There’s someone I want you to be with in November. I want you to be with your inner detective and consider what you need to feel truly flummoxed at a good mystery.
Yes, there is an eclipse on US election day. November 8th—a lunar eclipse in Taurus. It’s a significant one with Republicans runnings in severals states trying to ban abortion. There’s a lot on the line. I’m concerned about it and I’m also concerned about the possibility that the Democrats will use abortion to hide other issues so there’s a bit of doom with my concern. On the date of the eclipse, Saturn is still at those hinges of the nodes. Mercury is eight minutes from the Sun and sits in his arms, cazimi.
What a date for an election. Everything, except Mars and Jupiter, is in the fixed signs.
There’s someone I want you to be with in November. I want you to be with your inner detective and consider what you need to feel truly flummoxed at a good mystery.
One by one, in November, Venus then Mercury and finally the Sun slip from Scorpio into Sagittarius. Jupiter will already be back in Pisces by then where it turns direct on the 24th. We’re moving from a month that is defined by Mars into Jupiter’s soft reign.
This will be the last time Jupiter spends any more time in Pisces for about twelve years. It’s the third time this has happened in the last few years. It happened for a bit in the summer of 2021 and then this last late winter and spring.
Jupiter is a carnival. It’s a planet that loves itself for its own madness. Can you relate?
There’s one thing that art and science have in common. They both love mystery. Both art and science are built of nothing but hypotheses that are sometimes proven and then disproven and then perhaps proven once more before being disagreed with now and again. Hypothesis is the language of mystery.
It’s funny. The mystery genre was popularized when the modern police state became institutionalized. These mystery stories were less interested in ethics and morality than sensationalism.
I think that sensationalism is a peculiar amplification of mystery. Sensationalized stories are stories that might be overly vulgar or raunchy or may stir up good old collective trauma so that everyone starts shouting at one another. A lot of the stories that we see when we read or watch the news, particularly stories about crime, are sensationalized stories.
When I work with people around the theme of mystery, we often uncover detectives. These detectives might be lonesome figures who feel drift in the world and don’t know what they are looking for. They might be extra vigilant types who don’t know how to describe the things that only they see to someone else. They might be things that seem to hold the important archetype of truth.
Sometimes, the part of you that searches for truth is responsible for creating its own spectacles, for creating its own dramatic narratives. These detectives like to see themselves as accurate and just. Their job, after all, is to thwart mystery, to infiltrate it and to collapse it like it is nothing but a sack of cheap tricks. Mystery is never accurate and nor does it want to be good. It is never only a cheap trick.
I want you to believe that mystery is true in November. The detective who lives inside of you might not like this. He might try to foil you and he might believe in red herrings. He will try to attach exacting words to your most paranormal activities and he will try to convince you that life can be studied. It is up to you whether you believe him or not. In many cases, the detective does not need you to believe him though he may ask for it.
The most important things in life are the things that you also cannot explain. Jupiter is a promoter of mystery. Jupiter refuses to explain and it will never try to prove what is willing to remain a hypothesis. It is much too interested in speculation.
So, enjoy a good mystery in November. Write a story about the mystery of the sun’s consciousness, about whether atomic particles are aware of themselves or not. Enjoy a mystery about people who lack morals and have too many tools. Enjoy mystery stories even when those stories lack morals or common decency. Enjoy feral mystery, mystery without sensationalism, without the ghastliness that it takes to generate publicity and with only uncanniness to sustain its rhythm. Track a ghost and then let it slip away. Be with Jupiter who reminds your inner detective that the world will always be bigger than the space that a closed door allows.
Questions to ask yourself in November 2022:
Who is your inner detective?
What drama has this detective constructed around itself?
Does this drama know that mystery is real?
The mystery is love. Love is the mystery. Love can only be speculated on and hypothesized within. It cannot be answered because it does not need a solution from you. There is absolutely nothing to figure out within love and, yet, the detective within you tries very hard to understand and study the phenomenon of love.
Love will always escape the detective. That is why it remains a mystery. Love’s mysterious state is important. It is what allows it to remain what it is.
