Okay. I think it’s time to do Jin’s natal chart analysis.
Sorry he is last. I wanted to do him last because he is the oldest. I know that Jin stans are always tired of him being always last because he is the oldest. He always has to wait for everyone else to do their thing before he gets to his own. He steps aside. He shares. Jin, being the oldest, is always having to make the best out of getting the shortest end of the stick. Even Yoongi, who is the second oldest, is cared for by his one hyung—Jin.
As always, this analysis is pure speculation. We don’t know these people. They’re idols which means that many of us form a parasocial relationship with them and use their images as tools for self discovery and play. When I’m doing this it’s almost like I’m treating Jin as a fictional character. We just react to the personality that he uses for branding and we’re not doing things like speculating on his private life that he doesn’t tell us about. It’s really not cool to use astrology to talk about a person as though you know more about them than they know themselves. You never do. Exploring a chart with a client is something very different and it’s a collaboration.
I also want to say that the birth times I have are circulated around from someone who supposedly asked them at a fanmeeting. They’re not very accurate or confirmed birthtimes. Especially with Jin, who has Moon at an early degree and ascendant at the 29º of Pisces, we have to keep in mind that the number may be fudged a bit. For this reason, more than any of the other BTS chart articles, I’m going to keep away from houses in my delineations. It’s just too hard to tell whether someone is really a Pisces rising if their ascendant is at 29º.
But, let’s look at Jin’s chart as I have it. He’s an idol and he’s consented to fanfiction about himself so let’s treat this as fanwork. It’s pure pleasure and in celebration of BTS’s new phase. Jin is almost going into his mandatory military service now and we want to wish him well.
Jin is a Jupiter person just like Taehyung. It’s funny that both visuals in the group are Jupiter ruled. Both Jin’s chart (if he’s really a Pisces rising) and his luminary of sect are ruled by Jupiter. However, while Taehyung is a domicile Jupiter person who carries himself like a prince, Jin is a Jupiter person with Jupiter in Libra in the eighth house.
Both Jupiter people are very tall, of course. Taehyung carries his height like royalty. Jin draws a picture of himself and it looks like slenderman. Jin tells us that he thinks he looks like Baymax.
It’s funny that both visuals who are both Jupiter people also both seemingly stumbled into the idol industry. If we think about the Mars people of the group which are Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok it’s like they struggled and trained for a long time in their respective fields to break into the industry. Not so with Jupiter people. Taehyung and Jin were both just randomly picked up.
Jin actually turned down several offers before he joined BigHit and one of those offers was SM Entertainment which was one of the biggest music companies in Korea. Turning down an offer from SM Entertainment is like being approached by Disney and saying no. Jin tells us that he turned them down because he thought it was a scam but I do think that there might be something more.
You see, Jin’s well dignified Jupiter is in the eighth house. He has a prominent Sun in the tenth and Jupiter trines his fourth house from the eighth. Jin has a huge inheritance. He’s from a wealthy family and he was educated overseas. When it comes to it, Jin can do basically whatever he wants to do. And he chose to go with not a company that was already at its peak which many of its workers sues for its abuses but a small company, started by someone known as Hitman Bang, producer of several hit songs for JYP.
Jin can tell the future. There are rumors that it was Jin’s family money that funded BTS’s early activities. I’m not sure whether those rumors are sound but I do know that Jin chose BigHit, an extremely tiny company, over SM Entertainment. Jin sees something not as what it is but as what it can become.
Jupiter is a future oriented sign. Jin lives as though he is in the future. He sold much of his stake in Hybe in late 2021 as if he knew that the company would underperform and then lose a third of its value this year. Jin appears goofy and silly and languid but when it comes to his decisions, he moves like a prophet.

Cancer Mars and Capricorn Venus
Another Cancer Mars—in the beginning, BTS was just three Cancer Mars and Hobi. No wonder Hobi said that he almost cried when he tried to teach them how to dance.
I think that, with Jin, we get to really see some of Cancer Mars’s fantastic qualities. Yes, we know that Jin isn’t known as a dancer in the group. We know that Jin doesn’t get out of bed until late afternoon and that he spends all of his time in pajamas. We know that Jin often complains about his own lack of ambition and dilly dallies on work related things such as becoming an actor.
However! What Jin does for the group is something quite indescribable. Both Namjoon and Yoongi, who also have Cancer Mars, do it too but neither as much as Jin who is the oldest and who also has a Capricorn Venus.
Jin keeps the group together by simply making enough room for everyone else in his own life.
