Analyzing Mercury In Pisces

Oct. 14, 2022, 8:44 a.m.

I find it funny how many debilitated Mercuries, especially Mercury in Pisces, are writers. It’s not even one of those things that you notice only when you look back on your notes about certain significations. It’s one of those things that happen again and again—you meet another Mercury in Pisces and, yes, they happen to be a writer as well. I used to work in a literary non-profit and guess what? Almost every single person in that non-profit, except one, had a detriment or fallen Mercury. And I am among those people. I have Mercury in Pisces.

And people with Mercuries that we traditionally think of as “strong” tend not to be writers, I’ve found. It’s far more likely for them to be musicians.

Of course, musicians speak and sing with their throats. Writers are seen and not heard but read. Mercury in Pisces is Mercury who must speak as a fish. There's a story about a mermaid who becomes a girl who doesn't get to speak, whose voice is cut.

So, Mercury in Pisces is often thought of as the most debilitated Mercury. It’s not only in detriment but also in fall. And it’s a Mercury that strives, unceasingly, to write.

This is a prolific Mercury and not a concise one. What other people are satisfied doing in one paragraph, Mercury in Pisces chooses to draw out into a narrative that spans a trilogy. It complicates ideas that others see as simple. It is perfectly capable of writing and reading sprawling webnovels. It isn’t necessarily a patient Mercury but it is an obsessive one. When Mercury in Pisces gets into something, oh it is into it.

It doesn’t stop writing, doesn’t stop speaking. This is Mercury running with fluid, with wetness, with snot, and with tears. This a Mercury whose words will make you either cum or cry.

Mercury in Pisces knows what it’s like to be misunderstood, to not be about to describe the self so that other people may understand and it also knows what it’s like to be misnamed and ill described. I remember being in a group of Mercury in Pisces and finding that we all have around three names each.

We know what to call ourselves. It’s just that we have a great deal of flexibility around the subject in place. We know that a name is mostly an expression of the observer much more than the named.

I think that the reason why Mercury in Pisces produces so much, writes so much, and can work so much is because it’s quite satisfied with confusion. It is perpetually confused. This is no logician’s Mercury. It will happily eat a word that really means another word and know that this disobedience of meaning signifies something crucial all on its own. We don’t have to have our minds made up around a thing to say something about it. It’s when we do the saying, the writing, the process of expressing something, that we talk ourselves out of a position and then back into it again.

Mercury in Pisces understands that learning can only take place in a space of confusion.

I don’t want to take away from the pain of Mercury in Pisces. This isn’t an easy Mercury placement. It’s not only about fluidity of thought and happiness in failure. This is a Mercury that, being debilitated, has also suffered. There are things that Mercury in Pisces could not say and had to spew out, unadulterated and ill informed, until everyone around them called their tongue an orchestrator of nonsense. Mercury in Pisces could not come out and name themselves. It knows what it’s like to fight against the holding of the tongue.

It’s a wayward Mercury and it has been punished for this as well. This is perhaps why Mercury in Pisces does not really feel bad when it is mistaken or misinformed. It knows that the great curators of knowledge have always been mistaken.

So, facts don’t really matter for Mercury in Pisces. There are grand narratives around facts and those narratives are just stories. There is nothing that you can’t tell in a fact that you can’t tell in a story but there is everything that you must tell in a story that you cannot hope to tell in a fact.

At the end of the day, it is easy to talk a Mercury in Pisces out of something. It’s the easiest thing in the world. This Mercury will look at things that are completely opposite to what they believe and they’ll believe it too. They don't make up their minds. They sit at the opposing ends of one messy table. However, to talk Mercury in Pisces into something, you must convince them with a good tale. You must make the fluids run. You must make them cry, make them bleed, or make them cum.

This is a Mercury that looks for eros in the law and for ideology in the queer pornographies that get passed around in secret. It’s a Mercury that looks for definition in a song and for rhythm in a dictionary. Mercury in Pisces sees what it is not supposed to see. It will always be more interested in the hidden than the obvious.

And then we try to write. We use the words the wrong way. We refuse to edit. We scarcely care about our typos and we are only half hearted when we try to form a sentence that makes grammatical sense. We'd much rather keep the story alive than get caught in the trap of meaning too wholeheartedly what we only seek to suggest.

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