I wonder if the detective in you revels in that mystery that lives within love. What kind of detective is enamored by mystery anyway? I wonder if that mystery is willing to allow itself sensation or dramatic expression and how it might tease the detective with sensation or suggestion. I wonder if you are more interested in subtleties or inevitabilities. Allow the demon of mystery to possess you again, just for a month or so. You can always tell it to go back to hell later.
The mystery is in the past. You don’t know exactly where you came from and how. How could you? There is much mystery embedded in soil. There are repressed memories and erased histories. There are family secrets.
These are stories that you have needed to reconstruct rather than refamiliarize. The word remember is a bit of a misnomer. We never remember things. We always reconstruct memories. Memories are just stories.
I wonder if it’s alright that you will never know everything about how you came to be and how the world around you got to construct itself the way it has done. There are, after all, things that you were told about adulthood as a child that you no longer believe in and that’s turned out okay for you. There must be some value to knowing that there are things about your childhood self that your adult self will never and can never know again.
I think that something we don’t talk about enough is what happens when you give up on a friend. I think we don’t talk about it very much because the experience renders us speechless. There is a form of utopianism in friendship. We build friendships the way we build our futures. To give up on a friend? It’s uncomfortable. We feel disgust and shame over it and over ourselves. We become momentarily disoriented and we no longer feel that we are still who we are.
And, yet, we do it. We give up on friends sometimes. We do it because conflicts that we are not willing to engage in reveal themselves. We do it because of lack of energy or because we are tired. We do it because friendship is a choice and because we are allowed to refuse friendship.
The future is also a choice. There are futures that you have given up and futures that you have refused. You don’t have to be friends with everyone and you also don’t have to become every version of yourself you can possibly be. There is a weight that you seek to relieve yourself of whenever you give up on something. Ask this weight what kind of future it imagines for you.
Never allow yourself to be infantilized without your consent. If you are not a child, then you have what it takes to be with yourself as an adult. You can feed yourself. You can fix your own toilet. You can do your own cleaning. Let the child within you know that you are there for them and have been there for them as an adult. I wonder how that child within responds back.
Give up on a goal and see what happens. Just one—one little goal. You have things that you have wanted and needed. You might even have everything that you need. I wish you could see that clearly all of the time but you weren’t meant to see it clearly all of the time, were you? Otherwise, you would become satisfied. You have never allowed yourself to be self satisfied.
I wonder if you are able to hold space for disappointment, that sinking and reaching sensation, alongside satisfaction, that sinking and full sensation, remembering that you can have both, that you must be able to feel both to be truly yourself. I wonder if you are able to hold disappointment and satisfaction as a grown person with the startling recognition that you have resources that adults have and children lack.
I want you to celebrate the dreams that are no longer yours. Celebrate them! Dreams are a great demon that possesses you and tells you to do their bidding. For what purpose? For love? For spiritual enlightenment? For health? For God?
Celebrate your liberation from God. You are no longer possessed. You have no idea what you are doing.
You have become the state of mystery that results from a state of non-possession. The guides can no longer tell you who you must become or what you must do to get there. There are no guides for you anymore. You can look nothing up and neither can you ask for advice. You have been liberated from the reign of having to live with higher purpose. You have become your own permission slip, to use a metaphor someone told to me the other day. I wonder what kinds of things you would want to write on such a slip.
Think about every single thing that you assume would make you more boring and become that thing. Don’t worry. You will never be boring. You won’t allow yourself to. Pretend to be boring. Give it a shot. See where you go when you are no longer interested in not being boring. There is no great big mystery that you need to ride away on a sailboat to seek. The mystery that you’re looking for is inside of you.
The reason is, you will never have as much control over yourself than you can imagine. It is possible to imagine a world where all of our choices have predictable consequences. It is possible to imagine a world where we are exactly who we say we are and want to want the things that we want. It is possible to imagine a world where your thoughts can control the pace of your heart. It is impossible to live in this world.
You will never be the person you imagine yourself being. You won’t allow yourself to. You can’t predict yourself in November. You will always want things that you don’t want to want. Are you still willing to enjoy yourself?
I want you to look out at the world and see not just the options that are not available to you but also the resources that are at your disposal. Jupiter will re-enter your eleventh house. This is where Jupiter loves to be. This is when people just give you things that you need. You get pickings from a friend’s garden when you are out of food, a free banana when the cashier miscounted your purchase, and the gift of a poem that is all about you from your ex.
