Mars In Gemini Power

Nov. 28, 2022, 11:37 a.m.

Mars is in Gemini right now. It’s late fall/early winter in 2022 and Mars is going to hang out here until March of 2023. So, in writing this series about Mars I feel like I’ve been asking for a bit of help from Mars in Gemini.

The thing that characterizes a Mars in Gemini is that it doesn’t like to focus on one thing at one time. This is also Mars in Gemini’s power. It is capable of being interested in and directed towards different things.

Mars in Gemini is not Mars in Libra. It is not usually interested in holding two opposing truths. It is simply interested in an array of very different things.

The most common question about Mars in Gemini that I get is the question of how to get things done. I’ve gotten this question from Mars in Gemini people again and again for as long as I’ve been an astrologer. It seems to be the bane of a Mars in Gemini, this idea of starting something and maintaining the process and then eventually finishing it without starting a whole new thing.

The thing is, the reason why Mars in Gemini is powerful is because it is willing to start new things without finishing the old. Mars in Gemini is a mutable Mars. It’s not narrow minded and nor does it assume that something has been abandoned just because it has been paused. Mars in Gemini is willing to come back to things.

Mars in Gemini will leave. Then, it will come back. It expects that you trust that it will do both of these things.

The best way to work with a Mars in Gemini is to give it what it wants, which is to do two things at once. It will do this well. Doing one thing at one time limits the curiosity of Mars in Gemini and Mars in Gemini is motivated by a ravenous curiosity. Its ingenuity is that it is willing to be curious about things that it’s not supposed to be curious about.

This is a Mars that will always talk back. It’s a bit of a troublemaker. It doesn’t do as it’s told. It won’t follow the rule of doing one thing at one time because it wants to prove itself as being capable of more than that.

Mars in Gemini can be sharp tongued but I’ve found that this can depend on the Mercury placement. It is also possible for Mars in Gemini to be at a crux and find itself lost for words. The thing that really impresses me about Mars in Gemini is that it is devoted to finding the right word. It isn’t satisfied with vagueness. It wants the real word, the specific word that encapsulates that it is feeling and trying to do almost perfectly.

This is why Mars in Gemini is so gifted a storyteller. It has spent a lifetime trying to find the right word, the right cadence, and the right style.

This is also why Mars in Gemini can ask a lot of questions. “What do you really mean?” “How did you get there?” “Is that really what you mean because it wasn’t what you said two days ago?”

There is also a tendency in Mars in Gemini to try to escape. It sometimes pulls this off through the inquisition. It’s not like Mars in Pisces or Sagittarius which tries to dodge in order to get away. Mars in Gemini is more likely to lean even close into the situation that it wants to escape. It has full confidence that it, through mirroring, can turn the situation around and away from itself.

Sometimes, Mars in Gemini asks a lot of questions because it’s trying to turn the focus on something else. Sometimes, it’s just scared. It can ask a lot of questions about something because it’s scared.

There’s a power in that, I think. Being curious because you are afraid? That’s incredible. It means that your curiosity survives your fear. It means that you can keep living when you are afraid. This is an awesome survival skill.

So, if you need a proper inquisition, bring a Mars in Gemini. Mars in Gemini always knows what questions to ask. It knows what questions will really get to someone.

I think that this survival of curiosity is also why Mars in Gemini tends to need to do two things at once and why it must be allowed to leave and then come back. Curiosity is not the most loyal animal. It’s easily tempting into giving up its position. It’s never dogmatic and doesn’t use fierceness of opinion to survive. Curiosity’s strength comes from its flexibility.

Curiosity doesn’t care about one upping another person. Its goal is really just to explore. This is also Mars in Gemini’s goal. If it doesn’t really care about completing a task, then it will not complete it. Mars in Gemini cares far more that curiosity is tended to and kept living. It cares that its own appetite for adventure will survive the often boring beginning and end of any one project.

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