Mars In Scorpio Power

Jan. 25, 2023, 2:02 p.m.

Mars in Scorpio, like Mars in Aries, carries itself with the power of a storm. However, Mars in Scorpio is different from Mars in Aries. Mars has triplicity in Scorpio.

Most Mars in Scorpio are jocks. You might not know it from a first impression. They don’t always wear sweatpants, drink sports drinks, and brag about how beefy they’re getting but, if pressed, they will reveal just how crucial physical activity is to them. Maybe they did three or four competitive sports when in high school. Maybe they’ve been dancers for their entire lives.

Mars in Scorpio is an athlete that knows its own durability. When it hits a limit, it keeps on going. Nothing can stop the will of Mars in Scorpio, not even its own fatigue. It understands that if you keep going a bit longer or harder today than yesterday then you can only get stronger and stronger. This is a Mars that trains itself to be better, more efficient, and more powerful.

The power of Mars in Scorpio is usually quite obvious. They will have mastered a craft. They will lead a conversation with ease. This is someone who other people stop and listen to—someone who carries the energy of a room.

Mars in Scorpio is different from Mars in Aries because Mars in Scorpio doesn’t have to be abrupt. It doesn’t have to interrupt already working processes to get attention. There is something about the voices of people with Mars in Scorpio that just gets people to notice them when they need to even when they are the quietest person in the room. Whatever Mars in Scorpio does, they are known for it. If they are quiet, then they are known for being the quiet and mysterious one.

So, Mars in Scorpio does what Mars in Scorpio is driven to do (and they are usually driven to do something even if they have promised themselves more distance around a work commitment or community) and people take heed. People notice. People join in. The Mars in Scorpio’s goal becomes a group goal. It becomes a collective activity.

This is Mars in Scorpio’s true power. It can mobilize a great number of people. It doesn’t need to empower itself. This is Mars domicile. Mars is the king. It empowers you. Mars in Scorpio is able to grant you some of its power.

Mars in Scorpio is not able to take it easy. When it chooses to do something, it is fully committed and on. It will get the job done. It will maintain the effort and endure the obstacles. Obstacles only encourage Mars in Scorpio to push harder and smarter. There are no obstacles for Mars in Scorpio, only challenges that can provide more energy when vanquished than if the challenge didn’t exist at all.

Whatever it is that Mars in Scorpio tries to do, it will get done. It doesn’t matter if the task at hand is the organization of a chaotic closet or the fighting of some unfair legislation. Mars in Scorpio will choose to do it if they can do it and if they can do it then they will do it. Mars in Scorpio will also try it if they don’t think they can do it because what if they can do it?

Mars in Scorpio gets things done before because they don’t stop. This is Mars in a fixed sign. It’s not interested in quick beginnings and little follow through. Mars in Scorpio wants the whole story.

The reason why Mars in Scorpio gets things done is not because they don’t get tired. Mars in Scorpio, too, gets tired. The reason why they get things done is because they are able to work alongside other people.

When a Mars in Scorpio shares their energy with you, you feel empowered with them. You, too, feel as though you can do anything. Why not? You, too, feel as though you can learn from your mistakes and turn every obstacle into a blip in the past. You, too, feel like you can figure things out. This is what Mars in Scorpio does for the world.

It doesn’t matter who has the most credentials to do something. It doesn’t matter if you know how to or if you still have to learn. It doesn’t even matter if you have the resources when you start or if you have to figure out how to find support. Mars in Scorpio understands that the first thing anyone needs in order to begin a project is the will to try. If you want to do something then everything else will follow. You will figure out how, you will find the resources, and you will get the stupid credentials if you must.

Mars in Scorpio is sheer creative willpower. It has a lot of it. It is willing to share. When it shares it’s strength of will, that will only gets stronger.

This is a Mars that gets stronger over time. It relies on solidarity and experience to move and it puts all of that knowledge into action. A dancer who breaks their arm? Mars in Scorpio will learn to dance with the brokenness cleanly conveyed. A runner who snubs a toe? Mars in Scorpio learns a hundred other ways to gift its speed to those who love quickness. Nothing can stop Mars in Scorpio because it turns every single accident or folly into experience.

Mars in Scorpio gets more and more powerful over time. It is willing to change its definition of power but it’s not willing to lose its power. Its allies are time and love. It is always willing to share and you will become stronger when you know a Mars in Scorpio. It is always willing to learn and it is defeated by no one.

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