Nostalgia, at its core, is the disbelief that time passes. Like doubt, it operates like a tic.
I want you to imagine that time envelops you like a great big circle.
This womb of time connects to every possibility. It is your only home, the only home that you can ever know because there is nothing outside of it. Everything that you have ever known lives inside of this great big circle of time.
It is constraining you? Or does it wrap you up gently?
Imagine yourself pushing forward in the circle of time. So often, we pretend that progress is also overcoming. We like to go up mountains without going down them even though every cell in our bodies sense that inevitable decline also functions as necessary rest.
There is an absurdity in always pushing forward. Gravity doesn’t really work like that.
June is the month of nostalgia. I want you to enjoy Saturn’s retrograde, to enjoy Pluto coming back into the era where it has sat for so long for the final time. I want you to enjoy Jupiter’s collision into Taurus and Mars traveling in a fixed sign. I want you to feel it when Venus becomes fixed.
I know that there is quick, nimble Mercury functioning in its own sign. Mercury enters Gemini and, for a week, Saturn has not turned back yet. Maybe this second week of June will be very productive. The rest is a slow and sweet rest.
When time is a circle and most of your time is spent moving forwards in time, it’s nice to remind yourself that you can get to the same place by retreating just a little, by returning to a place that you have been before.
I want you to keep a diary of your nostalgia. Where does this fine feeling leave you? Nostalgia is a remix of time. It often feels like a retreat or a return. This kind of skittishness over the progression of events can often leave you with new pathways, with new ways to go around or over or sideways in life. There are selves and tokens that live in your past that don’t appear the first time but become obvious through remembrance.
Nostalgia, at its core, is the disbelief that time passes. Like doubt, it operates like a tic. It can be compulsive. Once it possesses you, it usually leaves you more human.
June is the month of nostalgia. You, too, do not always believe that time passes evenly. You cling onto the past like an orifice. There’s pleasure in a past reinvented. This pleasure is always sour sweet and cringing because the past can’t really be changed, just misremembered.
Responsibility happens to be the most exciting thing in your life right now. I know that responsibility is often a boring word because it’s knocked into our heads starting from when we are very little. But what about when responsibility makes you feel powerful? When it affirms your sense of life? When it makes you rejoice for the things that you want to take care of?
I want you to get excited about responsibility in June. Sometimes, responsibility makes us feel needed. It makes us feel like we have something of stake in the world and like we have a place where we can be. Sometimes, responsibility sets us free. You no longer feel like you have to obey orders when you take on the responsibility of clarifying your own principles to yourself.
As you get excited about responsibility, look for buoyancy. What you’re looking for are the times when you can stand a bit taller and square up your shoulders because you feel ready to face the things that you know you must do. This is responsibility as transmutation. Buoyancy lifts you up and it remakes you.
Questions for June 2023 for Gemini:
What are you ready to take responsibility for today?
What are you not ready to take responsibility for yet but might be ready in the future?
What is not your responsibility?
This is a quiet month for you. You should spend it self strengthening.
Self strengthening means this: you find the things that you actually like and rejoice in them rather than trying to enjoy the things that you don’t like, you blow or waste a little bit more time than you planned on enjoying those things that you life because life isn’t about discipline all of the time but can be about simple pleasure, you eat the things that you crave, you sleep when you are tired, and you give yourself a little hug and lots of love each and every day.
All of your creativity and inventiveness grows out of your pillar of self love. This month of June is about attending to those whimsical tasks of self creation. You like yourself enough to enjoy yourself. You spend a lot of time enjoying yourself. That’s how you become familiar with your own style, your own beauty, and your own flavor.
Enjoy your own tastes—your own flavor. Enjoy the way you smell. Enjoy your stinky feet and getting to know your most current likes and dislikes.
Questions for June 2023 for Cancer:
What are some sounds you like?
What are some colors you like?
What are some words you like?
I want you to accurately assess your accomplishments but then to totally overblow your measure of your own potential. Why would I tell you to do something like that? Because you don’t know what will happen next. You could be the first time traveler known to man. You could meet and fall in love with your celebrity crush. You could write the next bestselling novel or you might discover a buried vault of ancient scripts on a hike one day. Since all of these things are real possibilities, why not act like they are?
Since you literally don’t know what your future entails, it’s important to not pretend that you do. You don’t need any special qualification or license to simply want something. You can want something first and then figure out how to get there.
Your greatest teacher in life is your sense of possibility. Enlarge that sense of possibility. Notice it everywhere you look. Never pretend that the things that you have already achieved will necessarily have anything to do with where you are most likely to go next.
