How Other People See Sagittarius

June 7, 2023, 11:19 a.m.

The first thing that we usually notice about you, Sagittarius, is your size.

You’re huge. You’re fucking huge.

The breadth of your vision is huge. Your ideas are big. Your personality is big and your stories tend to get very convoluted and long because there’s just so much that you want to say. Not only that, but the grace you give is big. You simply don’t get hung up in small and petty things. You’re too busy trying to make something happen for as many people as possible. Your dick is big. Sometimes, your head can get big too.

You're Jupiter. Sagittarius has this utterly shameless confidence that some of us call charisma and others call magic.

Sagittarius is an impressive sign first and foremost. That’s why we like to poke so much fun at it, because we sense that someone who only thinks in big scoops can take a little jab here and there.

The next thing that those of us who don’t identify with Sagittarius tend to notice about Sagittarius is that they are unpredictable. This is the thing that causes the most people to complain about Sagittarius. They just don’t show up when they are expected to show up. They will not do it. If they do it, they’re not there in the expected way. You expect them to be in a good mood because they just got a new cat and they’ll show up with tears in their eyes. You’ll expect them to be sullen and weary because they just got laid off and they’ll come running with a big cheer because they just happened to join a new band.

Don’t expect things from a Sagittarius. You’re not going to get what you expect. You’ll get something else.

The third thing that we tend to notice about Sagittarius, and this is related to the unpredictability, is that Sagittarius is a bit psychic. This is someone who will give you a call when you just happen to be thinking about them, saying “Hey, I just randomly thought of you!” They won’t do this when it’s the best time to chat for them. They won’t do it when it’s the best time to chat for you either. They’ll do it when you’re chopping vegetables and they’re taking a shit because both of you just happened to think of each other at the same time.

You’ll start to notice now that, as I’m listing these traits that are most noticeable about a Sagittarius, that I’m describing a Sagittarius almost like a force of nature. That’s part of the bigness. Sagittarius is impressive. You can easily get blown over by one. A Sagittarius gives the appearance of being not someone but something that does things to the world around them, someone who the rest of us have to reckon with or submit to.

This is power. Sagittarius is the sign where Jupiter reigns.

You might be thinking now—can anyone be really defined by power? Not solely. No one is as singular as power. No one is limited by only the expression of power.

The thing is, because Sagittarius is the sign where power enjoys comfort, it is also a sign that more easily identifies with giving and not receiving. You might know this because you’ve experienced a Sagittarius’s generosity towards you at some point. If sugar is involved, they want to be the daddy and not the baby. Or, let me edit that. They might enjoy being both and might even harbor a secret desire to be the baby but they will be more comfortable being the daddy.

Zeus was a giver. He gave power to his siblings and he gave love to many of his dalliances. He wasn’t known for being withholding and he wasn’t known for being receptive either.

We’re often impressed by Sagittarius. They have the wackiest ideas and they will truly make something impossible possible just by their sheer tenacity and will. They are also people who have quite a hard time saying no to things.

When faced with the prospect of refusing someone something, a Sagittarius will usually fumble. They’ll meditate on the meaning of it all. The no will seem too big. If they can no longer afford to give, then aren’t they just shooting themselves in the foot by defining themselves by refusal? What right do they have to say no to doing something when time is free and life should be free? Wouldn’t they do this thing if they were truly free because they would do everything if they had all the time in the world?

Sometimes, the casual perceiver might think of a Sagittarius and simply think “that person is always down for everything.” We might think, “they have, like, ten things going on every night.”

We don’t always see the inner turmoil. A Sagittarius gets tired too.

What’s worse for a Sagittarius, worse than the act of refusal, is the act of receiving. Oh god, how it torments them! Not only are they not the ones giving and giving their talent and presence and attention and time but they’re the ones who have to figure out how to receive? They’re the ones who have to sit there and feel what it’s like to be loved and cared for?

God, that’s just the worst. Asking for things can make someone feel absolutely powerless.

And don’t even get me started on asking for things. A Sagittarius is someone who identifies most comfortably with being a giver. Now you’re telling them that they have to endure the complete humiliation of describing something that they want or need and that other people can and might tell them no?

Sometimes, people complain that a Sagittarius, while excelling at imagination, falters when it comes to clear and concise communication. This is the sign where Mercury finds detriment. A Sagittarius’s words tend to come out in great big heaps. They don’t always connect. They sprawl instead. If a Sagittarius confuses you, then the confusion feels good. It feels like the inspirational type of bewilderment that tells you that you’re learning even though you might not know how yet.

The reason why a Sagittarius fumbles so much when communicating their needs isn’t because they’re trying to deprive you of information. Trust me. That’s the last thing a Sagittarius will want to do to anyone—deprive people. They like to throw things at people and sprinkle love like it’s confetti. The reason why a Sagittarius might confuse when they need something and that needing means that they have to describe what the need feels like is because they’re just uncomfortable.

They’re uncomfortable when they’re not benefactors but beneficiaries. Sometimes, Sagittarius believes that it exists to light the world and provide inspiration for other people. It is very uncomfortable for them to slow down, feel hungry, and tend to those quiet needs.

This doesn’t mean that they won’t do it. They will. It will just be incredibly awkward and slow. They’ll need people who are willing to be with them at their most awkward and slow.

That’s another thing that we, meaning those of us who don’t have Sagittarius placements, tend to notice in Sagittarius. It’s your awkwardness.

Sagittarius is a very awkward sign and your awkwardness is like a charm. It truly works on you. It reminds us that we love you dearly and it’s so unique that it never appears on anyone else in the same way.

Sagittarius is awkward in the way that a human being who seems to contain the spirit of a god might be awkward. The person might walk around with the intention of going way too fast. They might realize too late that it actually takes them an hour to get to work but they expected to fly there in twenty minutes because they forgot that they can’t teleport because they’re not actually a god in a human body. They might shriek because they sprained an ankle and forgot about it the next day. They might buy dinner for fifteen people before realizing that they already reached their credit limit three days prior.

So, that’s a Sagittarius. Encountering a Sagittarius is like encountering the divine trapped in a human body. That’s always going to be a funny experience and a bit awkward too. A Sagittarius will always impress you especially if you don’t want to be impressed by them. Then, they’ll run into a wall with a look of utter confusion because they forgot that the laws of physics apply to them too. If you love them, you’ll laugh about it together because if Sagittarius can receive one thing very, very well then it’s going to be a joke.

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