Mars In Taurus Power

Nov. 21, 2022, 11:46 a.m.

Let’s talk about Mars in Taurus. To talk about Mars in Taurus, we’ll have to talk about rage.

You might be thinking, “Isn’t Mars debilitated in Taurus?” Doesn’t this mean that Mars is mandated into peace when it is in Taurus? That its properties of anger or aggression or even honesty is weakened?

No—a debilitated Mars doesn’t mean that we do not get angry just as a debilitated Venus doesn’t mean that we aren’t willing to sacrifice ourselves to pleasure. Mars in Taurus knows anger. It feels it and is possessed by it sometimes just like the rest of us.

The reason why we have to talk about rage when we talk about Mars in Taurus is because rage is a condition that results from anger when it is suppressed inside of the body and allowed to ferment for years upon years until it’s become a solid resource that can be tapped into when enough care is utilized. Mars in Taurus has anger. The debilitation means that Mars has found conditions in the world that were alien to its own expression.

This is a slow moving Mars and Mars does not like to be slow. If Mars is the catharsis of anger, of fear, and of all feelings that demand urgency and the protection of the self through fighting it out then Mars sinks into itself when it is found in Taurus. It becomes resolute—sometimes more resolute than it needs to be. It holds onto things. It can’t let these things go because it fears that, if it were to let these things go, that would mean that the iron grip in charge of protecting itself from itself doesn’t exist anymore.

Anger turns into rage when it is no longer just a sensation but becomes its own definition. Anger is directed at something. Rage is self justifying. It is somehow able to exist independently from its old targets.

I think that Mars in Taurus doesn’t really forget things. This means that it also does not give up. It keeps fighting the same battles. This is a form of hope, this not giving up. It is willing to be caught into the same traps because it knows that, sometimes, it can get things to change.

Mars in Taurus make tremendous organizers. You can see why. They use that rage. They don’t give up on it. They know that the rage is priceless. They are demanding of themselves when they are engaged in struggle. They will do the work and they won’t stop doing the work just because they are tired. They do not feel that this is a choice.

If you have Mars in Taurus you might know that this commitment to your cause is not always enjoyable or empowering. It can be. It just isn’t always. You might know that this rage, justly channeled into action and strategy, can often be overwhelming for the simple reason that rage can weaken your body.

There is no lethargy of feeling when it comes to Mars in Taurus. This is a passionate Mars. The reason why Mars in Taurus can sometimes seem sluggish from the outside is not because they have not pondered their feelings or distance themselves from them. No, they are fully committed to the conclusion of feeling. The reason why Mars in Taurus can weaken a body is because it is such a demanding Mars to contain.

You go all out when you have Mars in Taurus. You want it to happen all the way. You will refuse to get started unless you can see that you are willing to go all the way. When you move, it’s not just decisive. You move all of you at once.

There is power in this refusal as well. Mars in Taurus doesn’t say yes freely. It takes its time. It often refuses things that it is not already committed to. You can’t make a Mars in Taurus say yes to anything that it hasn’t considered for enough time and enough time is subjective but often longer than what you would expect. Mars in Taurus is selective with its pursuits.

When invested in a struggle, Mars in Taurus will wait. They will wait for everyone to arrive. They will wait for the right time. They will wait but they will not give up. This is because they know that a battle not bought today does not mean that it can’t be won tomorrow.

The power of Mars in Taurus has to do with this waiting. Mars in Taurus knows that great deeds aren’t accomplished in a day but over the course of a lifetime.

So, Mars in Taurus constructs its own conditions for expression. This isn’t a given. They may ruminate over a conflict and then come back to a similar kind time after time only because they haven’t given up on the version of themselves that they were when the conflict was first unearthed. They don’t know how to give up and, if they are ever caught in the dilemma of not wanting to give up or keep fighting, then they can look at all of the things that their rage has helped them build. A fight with a brother has already become a struggle for gender inequality. A break up becomes the struggle for sexual boundaries made explicit.

Mars in Taurus builds things with rage. They have the power to do this. They have built expressions and paths for struggle that did not exist previously. This is the result of Mars in Taurus—not the resolution of that first conflict that brought them to the result. Those remembered conflicts do not mature with you but your power does.

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