I want you to get really smart with your resources.
I’m currently working on a zine for The Astro-Kats and Star Kids Club that has to do with using the resources that are available to you for Jupiter in Taurus. In that zine I tell a story that I’d like to also tell here:
“I was in my early twenties, all my furniture was secondhand from roommates who had moved out, the only cleaning supplies that I owned were spray cleaner and paper towels, and I had blown on my money on a random fruit juicer for some reason. Part of my job duties, at a fabrication studio in Queens, was to take out the trash.
There were all kinds of cardboard boxes that I needed to take to the curb. They were all of various shapes and sizes, some big and unwieldy and others small and easy to fumble. Most of them weren’t broken down completely and I kept myself busy by pulling at strands of tightly clinging tape until they gave way. I kept trying to fit smaller pieces of cardboard inside of larger ones like a sleeve but they kept falling out at the other end so that I would have to start over again. I felt like Sisyphus. Finally, my coworker looked at me in pity.
“Why don’t you use the utility blade?” he asked me. “It’s right in front of you.”
Not only was there a utility knife right next to me that I had ignored, there was also a table set up with cling wrap so that I could easily wrap the layers of cardboard together so that I didn’t have to worry about size at all. Using the tools that were available to me in the shop for my task meant that getting rid of the cardboard only took a few minutes. It wasn’t such a monstrously impossible task. My shortsightedness had only made it seem like it needed to be.”
In the zine, I go on to express some wonder around the reasons why we might not use the resources that are available to us: experiences of foreignness, low expectations, poor habits, and neglect. I talk about what is required for us to fully, satisfyingly, and adequately use what is available to us—
—attentiveness to our needs and desires, a curious knowing of the environment that holds us, and good old creativity.
(Shameless plug: if you are interested in receiving this worksheet on May 19th you can sign up for The Astro-Kats or Star Kids Club here. I’m also sending out some fun joke horoscopes for eclipse season on May 5th).
Anyway, Jupiter will enter Taurus in May. When Jupiter enters Taurus, it will closely square Mars and also almost immediately conjunct the transiting north node which is also in Taurus. This means that Mars will function as a nodal bender when it ingresses into Leo on the 20th. The last time we had a malefic at the nodal bending was last summer when Saturn was still in Aquarius.
I want you to get really smart with your resources. I want you to live in this world with a feeling of reachable competency. This doesn’t mean that you demand competency from yourself all the time. It means that you know that your own standards are reachable and that reaching them both thrills and satisfies you.
I want you to use your resources with a confidence that tells the world that you know and answer to your role in it. I want you to know what enough feels like. I want you to feel loved, available, and absolutely filthy rich with the things that you want and need. I want you to go for what is reachable because you will not deny yourself and because you know that you will use what is in front of you well. Jupiter, the clown king, is entering Taurus. I want you to move with as much assurance as a cow moves through its very own field, with just as much weight and with just as much grace.
I want you to move according to your own timeline. Do you have the time to adjust yourself perpetually to someone else’s schedule? To remain infinitely sliceable and flexible in some contorting effort to accommodate everyone’s growth except your own? No, you don’t. You’re going to answer emails when you can. You’re going to finish a project when the project is meant to be finished. You’re going to show up when you can do so with love.
There’s something that is just so sexy about moving according to your own sense of time. It’s self assuredness. It’s confident and sure. You’re sure about where you’re at and what you are doing there. You know where you are going and you trust your sense of direction. Big cats move with this kind of self assuredness. Have you ever seen a house cat walk in its own territory? I want you to move like that through time.
No more busyness. You are in control. When you are not in control, you laugh or cry loudly. You make yourself heard and felt where you are at. Jupiter has entered you. Make your presence big.
Questions for May 2023 for Taurus:
What do you have time for?
What don’t you have time for?
What do you want to have time for?
In May, I want you to know the meaning of the words good enough. Good enough is different from good. Trying to be a good boy means that you are trying to earn something—a pat on the head, a cookie, a smile. There’s nothing wrong with that but that’s not valuable to you in May. What is valuable is good enough.
“That’s good enough” is what we say when we finish the necessary to the best of our unextended and leisurely ability. It’s what we say when we’re ready to call it quits for no reason other than knowing that we did okay and that we’re not in a mood where we want to burden ourselves with giving our absolute best. Good enough is valuable. It is enough to make most of what we do good enough.
Aim for good enough. Find the satisfaction of achieving such a thing, of making a good enough meal or of being a good enough friend. You don’t have to be the best all the time. You don’t need to be great at everything. There is enough joy that comes out of simply being good enough.
Questions for May 2023 for Gemini:
When was the last time you did something leisurely?
When was the last time that you considered reaching mediocreness a success?
What is the value of “good enough” to you?
Not every connection has to be diligently crafted or even intentional for them to give us a sense of life. Think about it this way—remember that offhandedly smart ass thing the woman you ran into on the bus said to you that you still sometimes think about? What about the weird lecture about some niche subject your friend dragged you to where you learned a startling story that you’ll never, ever forget? What about the fantastically nasty joke that the elderly retail worker told you that you always think about whenever it rains?
