Gemini Cancer Relationships

Aug. 9, 2023, 9:20 a.m.

Again, Gemini and Cancer might get along for some of the same reasons why signs adjacent to each other might get along—if you have two people with Sun placements here, it is likely that they will share conjunctions with their other planets. There is also always some similarity to signs that come right after one another.

There has to be some misunderstandings, however, between Gemini and Cancer simply because the two signs are adjacent. Adjacent signs are also averse and can’t see each other.

Both Gemini and Cancer are signs that know everything. They’re people who are in the know so to speak. They have their nose to the ground. They have information. They hear all of the things. This is one way that Gemini and Cancer are alike. Both Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, and the Moon, Cancer’s ruler, care about connections. Both Gemini and Cancer can be a bit snarky. That’s part of the humor of summertime signs.

But Gemini and Cancer have very different ways of gathering information. They also care about different things. They handle their information in completely different ways.

For Gemini, information is like a game. Geminis care about transparency and, if they spill a secret here or there, they don’t see anything wrong with it because transparency is a greater cause than keeping everything pent up inside. They might tease you with information and use it to beckon but they will usually divulge.

In terms of what Gemini is gathering information about, they are interested in anything and everything. Geminis are easy to talk to. You bring up one thing and they’re immediately curious. You bring up a completely oppositional topic and they’re up for chatting about that too. Geminis can sometimes be careless with information not because they’re trying to not care but because they’re just so casual about the whole affair.

Not Cancer—Cancer who stalks their crushes? Cancer who digs out every despicable secret that someone has tried to hide for years? No, no, no.

When Cancer is into something, Cancer is focused. It’s like an obsession. Cancer isn’t just sitting around and casually chatting about things, finding little tidbits of information here and there. Cancer is on the hunt. The Moon is motivated by hunger. It’s not that Cancer is trying to dig out anything specific per se. It’s more that they just know when they have a hunger and they can’t help but be led around by it.

A Cancer doesn’t just share things easily either. When a Cancer shares, they whisper. They let you know by their tone, their demeanor, and often overtly that this is a secret that they don’t want this conversation to leave the room.

So, you can’t really repeat things that Cancer has told you. They’ll get really mad and might even try to cut you for it with those sharp pincers they have. You can usually always repeat things that a Gemini has told you even if they’re changed their opinion and feel slightly awkward over it. They’ll just find it funny.

There are a lot of similarities between Gemini and Cancer. They’re both signs that are endlessly connected, signs who are good at mirroring and signs that are really easy to talk to because of that. You can confess things to both Gemini and Cancer. They both have ways of making other people talk.

However, I hope that you can also see where some of the misunderstandings between Gemini and Cancer might come from. You have a sign that prides itself on airlike transparency and another sign that moves to conceal things the way an ocean does with submarines.

Relationships between Geminis and Cancer can be really fun because of this. It’s possible to play with this dynamic of showing and hiding and then showing again. Many Geminis will have Cancer placements and vice versa. This isn’t such a hard cross to bear. It just means that you get to feel out when you want to obfuscate and when it’s better to distill. Both signs might make some mistakes, cross each other, or misunderstand where the other is coming from but that’s not such a bad thing as long as they’re willing to make repairs.

If Gemini and Cancer get into a conflict, Cancer will have the upper hand. This is because you can argue against noise but you can’t argue with silence. Cancer knows how to keep quiet. The pace of the conflict will ride heavily upon if and when Cancer is ready to engage again and not on whether Gemini loses interest.

The reason why Cancer needs silence when it comes to conflict isn’t because they’re out to get anyone. They retreat because they need privacy to construct an emotional understanding of what is happening. When Cancer goes through anything, they don’t just make sense of the present. They connect it back to their memories, their childhood, and they try to understand their own emotional narratives and habits deeply. That’s why Cancer needs a lot of space when it comes to disagreements.

Luckily, Gemini is actually one of the signs that will give space readily. They don’t always seem this way to the Cancer because Gemini is always asking questions but all Cancer needs is to say “no” or “not yet.” Gemini usually won’t get mad at someone for needing space.

There is sometimes a phase two of a disagreement between a Cancer and a Gemini that occurs after the initial disagreement. Once Cancer is willing to come back to an issue, they might find that Gemini has completely shifted their stance and that there is no longer anything to argue about. Gemini isn’t really a trustworthy opponent because they don’t stay mad. They’re not a brick wall that you can launch yourself at. They’re more like a shifting wind. This aspect of Gemini can upset a Cancer if that Cancer has come to some private diagnosis about the relationship.

Both signs can gain a lot from one another. Cancer might find, through their relationships with Geminis, that the emotional narrative one constructs in privacy can very well fall apart in real time in the real world. Gemini might find, from their Cancer loved ones, that there is a great deal of the psyche that is revealed in words unspoken. Much of the world is silent and these things don’t always want to or need to be explained.

There is a tension between Gemini and Cancer but I don’t think these two signs will ever stop choosing one another in many kinds of love. That’s what makes or breaks a relationship, after all. It’s whether you choose each other and not how much tension you inspire or can avoid.

And thank god Gemini and Cancer will always choose each other. These are some of the funniest signs. Gemini is funny because their brains just work very fast for humor and Cancer is funny because they always know how to hit you in the gut. Maybe that’s what initially draws Geminis and Cancers to each other and what keeps them together. You know what I always like to say—humor is one of life’s most underrated survival skills. Sure, there might be spats between a Gemini and a Cancer every now and then. That will never stop these two from being very funny together. Can you blame them for wanting to enjoy one another?

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