Mars In Leo Power

Jan. 11, 2023, 12:25 p.m.

Mars in Leo is completely guileless. Naive. Can be considered to be quite a clueless Mars.

It’s funny. You might think that Mars, representing aggression, would be incredibly strong and effective in Leo. There is some truth to this. Mars in Leo is loud and blaring. You might think that Mars in Leo tends to overdo itself and try too hard. This is also not quite it because Mars in Leo doesn’t quite go overboard enough to make its efforts satirical or dramatic. It falls squarely in the field of shameless authenticity. Mars in Leo always says exactly what it means and it always does exactly what it says.

There are no hidden reasons or intentions with a Mars in Leo. If Mars in Leo is mad, then it will act angry. Immediately. It will not hide its feelings. If it changes its mind, it will let you know also right away. If it is sad, it will show despair. If it is joyful then it will hum a little tune. It doesn’t perform its emotions. It just is.

This leads us to the second aspect of Mars in Leo which is also important. Mars is mostly peregrine in Leo.

You see, Mars doesn’t really take into account what other people might be feeling or how their show of feeling of power might impact a room. It’s not that they strive to piss people off. They just really don’t consider the moods and temperaments of those around them. Mars in Leo is fully capable of feeling happiness when their best friend is in the pits of despair. They are fully capable of being enraged when no one else in the group seems willing to support that rage.

This is why Mars in Leo can be rather vulnerable or find themselves in quite vulnerable situations.

They are the one to stand up to the person whose actions get on everyone else’s nerves. They don’t need to know that it’s bothering anyone else. They just want to make their own emotions known. They don’t even think about whether it will alienate them from the group. Mars in Leo has no strategy. Whatever they do is really just a pure expression of whatever it is that they are feeling in the moment. If asked about it, Mars in Leo will tell you that they feel that it is important and necessary to make their perspective known. They don’t know why this is or what it will do. They just know that they have something to say.

This is why Mars is not very intimidating when in Leo despite its tendency towards displays of strength. It’s hard to be intimidated by someone who wears their heart on their sleeve the way that a toddler might. Mars in Leo allows themselves to be well known. They keep nothing hidden and leave nothing to the imagination. They entertain little paranoia. There is something almost cheesy about Mars in Leo. They don’t aim for poeticism. They are prone to declaring the most obvious things.

This is also why Mars in Leo can get away with quite a bit once the people around them grow used to their blatant affections or eruptions. There is something really pure about how they demand things that they truly want. Try playing a game with a Mars in Leo. When they lose, they will not hide their humiliation underneath good sportsmanship or try to learn the game better in secret to try to beat you again. They will show their upset immediately and they will ask for a rematch right off the bat without further practice even if you have been playing the game for much longer than they have. For some reason, they immediately believe that they can win again if given another chance. They do not consider an alternative to winning.

This is a Mars that is willing to get competitive with a five year old at age forty. The competition between a Mars in Leo and an actual toddler will not be contrived either. It will be true and both parties will find a way to learn a lot through this competition.

There can be an air of tragedy around Mars in Leo depending on Mars’s relationship to the entire chart. This is a Mars that tries again and again often the same way each time. It’s not a Mars that is prone to asking for help. It doesn’t seek support. It’s a Mars that hides nothing and considers no strategy. It can be tactless or innocent, depending on your perspective. That’s right—Mars in Leo is a Mars that expects to fight its battle alone.

It’s a Mars that fees engulfed by the crowd and struggles against it. Mars in Leo will always make up its mind by itself and it will force its physical or emotional will upon the forces that surround it in an attempt to get its way. It uses brute force because it’s not always aware of all of the tools that it has at its disposal.

There is something powerful about Mars in Leo because of their lack of strategy as well. The thing is, Mars in Leo doesn’t need to know that it has a chance in order to give things a try. It doesn’t need to have a plan to take the first step. They know what they have to lose and they are willing to lose it. They have a faith that, with enough effort and with enough attempts, their actions will eventually pay off.

“Just try it once.” “If you do this, you will lose this thing but that’s okay because you can always recover it later.” “It might seem impossible now but if you don’t try it once then you don’t know if you can succeed.”

And they are right. Mars in Leo is always eventually proved right. This is a fixed Mars. They are willing to make enough attempts to almost always prove themselves right eventually.

So, Mars in Leo has a superpower. That superpower is courage. It is always willing to try. There is a hint of naivete around its courage. Neither experience or skill can take away Mars in Leo’s innocent courage because they will always find something new, something more daunting, to try and, when trying, they are unafraid and shameless enough to give it their absolute all.

Mars in Leo never gives up. This is also what makes them incredibly strong. They are sometimes frustrated but they are never unfazed. They might fail but they never lose faith in themselves. They know what it’s like to lose to the world, to get up, and to try a hundred more times.

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