The Three Types Of Capricorn Sun

Dec. 22, 2022, 3:05 p.m.

There’s three types of Capricorn Suns: Capricorn who have Mercury in Sagittarius, Capricorn who have Mercury in Aquarius, and Capricorn who have Mercury in Capricorn. Furthermore, Capricorn with Capricorn Mercury have Mercuries that are either in the morning phase, the evening phase, or combust.

Sometimes, you hear people talking about how different December Capricorns are from January Capricorns. Not all December Capricorns have Sagittarius Mercury and not all January Capricorns have Aquarius Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º from the Sun, it is more likely for a December Capricorns to be a Sagittarius Mercury and for a January Capricorn to be a Aquarius Mercury.

Capricorn with Sagittarius Mercury: Risk taker

This is the type of Capricorn that you’ll see walking being blunt as hell, moving out of the country suddenly, or talking about their vision of changing their whole life and the world along with it. It’s a Capricorn with a big vision and a Capricorn that likes to learn as they go. This is a Capricorn who is lead by the imagination.

Look closer and you’ll notice that the dryness of humor, the tendency to shoulder responsibility, and the compartmentalization is still there. But, it feels almost like an afterthought. A nod to grounding themselves in something after the wild night is over with and done.

You can’t predict a Capricorn with a Sagittarius Mercury. The thing is, sometimes the things that they do are different from the things that they say. They tend to work through routines but think through visions. It takes them a long time to go for whatever it is that they are imagining but, when they do go for it, they have been sitting on the idea for a long, long time. It’s just surprising to the outside observer.

The other thing is, these are very funny people. You have the Capricorn profundity with the Sagittarius tendency to tell things as they are. I’d say that you tend to get an extremely edgy type of humor coming from these people. They take risks with their personal lives and in the spirit of humor.

Capricorn with Capricorn Mercury: Hold on

There’s three subsets of Capricorn with Capricorn Mercury: there’s Capricorns who have Mercury as morning star, Capricorns who have Mercury as evening star, and Capricorn who have Mercury combust.

Capricorns with Capricorn Mercury know when it is important to hold the tongue. They might have grown up having to hold onto information for the sake of someone else, knowing when and where it is appropriate to say things and when it is not, and learning how important it is to wait before you talk.

Think twice before you speak. Say it in a way that fits the moment. Hold on a second and gather your thoughts. That’s Capricorn with Capricorn Mercury.

The thing is, Capricorns with Capricorn Mercury’s words usually have a lot of impact when they are delivered. They are delivered precisely at the right time and to the right people. Capricorns with Capricorn Mercuries speak up when they are ready to deliver and not a moment sooner.

Capricorns with Capricorn Mercury in the morning star phase are more forthright with their words. They tend to react faster while in the moment with more of a focus on the facts or events that have happened.

Capricorns with Capricorn Mercury in the evening star phase are more likely to spend a lot of time processing something in a retrospective view. They are very good at making powerpoint presentations.

Capricorns with Capricorn Mercury combust struggle to find their own sense of authority when using their voice. They are cautious and deliberate over whether it is right for them to speak on something or not.

Capricorn with Aquarius Mercury: Whimsical

Capricorns with Aquarius Mercury is actually extremely poetic. I’m not sure why but this is usually a consistent theme with them. It’s like they distill all of the hard edges in having Saturn ruled placements and they turn it into whimsy.

My hunch with this is that Capricorns with Aquarius Mercury have mastered the art of turning distraction into mission. You don’t often see Saturnian Mercuries as being described as distracted but it’s there. Remember, this is the Mercury that builds walls and tries to fly away.

Capricorns with Aquarius Mercuries take their distractions seriously. A rebound becomes a whole committed relationship where they’re moving to be with their new person. A hobby becomes a career. A joke becomes something profound. Capricorns with Aquarius Mercuries aren’t afraid to spend time with their distractions. They are quite curious about them.

So, they are prepared to and can live lives of whimsy. They will study something incredibly niche to its full extent. They will dedicate their lives to a detail. Isn’t that what is means, anyway, to live a poetic live?

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