Not every relationship has to be cautious or careful to be meaningful. Sometimes you just run into the most curious people randomly. In May, I want you to love your random encounters. Jupiter is in your eleventh house. I want you to feel your random, temporary crushes, to get chatty on the bus, and to talk to people while waiting in lines.
Sometimes, the concept of making friends gets exhausting when it becomes too deliberate. What? We’re supposed to plan to go to an event, chat up someone, get their number, and plan to hang out again in allowance of everyone’s schedules? What if we just want to feel connected to people for a moment? That connection is always available to you. Just open your mouth and share a laugh with a stranger.
Questions for May 2023 for Cancer:
Where in your life do you get to make the most random connections?
What public spaces are the most accessible for you?
What are some habits that tend to isolate you?
You’re someone who is going somewhere. You always have been. It’s just that being someone who is going somewhere in life has started to clarify in a way that makes different insights and opportunities more available to you these days. In May, Jupiter transits your tenth house. The world opens up for you. There is more out there for you and you sense this vividly, wanting more and seeking more with both hunger and joy.
You’re going places and you’re making a life for yourself. You’ve accomplished things that are worth accomplishing and you’re proud of yourself for this. I want you to find your pride and live in it, Leo. Wear that pride so that it straightens your shoulders and lifts up your face.
Do you know what happens when you allow your own dignity and pride to lift up your face? It means that you face the world. It means that your gaze becomes available for love and connection. That’s the most valuable thing about dignity. It assures us enough to allow us to look up and find love when it is right in front of us.
Questions for May 2023 for Leo:
What are you most proud of in yourself?
What are you most proud of in a loved one?
What does naming your pride make you more aware of?
There’s a word tucked between the days, hours, and moments of May for you. That word is fascination. I want you to fully explore this world not in the sense of getting into the root of its meaning and deconstructing it as a concept but in the way of enjoyment. I want you to enjoy your fascination with May—all the events of May, the mundane ones, the funny ones, and the chaotic ones.
Fascination is a breath and a breadth. There’s a broadness with the word. It always offers more to you. The more fascinated you are with something, the more likely you are to become fascinated by other things. Fascination isn’t enthrallment. You don’t lose your criticality. You don’t need to become a believer in order to become fully fascinated by something or someone.
I predict that you will become fascinated with life this May. There’s raw enthusiasm in you that has yet to be spent. You’ll start bringing things to your friends the way an eager dog brings its favorite person a stick. You’ll present the facts of your research, getting a kick out of it for no reason other than for your innate love of knowledge.
Questions for May 2023 for Virgo:
What are you fascinated by?
What does fascination bring into awareness for you?
What is fascination trying to do for you?
In Min Yoongi’s new song with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Woosung called Snooze, there’s a line where he tells his listener, “If you’re afraid to crash, then I’ll willingly receive you.” This song was written in part for the younger generation of idols who are trying to figure out how to navigate a competitive and uncertain industry and in part for Yoongi himself.
I have a feeling that there are people in your life who tell you “if you’re afraid to crash, then I’ll willingly receive you” in a variety of words or gestures. I have a feeling that there are a lot of people who are willing to receive you.
In May, I want you to listen for Jupiter in your eighth house. Who tells you that they will willingly receive you in your life? Whose company brings you the most relief? Who has made it clear to you that they will be there right behind you when you are most afraid of collapse? Listen for the ones who support you and acknowledge their stubborn presence in your every move. You didn’t get here alone. There is a crowd at your back putting their hands out and making sure that you don’t fall.
Questions for May 2023 for Libra:
Who is behind you ready to receive you?
When do you feel the presence of those who are willing to receive you?
What becomes possible when you are willingly received by someone?
Jupiter entering your seventh house is about allowing your relationships to challenge you. You’ve never felt unchallenging relationships interesting. You were always too interested in growing. You’ve arrived now at a point of decisiveness because you have been always hungry for more than you can offer yourself.
Your generosity is your greatest superpower in May. Generosity is forgiveness. It’s laughing with someone at a joke because you want to see them in the best light. It’s allowing friction to just remain friction because you want to see yourself living life in the best light. Generosity is also about forgiving yourself. It’s about moving with the certainty that you will never punish yourself for your own choices but that you will always forgive, that you will always move towards the more.
Give other people the benefit of doubt. Give yourself the benefit of doubt. You can tolerate a great deal more than you thought was imaginable. That’s not a lament of forced strength. It’s a pillar that lives inside you that makes you rejoice in relief. You can tolerate more because of the way you love.
Questions for May 2023 for Scorpio:
What used to be intolerable yesterday that is tolerable today?
What is intolerable today and may become tolerable tomorrow?
What is the value of forgiveness?
The thing that gives you the most joy and release in May is the feeling of reaching competency. You can do it! You can do this thing that you learned how to do because you cared enough about it and what you could do with it that you figured it out and remade it into something that is built just for you! Look at that. Look at you. I hope you feel pride here because it is warranted.