Questions for June 2023 for Leo:
What is your own definition for the word impossible?
Do you like that definition?
What is the funniest thing about your definition of impossibility?
You might be pretty irritated by other people these days. People can be annoying, can’t they? They try to drive too fast. They lean on the entire pole in the subway during rush hour. They expect too much from you and they might misunderstand you sometimes. They forget to apologize for some very vital things.
June is about increasing your capacity to tolerate friction. There’s a difference between a friend laughing at something you said when you didn’t want anyone to laugh because they misunderstood the moment and someone cruel laughing at you because they wanted you to feel mocked. There’s a difference between a lover wanting something very different in life than you do and them wanting you to become another person for them.
It’s up to you to decide whether something is tolerable enough to be called an annoyance or dire enough to act as reason for a split. How you make these decisions will have an impact on who is in your life and who you become. It is acceptable to decide to open your heart and acceptable to decide to close it. All of your choices help you come into an understanding of what it means to be with other people and remain yourself.
Questions for June 2023 for Virgo:
What is intolerable to you in a relationship?
What is merely annoying but still fine?
How do you tell the difference?
If you were to only spend time doing things that you wanted to do, you would be living in utopia. Unfortunately, you don’t live in such a heavenly place. You live in the human world alongside other creatures that are sometimes corrupted for our humanity and other times beautiful for it. So, you spend some of your time doing things that you don’t want to do.
I want you to consider what it takes for you to find those tasks that you despise meaningful. You are mature enough to know that you do some of the things that you do not because you like doing them but because their importance in your life has transcended simple like or dislike.
If we are honest with ourselves, we might discover that a lot of the things that we call joy also live a double life as burdens. Most joys are also burdens because they take work to maintain and work to make flourish. Your task is not to live a burdenless life but to choose your burden-joys for their significance. You are more satisfied with a meaningful life than you are by a merely joyful one.
Questions for June 2023 for Libra:
What are some things that you do even though you don’t really want to do them?
Why are you willing to do these things?
Are those reasons still meaningful to you?
I want you to run around driven by curiosity for people. What makes you most curious about someone? Have you ever looked at someone you’ve known for five or more years and realized that you have no idea how they do their hair? Have you ever wondered whether a semi-stranger thinks of you and how? Did you ever make up a whole backstory and fanfiction for one of your favorite teachers when you were a little kid? Sometimes, you’re curious about the most banal and boring-like things about a person just because you really really like them.
June is about that childlike curiosity bringing you back to life. I want you to take notice of who and what you are most curious about. I also want you to take notice of what you are incurious about.
Sometimes, we enter stagnancy in relationships when we lose our interest in the other person. Sometimes, we stop telling friends about the various little things that make our lives feel sweet when we sense that this friend is incurious about those things, when we notice that they never ask us questions about our lives. Curiosity is what makes relationships worth it to you. Enjoy it when you find it. Take heed when you notice its absence.
Questions for June 2023 for Scorpio:
Who are you most curious about?
Who are you not curious about?
Who is curious about you?
It’s like you’ve been cut away and released into the world. Your anchor into the world has been cut. This might be why you’re more interested in questions around where you’ve been and how you have arrived to the place you have arrived to.
If you think about all of your past experiences, you’ll notice that you have so many. There are glimpses into doorways that you remember for no reason, the pattern of hot cocoa on the inside of a mug, dreams of burning vehicles, and gut reactions to statements that puzzle you intellectually but compose you internally.
As you can see, there is a deep mystery inside of you. Sometimes, living large is about appreciating mystery when it strikes you. You will never understand yourself fully but your quest to know yourself is lifelong. June is just one step in your unearthing process. Digging around inside of your psyche doesn’t mean that you need to dig in a straight line. You’re not just digging a trench. You’re planting potatoes. Move dirt around and play in it too. A little bit of aimlessness goes a long way.
Questions for June 2023 for Sagittarius:
When was the last time you felt like you couldn’t leave a place?
What did you do to get out?
Is there any wisdom from that experience that feels relevant to your life now?
In June, I want you to think about the value of wasting time. There is it—that’s the ultimate debauchery, isn’t it? Some might even call it the feeling of freedom heightened into absurdity. Wasting time, wasting resources, and wasting talent. What do you fantasize about when you allow yourself to fantasize about wasting things?
The potential to waste things enjoyably, that dark and childish pleasure, is there inside you. That’s why your sense of discipline is often so unrelenting.
