The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continueing this Sun-Moon combo series with LEO :)
If you’re an Leo, look up your Moon sign and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.
Leo Sun, Aries Moon: Unrelentless

You will always get exactly what you desire because you demand it with frankness and urgency. When entering a space, you immediately make it your own arena to demonstrate your own power and love for expression and are never willing to appear weak. Your presence can feel quite overwhelming for others who happen to share space with you. When you are denied something that you have already asked for, the reality will sometimes not hit you right away. You expect not only love and loyalty but adoration at all times. It is not that you believe you are necessarily better than others but do not see why you should concede your heart’s desires for others when they very well have the freedom go directly after their own wants. A major conflict in your life is the tension between complete obedience to meeting the self’s desires and the need for social acceptance.
Leo Sun, Taurus Sun: Royal

You are steadfast in your vision. It takes a great deal of time for you to commit to action, which you carefully select after having a clear vision of what it is you want. You have a self assuredness that translates into an unwavering confidence. Others are quite apt to put their trust in you because they see that, when you opt into a thing, that you never falter. You build each social relationship with a great deal of warmth and attention. You, gather your entourage with the expectation that those loyal to you pay their tributes in the form of material goods, judging each follower by the quality and taste of what they are willing to offer to you. In return, you give your own support, which does not come from mere platitudes but solid action and value.
Leo Sun, Gemini Moon: Delegator

Your vision is as big as your personality. In order to achieve it, you attract the people you need, gifting to each of them the unique opportunity to use their talents in the public eye. Some may critique you for taking the credit from the work of others, but it can also be argued that your leadership was the catalyst necessary for the project to begin in the first place. You are able to accomplish more than others precisely because the work that you do is not really your own work, but those of many personalities working for you. Though you may champion yourself as having a grassroots mentality, in reality your overwhelmingly charismatic personality makes it difficult for anyone working alongside you to truly believe that they are your equal, not your subordinate.
Leo Sun, Cancer Moon: Sehnsucht

What you want out of life is more intricate than what you give yourself credit over. You often rehearse the details of great romances or battle victories in your head, over and over again, making you a gifted storyteller. The happenings of the world can not ever live up to your fantastical imagination and you have the ability to become a heavily romanticized figure who appears to not live in the real world. The truth is, while you perform a wildly charismatic personality in the company of others, your moodiness makes it mandatory for you to spend a great deal of time alone. This whirlwind cocktail of passion and melodrama makes others wonder about you, while you seem to pine for a story too fantastic to be real.
Leo Sun, Leo Moon: Blonde

You just want to have fun. You’re in this life to have a good time and nothing stands in the way of that. When you’re subjected to less than decent treatment, you try to maintain strength and joy no matter what. Behind your display of optimism is a deep fear of seeming weak. You have no idea how to ask for pity because your experience has taught you that it’s your sunny disposition that attracts you to others. After all, you see no reason to focus on negativity. You see no reason to waste your eye makeup on trivial setbacks such as heartbreak. You’re quick to cut toxicity out of your life and you live on a diet of genuinely warm expression. You’ll probably find true love because you’re one of the last people left who believe in it with all of your might.
Leo Sun, Virgo Moon: Hermione

You’re a theorist with a big heart. When there’s a cause you believe in, no one can stop you from committing every moment of your time to advocate against injustice. You, likewise, do not see how anyone could walk past blatant displays of oppression without saying anything. You’re a perfectionist about the ideas you circulate, defend, and speak profusely about. Actually, there is no one more self critical than you because you truly seem to believe that perfection is within your reach, just as long as you will it into being for long enough. Your sense of humor has a touch of dryness and you’re capable of both self deprecation, or a subtle critique of your surroundings, without ruining a good mood. You will attract people towards your cause when you give them the space to do their own research instead of providing every answer.
Leo Sun, Libra Moon: Queen B

The thing that drives your every action is your absolute need to fit in. You love compliments and expect to be well loved all your life, by your family and by your peers. Because you surround yourself with like minded individuals, you find yourself at the center of a subculture. People think of you as the representative of a group of people because you seem to be on good terms with almost everyone involved with whatever particular scene you include yourself within. You have a difficult time with being alone and a fear of social rejection. Thus, you try to maintain a casual air no matter who you approach. Your style is incredibly important to you and you spend a great deal of time perfectly not only individual outfits but an overall effortless aesthetic. You always look impeccable without looking as if you are trying too hard.
Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon: Willpower

You demonstrate your unyielding strength through a tight and rigorous self control that sets you apart from the crowd. Whatever you want, you achieve through years upon years of careful planning and calibrated strategy. Though you appear heavy handed, you are actually capable of handling delicate situations and coming out on top. You understand raw power thoroughly and are unwilling to compromise your own unless at risk of deep expense. Because you find social forms of influence more useful than actual wealth, you can expend great quantities of wealth to get what you want, enduring through years of pain and frugality to get closer to your goal. Your weakness is your lack of flexibility, as you are unable to aim towards more than a singular aim.
Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Lifestyle Guru

The effects of your influence spread far and wide, as no one is quite clear of your personal cultural empire. Your ideas influence anyone you meet and you enjoy propagating them into the world through any means available. At the center of your empire is your own personality, rebranded as lifestyle and seemingly accessible for everyone and anyone to buy, imitate, and evangelize. Anything you believe in takes on the emotional tone of a religious movement for you, on in which you save others from their own bad habits with your own suggestions of how others should live their lives. You’re a walking lifestyle brand because you believe all your ideas to be good ideas, and because you so effortlessly show your tips and tricks of how to spice a salad, wake up in the morning, or settle on a bedtime off. Because you are always curious about other cultures, you can be given to exoticizing that which is unfamiliar to you or even your own heritage.
Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon: Nouveau Riche

Because of your strong work ethic and charismatic persona, you can become quite successful. However, at the root of it all you may feel that you must continually prove yourself in all affairs because, inside, you have lower self esteem than you allow to be shown to the world. You assert yourself as being the top of the top and continually strive for the highest point of any social hierarchy. You put a tremendous amount of work into your classical appearance and elegant aesthetic. No matter how understated you seem, the way you come across will never cease to impress those who come into your presence. Everyone sees you as impeccably strong and you prefer it this way.
Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon: Community Organizer

Those who know you also know exactly what causes you stand for and how you successfully mobilize those who gather around you into advocating for the things you care about. They see you as a thinker of big ideas and mover of big movements. Others approach you when they need public support for small injustices, which you are happy to recruit and motivate into action. There will be times when you clash with those who see you as overly arrogant, as always having to be the one with the most original idea, since you never keep your best ideas to yourself. Despite your belief that the best ideas come from community led efforts, it may be harder for you to take a step back and listen. However, it is your love for all and innovative ideas that make so many follow you according their own interests.
Leo Sun, Pisces Moon: Precious

Not only are you incredibly charismatic, but your charisma lies not in overwhelming others with your own ego but in a wayward style of self deprecation that makes you impossibly endearing. You never plan your performances of self but execute them at the most accidental of times so that everyone who witnesses you are unaware that they are viewing a performance at all but believe in the authenticity of your charisma. When in doubt, you are always able to make others laugh or cry, depending on which of the twenty or so personalities you keep in your pocket, able to don for a hour or two, you feel like being that day. No matter what, you are able to count on an innate ability to control how others feel about you, if nothing else.