How Other People See Pisces

Feb. 23, 2023, 12:13 p.m.

Pisces is quite a weird sign. What can we say is the difference between outward perception and internal experience for this sign that appears to wear its whole heart on its sleeve? This is Pisces, the sign most renowned for its shameless vulnerability.

Pisces is in no way a quiet sign. Pisces likes to break taboos. This is very clear. They have this feeling of being all over the place from the outside. There’s a beautiful style of dancing where a person appears as though they are about to fall over all of the time. That’s Pisces to some extent.

The thing that we don’t really see from the outside, I think, when appreciating this dance of being mid-fall all of the time is that it takes an incredible amount of both strength and coordination to pull off.

Jupiter is at its most powerful in Pisces. Jupiter is at its full extent of power. However, Jupiter lacks triplicity in Pisces.

I think that the thing outsider observers of Pisces don’t notice about Pisces is that Piscean actions are expressions of power. Pisces is a more subtle creature than a lot of us realize. From the outside, Pisces looks absolutely chaotic or random. It has a random sense of humor or style. It goes for the unrelated thing. It doesn’t fixate. It deviates.

But Pisces is fully obsessional. This sign is masterful at the art of the tease. It’s able to dangle a secret out so that we can smell it but can’t access it.

Most Pisces will not call themselves strategic. I would agree because I don’t think having a strong placement in one sign makes you more or less of one thing. My point is that Pisces is not completely random or spontaneous. My point is that a chaotic persona is sometimes constructed to hide the calculations that most of us make in order to figure ourselves and our own lives out. My point is that the casual observer sees Pisces as chaotic but that, internally, Pisces does not work in a chaotic way.

If a Pisces has a plan, it will most likely not share. Maybe it’s superstition. If someone else knows about your plan then that disturbs the intention of the plan. It’s not like it’s a big secret. Pisces will divulge if someone asks but most people don’t know the right words to phrase the right questions with.

Other people see Pisces as whimsical. Pisces knows that itself as an obsessive. Other people see Pisces as somehow flakey. Pisces is fully committed to its own vision. Other people see Pisces as messy. This is a funny one.

Pisces does seem messy from the outside. It’s because they are so open to anything. They’ve moved suddenly, having babies without the preamble of a plan or putting all of their chips on one bet at the casino. They’re people who are willing to change their whole lives if they fall in love with their soulmate after hours at a bar. But Pisces is also highly specific. They have a keen nose that is finely tuned. They are completely open but they are not indiscriminate.

You might get to know this part of a Pisces if you become very close to one. They only like foods of a certain texture. They dislike a movie because one of the actors has a weird energy they can only describe using allusions. They prefer being introduced to someone they like at the right moment and beg you to hide their identity before the moment is magical.

Again, there’s this inner order that doesn’t quite come across in the self presentation. Pisces has an inner order.

It’s because Pisces is so finely ordered inside that they can pick up on things and find the precise narrative to make all of the small things they have noticed make sense. We sometimes call this aspect of Pisces their psychic intuition. Intuition isn’t messy. It doesn’t work in a messy way for Pisces. Intuition is highly precise. It’s detail occupied and categorizes all of the details it brushes up against quite well.

Other people see Pisces as a forgetful person. Pisces remembers what brand of milk you like and what store you tend to pick it up at. It remembers to tell you that it is $0.30 cheaper at another store if you are willing to walk a bit further than usual.

A lot of the internal experience of Pisces is choosing what to react to and what not to react to. Again, this is a highly attentive sign that pays attention to almost everything. A Pisces can get a sense of your inner demons simply by observing what you share, what you do not share, and when you choose to share.

We see Pisces as absentminded. There is an element of truth to this.

My mom is a Pisces. When talking to her, there is always a game of trying to figure out what she knows and what she doesn’t know. There’s always a game of figuring out what she realizes consciously and what is working unconsciously. She gives the appearance of not knowing until I inquire further and in some ways this appearance is real. There are things Pisces doesn’t know until you ask the right questions. In another sense, I think Pisces knows more than they are willing to admit to themselves.

So, my mom forgets her keys every time she leaves the house. When driving, her attention is not on the road. She loses her purse at the grocery store almost every time she goes. This is an absentmindedness that she shares with her mother who operates a street stall without knowing how to do math. Apparently, my grandma would rely on her trust in her customer’s calculation skills to make a profit.

Once, my mom gave me a piece of advice. She told me that, if engaging in a conflict is not beneficial to me, then it is always better to just play dumb. She told me that my grandma may not have been able to do math and trusted her customers but, she always ended up making a little more money than she was supposed to make if she had diligently followed her own pricing for the goods she hawked. Because my mom can’t be counted on to do mentally exhaustive tasks, my dad does them for her. I have noticed that when she must rely on herself, she is quite adept at checking all of the boxes.

So, when my mom says that she doesn’t know something, I always ask twice. If she doesn’t want to say, she’ll say that she really doesn’t know and it’ll be impossible for me to figure out if she really doesn’t or not. Sometimes there are things that she has to know and she falls quiet around those things. Sometimes, she knows things that she really should not know because she had no way of knowing except through a prophetic dream. Sometimes, she says that she repressed something into her subconscious and that she did not realize she knew something until I asked more than once.

So, is a Pisces really as absentminded as other people see them being? It’s hard to say. I’d even say that it’s impossible to say. It’s impossible to say because it’s impossible to tell whether a piece of knowledge is stored consciously or unconsciously. It’s just not possible because knowledge works both consciously and unconsciously. Does a Pisces know when something is conscious or unconscious? I’m not so sure about that either.

We see Pisces as absentminded. There is truth in this because seeing is about perception. It is true that we perceive Pisces as an absentminded creature. The rest is unknown.

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