You can’t do any real work until you’ve learned to love the monster inside you that wants to waste time thrillingly. Waste away. You’ll probably want to and have more opportunities for squander in the beginning of June and want more commitment in life by mid month. Go on. Do things that you never see paying off. Make bets that you won’t win. Have fun wasting time. You weren’t put on this earth to maintain complete coherence of self every step of your way. You can have a little absurdity in life too.
Questions for June 2023 for Capricorn:
What’s wrong with wasting time?
What’s right with wasting time?
What is the most enjoyable thing about wasting time?
Try this with me: close your eyes and appreciate the presence of gravity in your life. Usually, you don’t even feel gravity. It’s just this invisible force that keeps you where you are. Gravity ensures that the earth will always be your home and it reminds you that you come from the earth and will eventually return to it upon your death. Gravity is also the first attachment that you learn. Sometimes the attachment of your body to the earth itself wears you out and, other times, it gives you strength.
Attend to this gravity. Attend to the place that keeps you anchored in time and into life.
Most of the time gravity feels like this: you slip into old habits, you remember things from your past whether you want to or not, you get tired at the end of a long day even though there are plans that you wanted to run through, you look at your face and see your mother’s features, you do something funny that reminds you that you will always be the same person you were when you were a child, and you buy a box of candy that hits your tongue with a milky sweetness that reminds you of being too hot in summer and not knowing what to do about it.
Gravity isn’t always death. It can also just be rest.
Questions for June 2023 for Aquarius:
What habits do you slip back into?
Why might those habits be important to you still?
What don’t you want to change about yourself?
Just keep doing the things that work well. I don’t think we get told this enough. We’re always told that we need to keep trying new things, that we have to pursue new relationships and new goals and that these new things will change our lives. Change is already a constant and you don’t have to control it to make it so. Sometimes, it’s enough to give yourself credit for what you are already doing and to appreciate yourself for doing those things well.
There are things that happen when you keep doing the things that you already do well. They do eventually change and grow with you. How can they not when you’re always growing? Doing things for long periods of time also turns these things into habits. Habits become a kind of environment that you can lean on even when you are stressed.
Praise yourself often for doing the things that you are already doing. It’s easy to overlook how much effort being the you that already exists already takes. It takes so much effort to be you, doesn’t it? It took a lifetime of living. How about that?
Questions for June 2023 for Pisces:
What struggles are you already adequately attending to?
Do you need credit for what you’re already doing?
What could self appreciation for what you’re already doing look and feel like?
It’s easy to feel targeted when you are trained by individualism to think about yourself as being separate from the rest of life. Individualism asks us to think of resourcing in terms of “what do I have?” and “what do I lack?” I want you to think about resourcing in terms of “we.” What do we have? What do we need? There are actually needs that you have that won’t be met until other people around you have what they need. We sometimes call these collective needs.
Resourcing isn’t about building walls. It’s about building paths. What makes a place one of eating isn’t the walls that enwrap the environment. It’s the invitation to feed. The ways in which you eat and get other vital needs met has the potential to connect you to the world and also to bind you to other people.
You have needs that go like this: you need your best friend to have enough opportunities to love you authentically, you need your roommate to have rent money to live well together, and you need your cat to eat well so that she doesn’t eat your eyeballs in your sleep. Your life is semi dependent on other people’s hungers. Don’t forget that. Give imaginatively. Take what is offered to you.
Questions for June 2023 for Aries:
What are some questions that you have around resourcing and meeting your own survival needs?
What feels relieved when you change the “I” in those questions to “we”?
What feels stressed when you change the “I” in those questions to “we”?
Basically, at this point in life, there are some things that you know how to do. There are things that you do that you don’t even need to think about. You do them impressively without having to struggle. There are things that you do that you do better than anyone else you know and this feeling of being really fucking good at something doesn’t even give you any superiority. It just makes you confident enough to try things you’re still unsure about.
In June, I want you to expand on your confidence by building on what is already there. When you build your confidence, start with the things that you already walk with a swagger through and not with the things that make you tremble. Enjoy your confidence. Take pleasure in having it. When you validate what you already feel, things start to get bigger and sturdier.
Eventually, your confidence will lead you into thrilling exploration. You’ll finally have the capacity to try new things without losing your trust in life. Then, you can be confident about doing things you’re not good at. For now, however, just do things that make you feel cocky. The point of this is to feel good about yourself.
Questions for June 2023 for Taurus:
What are you really really good at?
Where in your body do you experience the pleasure of confidence most?
What does this confidence give you permission for?