The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continuing this Sun-Moon combo series with VIRGO :)
If you’re an Virgo, look up your Moon sign and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.
Virgo Sun, Aries Moon: Grassroots

You are a fighter for the little guy. There is no task that is too small or low for you to accept but you remain strong to your principles of how things should go. You are keen to resist any kind of oppression by uniting the common man against the bigger players in life. When you speak, you do so in the common tongue without big, academic language. Your sharp mind, however, combined with a keen instinct can give you a fresh take on complex issues which you are able to provide simple and comprehensible answers towards. You are both direct and transparent about your personal life, neither requiring a large paycheck nor unanimous praise to chase your vision.
Virgo Sun, Taurus Moon: Polished

You are apt at taking a carefully polished skill and turning that into a product of considerable envy. Through your own self perfection, you mass produce your own image into an almost perfect symbol. You can have many admirers for your ability to work towards your goals with an exacting attitude, while seeming incredibly self assured, gives confidence to those who would like to follow your path. Your innate talent is that of taking something that has taken you years to perfect, and making it look as effortless as an extension of your own body. This gift only comes through an immense amount of self knowledge and preparation.
Virgo Sun, Gemini Moon: Tricky

You have a scathing tongue that makes others extra attentive towards what you have to say about anything and everything. What you loathe the most are those who attempt to balloon themselves up through false pretenses and you almost always know what to say to cut them down to size. You absorb criticism quite well because you’re well adapted to mocking yourself and coming out better for it. Your carefree attitude is restrained by a strict demand towards your own capabilities. Your schedule and maintainence of the body is rigorous, as well as your expectations to the world. You may talk a lot of hot air at times, speaking of controversial topics provocatively, but you can always deliver an in-depth and well researched take upon any topic you bring up.
Virgo Sun, Cancer Moon: Underrated

There is an air about you that makes you feel almost forgettable, even when you blatantly are not. This sometimes gives you the license to say and do unexpected things without too many people taking notice of it. You love your privacy and prefer to hide from chances of notoriety. There is a quite lunacy about you, one that you prefer to deliver towards those clustered around you as if you are speaking in confidence. You can be manipulative, because you understand how to scheme around emotional states and are capable of orchestrating a quiet control over the moods of others. In fact, emotional control is your skill set, which you may bring into a number of arenas.
Virgo Sun, Leo Moon: Upright

At some point in your life, there are those around you see you as a goody two shoes, despite your own protests. You merely are an incredibly passionate person towards your interests and that which you want to see in the world. It is not idealism that drives you forwards but a brilliant personal will. You are actually mobilized by frustration and blocks rather than daunted. You require more of yourself than you do of others and risk the tendency to always take one for the team, to be the class representative who visibly wilts when others don’t take you as seriously as you do. You are capable of taking great ideas and making them into material reality. Eventually, your drive will attract those willing to work alongside you, though you are always in danger of driving them away when you overshadow them with your capabilities.
Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon: Meticulous

When people meet you, they are surprised that you are nice because you seem so cruel to yourself. You are known for your craft, which you apply every ounce of effort towards, molding and extracting and smoothing. You never feel that you are quite ready to face the world because you are never quite finishing getting ready. You must learn to live with imperfection or risk never leaving the house and your process. You are an excellent strategist and do well in arenas that call upon you to show your work. You will always be an indisposable part of any team because there isn’t anyone quite capable of doing what you do. Though you may feel cynically about it, your crisises of self may prove inspirational for those who value getting things done against all odds.
Virgo Sun, Libra Moon: Temperance

There’s a big part of you that attempts to assimilate into what other people expect of you. You’re an excellent analyzer of human social relations and have the desire to prove yourself to society. It can be easy for you to allow others to take the dominant role and to mold yourself into exactly what is demanded of you, whether that is at work or in your personal relationships. You actually take immense pleasure in extracting what another person needs and providing exactly what that is without revulsion or recoiling. You do exactly what you are asked to do with a smile on your face and it can be easy to take advantage of you. This actually doubles as a self defense mechanism, which shields you from giving all of yourself over to another and provides you with a cool exterior you are in control of, while you are free to be other people in your own time and space.
Virgo Sun, Scorpio Moon: Chessmaster

You never give up because you are aware that life is a process where death is the only certainty. You orchestrate complete control all the pieces of your life, including when you want to be seen, if you want to be seen, and how you want to be seen. You do not stop or settle until you have gotten your way and have proven to anyone who has doubted you that is it you who holds the power in the situation. Complete perfection is your pursuit and you are almost there. At any moment in time, you are thinking of multiple strategies and possible checkmates that may come around any corner. This makes your personal empire almost infallible. Those who have wronged you know better than to sleep with the lights off.
Virgo Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Subtle Freak

There is a discordant quality to your personality that can make you unsettling to others. Those who know you know also to watch themselves with you, because you always call the truth when you see it. Your precise definition of psychological states, coupled with a secret fanaticism, can give you a taste towards the horrific as a metaphor what what happens when one state of being is pushed towards the extreme. You have an excellent way with words and are able to sit for hours writing your personal manifesto. Though you may tend to do the same things everyday, you are nonetheless hard to pin down because you require a tremendous amount of personal space.
Virgo Sun, Capricorn Moon: Laborer

You are obsessed with your work, not to get ahead but to stay in control of every single incident so that you never have to fear for a moment that you are not useful to someone else. You quickly acquire a reputation as being on top of things and spend so much time and energy doing things exactly your way that it can be difficult for others to shoulder some of the burden, even when you ask it of them. You are always ready to be the one to do the dirty part of a job and believe that life should reward the hardworking. At times, you may suffer because it can become expected that you are there to pick up the things that less considerate people leave behind. Allowing this to happen will harm your self esteem.
Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon: Theorist

Those who know you feel that they never truly know you because of your cool and sometimes cold appearance. You are an observer with a discerning personality and mind. You are capable of juggling several key pieces of information that others will overlook to form your synthesis of what has actually transpired, a version of events that may be vastly different than what is presented on a surface level, while staying completely detached from the actual situation. What you may struggle with is the ability to form alliances that support you without the backing of some large institution. This is because people can find it easy to overlook your sharp intellect, since you are not overly showy and nor do you take special consideration towards ingratiating yourself toward those around you.
Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon: Neverland

If people want to spend time with you, they must first conduct the prior rites that are mandatory for entering into your dreamworld, where nothing seems quite as meaningless as its mundane appearance. You prefer to build your world around you, giving everything its own character and redefine the uses of some things to be more fantastic in its application. Things appear to shift around you and take on an uncanny power. You are capable of building your own, private utopia where people must follow certain rules as to not break the atmosphere. There is a logic to how you operate but it makes no sense to those who do not see things the way you do. You, however, do not always feel like entertaining the show of a clear explanation, even as you remain in control of your perception, and prefer others to take what they will from what they can see, leaving the work of description to others.