You see this all the time. Jin puts himself down so that other people feel more comfortable. He is always the one who is planning and prepping meals so that no one goes hungry. Jin gets up in the soop and plans breakfast. He starts lunch and he’s almost always also planning dinner. He cleans up after. He does all of this quietly and unobtrusively and without making a big show of it or even mentioning it. It’s just what Jin does.
Jin, with a quiet Venus and quieter Mars, isn’t someone who needs to be at the center of attention. He doesn’t have a particular message to send. He doesn’t have anything that he is trying to prove. He doesn’t even really have a firm personal style—in a BTS documentary, Jin laughs because he shows up in a tacky striped shirt that the stylist makes him change out of. Jin just wants to be included. That’s the most important thing for him in BTS.
And Jin loves food! He is obsessed with food! He talks about food everyday! He and Yoongi prepare food together slowly—so slowly that the hours trickle by and Hoseok comes by asking them when dinner will be served. Jin is a fantastic cook! He posts food on instagram! He snuck away and lined up by himself for a New York waterdog! Cancer Mars loves food.
Cancer Mars isn’t interested in making a big name for themselves. Cancer Mars wants something more profound than admiration—they want to be cared for. Jin tells us that it is okay to live in a lazy way and to be unambitious as long as you are having fun. His favorite song by Young Tak is called Pitiful and Jin loves to describe himself as pathetic. He wears homemade clothes to promote Super Tuna despite being a celebrity with multiple endorsements. He almost wore pajamas to go running on screen in a program sponsored by Fila.
Jin is Baymax—soft, warm, and shyly available. And, most of all, he doesn’t give a single shit about honor or glory or self exaltation. He expects to be loved for being exactly who he is because he accepts everyone else for exactly who they are.
Saturn so dignified, Mercury in Scorpio

Jin meanders, he takes longer to learn dances that he quickly forgets, and he doesn’t push himself to release projects as is the norm in such a youth based industry like kpop but guess what?
Jin is extremely hardworking.
He talks a big game about sleeping in everyday and only playing video games but notice—Jin learns all their dances no matter how hard despite not being a dancer! He cooks so many meals. He’s actually extremely athletic and he proves that when they play volleyball. He’s also pretty good at Gonggi though not as good as the domicile Mars Jikook.
Jin’s Saturn is domicile. If he is an Aries Moon, then none of his planets are very debilitated. If Jin is an Aries Moon then the reception between his Moon and his one planets in fall, Mars, will soften his entire chart. His Saturn is dignified and, if he is a Pisces rising, then it is in the twelve house where it receives joy.
Saturn is in the twelfth house is someone who almost never rests. It’s someone who pushes against their own body in an effort to do more and to work harder. It’s someone who ignores their physical limitations. Saturn in the twelfth house is a fuck ton of pressure. Jin’s always been under pressure. He’s expected to do well and to succeed.
Jin also has Mercury in Scorpio which is a pretty quiet and resolute Mercury. I wanted to mention this with the dignified Saturn because I wanted to mention that, in the beginning of BTS, they were all assigned different languages to learn. Namjoon was probably English. Some of them learned Japanese and it had to include Taehyung but it’s hard to tell who prioritized it. They all learned a little Spanish and it looks like Hobi learned the most. However, it is obvious that before the political sentiments changed, that Jin and Hobi were responsible for learning Mandarin.
Hobi’s Mandarin is pretty good. He can say a lot of things but his accent is almost indecipherable. The thing about Jin’s Mandarin is that his accent is somehow almost perfect. This is a language with five different tones that is incredibly hard to pick up as a secondary language and, yet, Jin could learn the hardest part.
This is interesting. I think that it shows something who, when they put their mind to it, learns something deeply and completely. You have to be hyper focused on and almost immersed in Mandarin in order to get the tones right as an adult. Hobi goes for vocabulary which is easier since there are similarities between Mandarin and Korean but Jin focuses right in on the hardest part.
Jin plays video games for hours at a time. He fixates on something and he gets it done. Maybe he learns their songs and their dances with the same fixation. Scorpio Mercury is obsessive. It researches for hours. It doesn’t finish until it is done and it doesn’t care whether or not it takes hours or years to do something.
There is an intelligence in Jin that we sometimes gloss over because he is funny. He hides it under a hundred dad jokes and a silly pose. He never whips it out for attention because he is more concerned about people coming together than individual attention. Jin never asks for more and, yet, he’s always thinking and always planning. Maybe his humor is a bit deflective as humor tends to be.
Jin doesn’t care about telling us who he is. He’s not one for slogans and he always says that there’s nothing special about himself. No, he doesn’t tell us who he is but he shows us who he is quietly, subtly, and consistently. He allows his own actions to do the talking for him and he moves as though he is telling us that someone who deserves respect never needs to ask for it.