You get things from Jupiter in November. Jupiter likes to just throw things at people. Can you see the resources that are at your disposal?
I think sometimes it’s easier to hold onto trying to get things that you can’t get. That’s the part of you that hates to be starved, that knows that there is death in starvation. And then there’s the part of you that knows what you can get. That’s the part of you that knows how to eat. You will always know how to eat. Never forget that.
You’re done with being infantilized. No more. Part of this is because you have glimpsed the world around you, realized that it will always remain a mystery, and have accepted and rejoiced in this knowledge. No one can tell you who you are anymore and you will never try to become an idea over being a person.
I want you to focus on your relationship with the sky in November. You might call this sky being God if you are religious or the weather if you are scientific. It’s just you and the big, old sky this month. The sky is always unpredictable and it will always hang over you. The sky is not something that you can or are willing to escape.
How does the sky impact you and how does that change each and every day? Does it feel like a ceiling you want desperately to overcome? Does it feel liminal and apathetic sometimes? Or maybe it feels limitless and overwhelming at other times? What type of awe does it produce? What expression is the face of the sky contorted in?
It is normal to feel as though you don’t have access to pleasure. It is normal to feel as though you are fighting for the right to pleasure even when you can’t access it. It is normal to feel disgust when faced with the possibility for pleasure and attachment. It is normal to feel shame and possession. I wish it were not but it is—we live in a world where pleasure is despised.
My challenge for you in November is to not force yourself into pleasure that you aren’t willing to accept but to find it within yourself to be okay with mystery, to be okay with being around things that you do not understand or already know. Can you find within yourself the ability to be with the possibility that there are things your vigilance does not know?
Let your body do your refusing for you. Then, reapproach the situation, treating it the way you treat mystery. Let yourself wonder if you cannot desire. Let yourself fantasize or you cannot reenact. Your body is willing to entertain curiosity when it knows you allow it to refuse.
Remember the self who used to be so torn between love and independence. In actuality, there was something that was quite hard to hold within both love and independence, wasn’t there? The terror of independence threw inconsequitial and distracting crushes your way. The terror of love made you pull away and make strange decisions.
If you were to just be with that need for distraction, I wonder what it would say to you. This distracted entity in you is not a demon but becomes a detective. I wonder if this detective has orchestrated a certain drama around itself without your knowledge. Maybe that detective, stumbling, becomes a child. I wonder what kind of attention this child has needed from you all along.
There is a lot of information in distraction. It’s how we stumble into the self. A great number of biographies could not be written if it were not for the power of distraction. I wonder if you prefer to search like a detective or if you prefer to stumble like a child these days. There is beauty in both.
If there are more people around you that need your attention than you have enough willingness to acknowledge, then it is quite alright to say no to some people. Don’t try to read too heavily into it. It’s not usually a matter of who is important to you or the universe putting temptations into your path. Saying no to people is just a part of life. Sometimes, you don’t feel like seeing someone else.
I want you to keep that in mind even if an interaction escalates. If someone pushes conflict or professes vulnerability to try to get your attention, it’s still up to you whether you want to give attention or not. Caring about something is a choice. It’s your choice. No one can take that away from you.
Know your limits. Exercise attention with self compassion. If you care about something, you must be willing to let it move slow. This is because care requires slowness. There are conflicts that you might feel that you do not care about until you find that you are willing to give yourself the grace of time.
I wonder if it’s in your best interest to become a mystery. You’ve certainly got a knack for it. You know very well how to camouflage your words and phrases so that absolutely no one in the world can read you and know what you are thinking. But is it in your own interest? Does employing mystery give you more options for living life? Certainty sometimes but not all the time.
I think that you sometimes live in a world where you sense detectives at every turn. It’s horrible, this feeling of being prosecuted or watched or studied. You’re scared that you’re going to be found out about existing. You have measured exactly how much you can get away with.
Maybe the detectives are not real. What if they are not? What if they have constructed this whole drama around themselves and then they turn out not to be detectives at all but chipmunks? Can you transfigure the detectives who chase you down? The only way to know is to turn around and try.