The way your Moon interacts with the Sun sign makes a huge difference in terms of your personality. While the Sun is how we act, the Moon is how we react. I’m continuing this Sun-Moon combo series with LIBRA :)
If you’re an Libra, look up your Moon sign and use the guide below to find out more about how your needs intersect with your wants. Take everything with a grain of salt, as always. Your other placements will affect your Sun-Moon pairing, distinguishing you further.
Libra Sun, Aries Moon: Thorn on the side of the Rose

You seem impeccably sweet but, upon closer examination, you’re a person who doesn’t give a fuck about what others think. Though you pay close attention to your style and the ways in which you are perceived, your style is always one that goes against the mainstream desires of others. You take great pleasure in subverting the expectations of others, because you sense how these expectations hold you back from your true desires. Oxymoronically, you create a persona that feels authentic. Though this can feel gimmicky at times, there’s no one who can say that this isn’t a very you thing to do.
Libra Sun, Taurus Moon: Sensual

You value beauty, even when it’s very ugly. You value pleasure even when it’s painful. You have a knack for becoming exactly what others demand of you and for building an image that is compatible with the popular zeitgeist. Because you are able to extend creative efforts for years, you can create an icon out of your self. Everything that you do has a certain grace which cannot be ignored. It is rare to see you in a state of embarrassment because your normal persona is so incredibly self assured. Some may call you a hedonist and others may call you lazy, but what you are is a person who will never ignore an opportunity for pleasure.
Libra Sun, Gemini Moon: Pretty

You are a natural flirt who understands exactly what to say in order to please the people around you. Much of what you stake on may be your unwavering charm. Even when some find you annoying, there are more people who will ally to your side and support the way you speak on issues or make light of other people’s egos. Though it is hard to pin you down to one point of view, you are good at creating an accessible and readymade image that satisfies some societal craving. You always appeal to the masses, because anti elitism is in your bones. Though you may be a natural propagandist, you may lack certain control over how your images are used and recirculated due to qualities you neglected to control.
Libra Sun, Cancer Moon: Player

Though others take you to be a rather intense individual, you may only be playing a role. What you are good at is taking on artificial roles and making melodrama out of them so that they seem more real and convincing than expected. You are well aware of social norms and, at the same time, intensely careful about your decisions. Thus, you may not choose a route unless it has already been proven to you its legitimacy. Once you do choose to occupy a position, however, you tend to perform in a way that differs from your contemporaries. You are good at delivering exactly what others expect in a way that no one expects, which satisfies latent cravings.
Libra Sun, Leo Moon: Celebrity

Even if you are not famous, you behave as a famous person does. You have a network of personas, or entourage, that supports you in your lifestyle choices at all times. Others see you as bright and daring, not knowing at times of your tremendous self awareness which allows you to play up parts of yourself when you feel that the moment is right. You will never waver from your principles when you feel that you are on the right side of history and there may be a tendency to glamorize you as a symbol of what is right and good. You are capable of causing quite an amount of scandal with your propensity towards drama, which work well towards your favor if it is your goal to become famous.
Libra Sun, Virgo Moon: Smooth

Though everyone sees your incredibly impressive capabilities, no one sees the huge amount of effort you put into making your projects perfect. You spend a huge amount of time and effort into swallowing your own labors, pains, and fears when you grit your teeth and shake hands with enemies without holding onto a need for vengeance. You are overly perfectionistic with a fair amount of anxiety over whether others judge you for your perceived mistakes and life will throw at you opportunities for failure so that you can exceed your own grace. Other may wonder how you manage to hold it all together at times, and it is important that you allow yourself at least one type of activity that provide for you release.
Libra Sun, Libra Moon: Charming

You are so charming that you are able to unnerve those around you if necessary. However, you are also able to execute your inexplicably attractive persona without others being aware of it, making them fall into your trap if you so desire. Because you can get almost anything you want by asking for it the right way, you can sometimes become grumpy when you do not get what it is you desire, especially when it is because you do not know what you want in the first place. You can come to rely on making others fall for you in too many aspects of life and feel that you must succumb first to the waves of social pressures that push your existence to and fro.
Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon: Cool

Actually, it is through a great amount of effort and self examination that you are able to manufacture a laidback persona that never goes by unnoticed. Others desire to hang out with you just to be in your presence, but they are unaware that the reason you keep your private time and space so sacred is because you are so intense when you are on your own. The thing you value the most in this world of posturing and imagery is authenticity, which you seek out through elaborate and hidden trials of testing those around you. Others love to talk about you, but you may give so little information that it is possible to either imagine conspiracies or repeat the same facts over and over again.
Libra Sun, Sagittarius Moon: Teenager

You love to talk about the tides of fortune so that others see your life trajectory as riding on the tails of fate, whether your fortune is good or bad. What you perform outwards may be such a caricature of some social archetype that it is very easy to project onto you,. You love experimentation and tend to become known for one extreme of your wide range of practices so that you may feel resistant to the flattened ways people see you in some areas of life. You may actually have a huge variety of interests, but people are apt to pigeonhole you into one corner. You have no trouble pulling others into your wild adventures and orchestrate big movements and involve many people.
Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon: Married

You are hitched to something, whether that is your job, another person, or your creative practice. Whenever you undertake a goal, you make is a formal task and almost legislative affair. When making decisions, you are well aware of the practical considerations involved and never fail to choose the option that makes the most common sense. You can socially climb, if that is what you desire, but you may take your relationships just a touch too seriously to do this exceedingly well. It makes more sense for you to choose allies with whom you share a deep investment, with whom you can accomplish great things, because you have a knack for getting people not only together but also to work on issues important to you.
Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon: Rebel with No Cause

You may be known in your circles for your spectacular breakups more than relationships. Though you are infinitely curious about human relationships and why they work the ways they do, you are too much of an individual to satisfy any one person’s social craving. It may feel at times that you investigate what it feels to fit in a certain role for the sole purpose of breaking out of it in the end, or what it feels like to be at one person’s side when you are well aware that you will be gone in a few week’s time. Due to your detached demeanor, you may feel slightly mechanical in affect, particularly when you choose options that make good common sense but lack personal passion.
Libra Sun, Pisces Moon: Erised

You are a surface that everyone feels free to project upon, without feeling the need to hear what you have to say or your actual persona. Whether you are in control of it or not, you mirror and distort the hidden fantasies of those around you and may become something that spooks the people who know you, because you are so aware of their desires. You can easily be a sex symbol but your personality and what you are known for is rarely of your own choosing. Even when you seem to hold immense social power, it is you who feels contained by and helpless to social forms larger than the scale of your own life.