Aries Gemini Relationships

July 28, 2023, 10:36 a.m.

There’s something about the dynamic between Aries and Gemini that is sparkly—glittery.

On one hand, you have the Aries where the Sun turns fierce. On the other hand, you have Gemini which is the season of the floating seeds. During Gemini season, all kinds of plants are sending their seeds around and making them float in the air.

Aries likes one thing in a person. You can get away with a lot when you’re with an Aries but it asks, demands, one thing out of you—it wants you to impress them. This is the only thing that Aries really wants. If you impress an Aries, they will give everything they have to you.

How does Gemini deal with that? Gemini is a sign ruled by Mercury, ruled by Hermes. Hermes is the gifted child. Gemini is a sign that is known for its talents and for its wit. Its whole purpose is to grow and be recognized for how talented it is.

How do you think these two signs come together? Someone who demands that people impress them and a person who thrills in impressing others?

I think that most Aries are absolutely charmed by our Gemini friends, siblings, lovers, and even enemies. It’s like we can’t help it. Gemini is catnip for an Aries. We’re continually shocked and impressed by them. They have such startlingly sharp ideas. Their mouths run all over the place. Can we keep up? Oh, we can. And they can keep up with us. They don’t mind a bit of chaos.

A conversation between an Aries and a Gemini turns sprawling. You hit a variety of topics. There really isn’t anything that an Aries and a Gemini isn’t afraid to talk about if you put two in contact with each other. They’ll talk about problematic kinks, dictators, and the supernatural all in one breath.

The dynamic that I think is very important in this ship is that the Aries sees the best in the Gemini. Aries will encourage the Gemini to shine. It will illuminate this person who is ready to gleam. An Aries doesn’t really hide awe when that feeling strikes us and the Gemini usually feels encouraged by such a display. Gemini feels more and more spurred on when Aries shows just how much impact their thoughts can make on another person.

The Aries will talk less than the Gemini. This part is true but Aries doesn’t say little by using sparse words. They just like to get to the point of it all. This helps the Gemini because it shows that not only can Aries follow along, they can generate more concise ideas from Gemini’s scattered and glittering vision.

There isn’t really a leader/follower dynamic between these two signs. The push and pull is too fluid. Aries and Gemini can see each other. They can appreciate the other’s gifts.

If Aries and Gemini get in trouble, they get in trouble together. Aries and Gemini like to scheme together. Aries is by far the more practical one of the two and it will demand that Gemini get its shit together so that it can get something done with all of its fancy nuances and slick thoughts. When left to its own devices without any guidance, Aries will simply hype Gemini up—boost them and bolster them. Aries loves to promote, especially when it discovers a shiny new thing.

But this is when the two signs function more independently of each other. Gemini comes up with the ideas and Aries promotes them. This isn’t the best scenario for utilizing both Aries and Gemini thoroughly. As I said before, these two signs can impact each other. They can strategize together.

I think that it takes a lot for Aries to engage in any teamwork. They have to feel impressed by you and then you have to keep up. Aries likes to work alone because it just wants to get things done. You get to work faster when you work alone. One of the only signs that Aries is willing to work with is Gemini and this happens because Aries feels that Gemini listens without obeying. Gemini listens and then it does its own thing with the knowledge that it gleans. This earns the Aries’s respect.

It’s easy for some signs to become what I like to call an Aries’s project. Aries can’t really help it. It likes to take over someone else’s life and tell them exactly what they need to do to succeed. When Aries does this, they are mostly unaware of it happening and they see themselves only as a cheerleader. They just want to make someone shine. Gemini will not entertain this precisely because they will be so entertained by it. A Gemini can’t really lose their individuality due to outside influence because it’s the sign of the sharp eared perceiver.

Aries is not threatening for a Gemini because Aries often enjoys playing dumb. Aries is a jock. Gemini is used to more intellectually competitive environments and it can tire due to overperformance and exertion. Those environments usually make Gemini want to bring out only the best in themselves. But Aries, Mars ruled, prefers to speak in short and shrunken phrases. It’s not a tactful sign and Gemini finds this relieving because its charm can shine just a bit brighter in contrast.

A Gemini throws Aries’s command-praises right back at them. “You think I should do this because you like these things.” Aries loves this because they feel truly seen by the Gemini. Aries likes someone who can tease them and cut into them a bit with just words.

This is how Gemini and Aries work together. They tease and they joke. They both ego trip together for a bit and then they laugh at themselves, at each other, easefully cutting things down to normal size. They enter fantasy and find reality again. They play. Aries and Gemini have a lot of fun together.

This is how they strategize together too. When Aries and Gemini come together, they’re able to generate new ideas—new ways of thinking, new perspectives, and new ways of using the same old words. They do this constantly because they just get so excited about what the other person is into.

There’s always an aura of badness with this. Even when Aries and Gemini work together to do something that is objectively very moralistic such as giving art classes to children, they treat each other not as disciplined collaborators but as partners in crime. The difference here is that neither Aries or Gemini will get very upset if the other one fails to live up to an overly rigid standard. They expect to see their efforts fail and they are willing to try again.

The two signs can also become defensive for one another. The partner in crime thing sometimes makes Aries and Gemini relationships feel very “us against the world.” These two people will fight other people together.

Aries and Gemini are one of the silliest couples in the zodiac. You might see them hunkered down together, a nerd debating the merits of a theory with a wide eyed jock who asks them all kinds of alluring questions, eventually standing up and exclaiming to the world that this nerd has something really noble to say. It’s sexy. Both signs like themselves a bit more when they are put next to the other. The relationship brings what is brightest in themselves out.

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