There’s something really beautiful about letting a craft subsume you. The craft becomes your world or a world. You enter the world of the craft and you look around only to see all of the intricacies of the thing that has captivated you. You get better when you practice and this inspires you to practice more. At a certain point, it’s no longer about getting better and better. It’s about how far you can push a craft so that it becomes a new language. That’s called innovation.
Fall in love with practice. Treat your work like it's something that you love. If you don’t love your work, then you’ll find ways to do things that you are willing to love. You must do this because you won’t live with working at things that you refuse to improve. You’re not willing to, you’re simply not willing to.
Questions for May 2023 for Sagittarius:
What are you willing to get better at?
What are you willing to sacrifice to improve your craft?
Throw all of your preconceived notions about creativity and expertise away. You’re not going to apply to something to be creative. You don’t need it. You don’t need a long term plan either. You don’t need a project or more work or more admin. You don’t need to set things up so that you can play later. You don’t even need a lot of time if you can steal back enough hours from the in between times that tend to peter out like soot from a burning branch.
Creativity is something that enters you like a demon. It possesses you in meaning. It doesn’t let you get away with not having fun. You can’t resist it. Encountering your creativity is always an erotic encounter. This is something that lives in your body and makes you do things that are completely out of usual character. What else can you call it but a type of spiritual possession?
So, no—you don’t need certain qualifications to live creatively. You don’t need to be a certain type of person and you don’t need to have some skill or whatever. Jupiter transiting your fifth house means that you will become possessed by the demon of creativity. All you have to do is let yourself enjoy it.
Questions for May 2023 for Capricorn:
What do you enjoy?
How do you enjoy it?
How can you enjoy it even more?
In my Joke Horoscopes for 2023, I joked that Juptier in your fourth house will have to do with a rent hike from your landlord, representing Juptier, who is always asking you for more. I wrote that in jest but I think there is a hidden kernel of truth here. Jupiter in your fourth house is about real security. It’s about trusting the place where you can go back to. In a big way, I do want you to navigate questions of what building housing stability that would support your sense of life would look like.
I want you to have a place that you can return to that reminds you of who you already are. I want you to know that you are accepted for being who you already are when you are in this place. I want you to relax, finding yourself open, when you are in this place not because you think you will be unchallenged but because you know that these challenges belong to you because this home where they burn from also belong to you.
I want this place to be a real place where you can put your feet. I want that for you. I understand that there is value in abstract homes, digital homes, and even spiritual homes but I also know that you need shelter. I want you to have a roof over your head. I want you to believe that this roof over your head does not limit you but serves to protect you. I want you to enter into appropriate and secure housing as Jupiter transits your fourth house of home.
Questions for May 2023 for Aquarius:
Is your housing appropriate for the way you live your life?
Does your housing give you security?
Do you trust your housing?
Over the next year, you’ll be building a sense of self directed purpose into your sense of everyday priorities. This is about finding a rhythm, routine, and sense of schedule that you know and trust that you can meet. It’s about not punishing yourself with cruel thoughts or higher expectations whenever you are a bit late. It’s about making a schedule that fits you into your own life—one where you are in control.
You have time for living life. You have time for all of the things that life is made up of. You have time to tie your shoes, to cook a meal, to watch a television program, to write your novel, to harvest your own beans, and to have a child. You have time for things so don’t ever feel that not having enough time is a good enough reason to limit yourself from the thing that you want your life to contain.
That feeling of not having enough time for your own life isn’t really about time. It’s about a lack of self control and trust in your own direction. You will make time for the things that matter the most to you as long as you resist the complacency of busyness. This isn’t about crafting the perfect schedule. It’s about being the one to move yourself forward in time.
Questions for May 2023 for Pisces:
What makes you trust your own decisions?
What makes you doubt your own decisions?
What makes you live with your own decisions?
I never really understood the importance of material objects until recently when my grandma gave me her old ring as we said goodbye. “I wore this for my own lifetime,” she told me. I gave another ring that my other grandma, who passed away a few years ago, gave me but I’m not sure where it is because she gave it to me when I was eight years old and I’m filled with regret at the thought of it.
I know you. Aries, being fire fueled, tend to not put much thought into objects. We go for the cheapest thing, the fastest thing, and we dispose of things when they don’t matter anymore. Some objects do matter. Have you ever read a fictional story where a character had a thing that functioned like a talisman or a spell? Some things matter because putting them on connects us to our own sense of life. Some objects are magical.
With Jupiter’s conjunction with the north node in your second house, I want you to find the magical objects that you already have. Don’t go buying new stuff. Don’t get rid of stuff. Find the magic in the things that are already imbued with your presence and attend to them. Take care of them. Keep them with you and know what they mean to you.
Questions for May 2023 for Aries:
What objects are important to you and why?
How do you attend to the meaning of those objects?
How do you care for those objects that are important to you in your life?