurus Sun, Gemini Moon: Common Sense

Taurus Sun Gemini Moon

Your ability to confront practical issues with a witty sense of humor will earn you a reputation as a free thinker. You are always ready to point out the absurdity of elitist intellectual positions by privileging a sound common sense in all your analytics of popular culture. While you are interested in the going ons of current events, you approach everything from a grounded value system that does not change based on the ephemeral happenings of the daily. While others get lost in the latest trends of culture, you stick to pointing out what is already obvious. You might be one to have your own opinion and stick to it quite openly and loudly no matter what the stakes are.

Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon: Comfortable

Taurus Sun Cancer Moon

You are an indulgent personality who desires to always remain where you are most comfortable. There is a child like quality to you that attracts the attention of those who want to help you but you must be careful to not allow these people to enable your predilection for dependency. At times, you will behave rather selfishly because it is hard for you to see past exactly what it is you want in the moment what you want something. You are persistent in demanding emotional security with romantic partners and your relationships may quickly grow into a rut in which you rarely leave the house in the company of a loved one. You would like to provide for others and allow for little freedoms outside of a domestic ideal.

Taurus Sun, Leo Moon: A Good Boy

Taurus Sun Leo Moon

You strongly desire attention but rarely know how to ask for it. When you receive the attention, you become almost like a child and inhabit a subtle type of humor. You do not mind being the object of a joke if the teasing is done in love. When you do not receive the attention you crave, however, you become wooden and sullen. You shut everyone out and prefer to retreat into your own space, doing your own thing, rather than risk vulnerability by asking for what you want. There is a graceful warmth to you that is understated. Your over attachment to your own ideas of goodness will drive you to play the golden child and resist anything that you view as negativity. There is a wholesome quality to you that is never diluted no matter how much experience you collect.

Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon: Suspicious

Taurus Sun Virgo Moon

Gaining your trust is like winning a game show. There are enormous hurdles one must jump through and, at any time, a person may become disqualified. You’re a practical strategist and are careful to plot the moves of every game play. Instead of as a chess master, however, you are more inclined to view yourself as one of the pieces. You don’t want control over others. You’re far more comfortable being used as long as the way you’re being used accentuates your virtues. When given a task, you work through it methodically until complete. You never feel that something is quite perfect enough and learn to settle on good quality instead. You’re the right person for improving upon systems of organization.

Taurus Sun, Libra Moon: Decent

Taurus Sun Libra Moon

You understand how to attract others through your innate charm and good nature. Not only do you understand what relationships are useful, you understand which ones you must let go of. Your charisma comes from a solid sense of self that you never lose. There will be times when you can be quite kitsch and rely heavily on values that are already accentuated in society. By applying your own perspective to them, see if you can adjust them to suit you and the present better. It can be easy for you to acquire a reputation as someone who can do no wrong, giving you little room to take risks or make mistakes. There will be times where you must choose between pleasing others and pleasing yourself, but it will be difficult to be conscious of when these situations arise.

Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon: Personality Cult

Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon

You are naturally talented at creating propaganda because you understand how to create emotionally powerful symbolic serial images. You understand the value of persistence and repetition. Since you are such a natural marketer, creating and responding to social meanings all the time, you are sensitive to the ways large masses of people are prone to being manipulated. This results in sudden feelings of paranoia, feelings that you are being brainwashed by social factors that you have no control over. Sometimes, you easily take the role of a fetish object because you understand the power of your own image.

Taurus Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Criminal

Taurus Sun Sagittarius Moon

Since you deeply feel your own desires and have no qualms about experimenting with everything and everyone to get what you want, there can be a reckless element to you. Others may see you as someone who is unafraid to stir up trouble, albeit gracefully. You see your extremity as common sense, because the most efficient solution to a problem is often illegal. You can get carried away on luxurious goods and are not afraid to spend money, especially on things that show your good taste. What you want is to have an abundance of wealth both coming in and going out.

Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon: Confucian

Taurus Sun Capricorn Moon

There is a strong sense of order to the way you do things. You are capable of such efficiency that you become almost ruthless. No matter your age, your peers will see you as someone older, someone who is able to make the hard decisions, bear the burden, and take the grunt work. You are prepared to suffer to obtain the abundance you feel you deserve. No matter how much pain you swallow, you put great effort into always keeping it classy. You are tremendously aware of social hiearchy and try your best to maintain a good position. Because of this and your capacity for great work, you can sometimes be used in the grander schemes of others.

Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon: A Good Friend

Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon

You’re known for being a rebel and contrarian. Because you’re able to maintain rebellious actions over a long length of time, you become symbolic of social shifts small and large. Your self knowledge can not be contested, as you understand how is it you must appear from every angle and perspective. However, you desire to be unseen by others, standing casually and silently in the corner of whatever room you are in. You desire a great deal of personal space but are emotionally invested in the company you keep around you. You are a great friend to have because you take the trust others place in you seriously, while motivated to unite others under revolutionary ideas. While you are always very practical, you never make the mistake of taking things too seriously.

Taurus Sun, Pisces Moon: Forgotten

Taurus Sun Pisces Moon

It can be easy for you to slip through the cracks not because you don’t make an impression, but because people often don’t know where to place you. While you are sure of many things and appear to be consistent, you also go out of your way to accommodate the interests of others. You are definitely a good host but your personal endeavors may oftentimes fail to live up to their promise because your touch is more whimsical than your vision. Learn to appreciate the flimsy and ephemeral and you will learn to accommodate your own taste. Sometimes, the feeling of always blending in or being overlooked will allow you to do disreputable things without getting caught. However, you will not actively attempt to harm others. Rather, you can be fairly susceptible to peer pressures and lose sight of your mostly good sense.

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