Jeon Jungkook Bazi Day Pillar: Bing Wu

Aug. 11, 2023, 9:04 a.m.

Guess what? I’ve been studying bazi for more than a year now! It’s been giving me all of these feelings that I had when I first started studying western astrology. It’s this sheer excitement and also this fascination with the art and the craft. Everything in life starts to feel a bit more magical.

I wanted to write this article playing with examining just Jeon Jungkook’s day pillar in bazi not because I feel that I’m so good at it or like I have any expertise to show off yet but because I truly love the art, I am endlessly fascinated with idols, and I wanted to share that with anyone reading this in case you catch the bazi bug too.

Since the day pillar is just a small component of the eight character chart, this also feels like a low stakes way to explore the practice of reading. Keep in mind that an overall description of your chart has a lot more stuff involved than I’m doing here. You have to look at both your chart and your timing and know how to read the balances and imbalances. What I’m doing here is really just for fun.

I’m reading the day pillar of the four pillar chart because the day pillar is usually seen as the pillar that reflects your character. All of the other parts are viewed using the day pillar in bazi.

The Heavenly Stem in Jungkook’s day pillar is Bing. The chart is composed of eight characters or four pillars and the day pillar is the one that describes your character. The stem in each pillar is received by the branch. You can also say that the stem rides its branch. Jungkook’s Earthly Branch is Wu horse so his day pillar is Bing Wu.

Both his stem and branch are fire. This gives Jungkook, like other members of BTS, a rooted pillar as well. His day pillar stem Bing is described in the following way by the ancient scripture Di Tiansui:


I think that Bing fire is a really weird stem. All of the other stems are phases that materials go through on Earth. Bing fire is not. Bing fire is the sun. What? The whole sun?

The first line of the poem explains that Bing fire is fierce and intense. Then, it says that Bing fire belittles and insults snow and frost. In the wuxing, water is fire’s controlling element and this first line is describing how Bing fire reacts to authority. This is how Bing fire is introduced.

The rest of the poem pretty much just describes what Bing fire does to the other phases. Bing fire has the ability to break big pieces of metal. It makes smaller metals softer and melts them. The earth receives Bing fire’s warmth and this creates compassion. Water reflects Bing fire’s light back and makes it more ferocious. The last line of the poem says that Bing fire can extinguish wood by burning it all away and lists out the three branches that create the fire sanhe or trine—dog, tiger, and horse.

This is why I think Bing fire is such a weird stem: it’s not affected by other things. The sun is so far away from everything we know! In this poem, Bing fire is introduced by describing how it attacks its own authorities back. You imagine water sizzling out and evaporating in the heat of the sun. Water is the only thing that really affects Bing fire and it really just reflects its own image back. Then, the poem just describes the ways in which Bing fire affects other things. It warms up earth, it burns away wood, it melts metal. It can even evaporate a little water.

Bing fire is yang fire. Fire itself is also yang. Yang is something that exerts its own influence on other things. It shines on others. Bing fire is warm hearted and fire in the wuxing represents joy. Bing fire shines on the rest of the world. It tends to see the best in other people and other things. Bing fire can’t be interrupted by other things also because it’s the sun. The sun’s going to rise and set everyday no matter what.

This is Jungkook. He’s generous. He likes to give people things—vacations to Jimin and gifts to the other members. He sees the best in other people and he wants to shine for ARMY. He has a consistent routine. He’s the one who, when they filmed In The Soop, made a schedule for himself that he actually followed diligently.

Not only is Jungkook’s day pillar stem Bing fire, the branch component is also Wu horse. Wu horse is the branch that denotes the middle of the summer season. Super hot! This is why Jungkook’s day pillar is rooted. It’s just hot all around.

Horses are pretty much known for their speed. They’re powerful animals. However! The horse isn’t like a tiger. Horses aren’t predators. They don’t aim at a thing with the intention of conquering it. They just run. Horses symbolize freedom because of this. If you get close up to a horse, you’re not scared for your life because it’s going to eat you. They’re actually quite scared of you. If you’re been around a horse you’ll know that they’re really skittish. They like to kick and bolt. At the very least, they’ll dodge and avoid. Horses are really sensitive but they don’t bite.

Jungkook is fierce and forward moving but he’s not aggressive. Did you see that video of Jungkook’s first birthday after their debut when they pranked him by scolding him with a hidden camera? Jungkook doesn’t even really fight back. He just gets really quiet and dodges. He tends to shy away when he’s bullied.

But he’s not meek either. Jungkook moves like a horse which means he moves constantly and forward. You can put blinders on a horse and it’ll even keep moving because it doesn’t care about its periphery. It doesn’t look anywhere but straight ahead. In the story about the horse, it was running in the race that became the zodiac and about to cross the finish line when, suddenly, the snake unraveled itself from the horse’s foot and jumped out ahead. The horse didn’t even know that the snake had hitched a ride. It never looked down the whole time. It got scared because horses are startled easily and let the snake take the lead. That’s why the snake is the branch that occurs right before the horse.

The horse doesn’t see a lot. It really doesn’t need to look around and do a lot of research to keep moving. It just has this forward motion. What else do you see in this story about the horse? Did the horse like that the snake wrapped itself around its foot to get to the finish line?

It didn’t. Wu horse doesn’t like to be taken advantage of. This is interesting because Bing fire is known for generosity. Jungkook likes to give but he doesn’t like to be used. He decides how he’s going to give to you and what he’ll give.

I think we really see this in how he behaves as a celebrity. Jungkook gives us so much. He goes live for hours at a time. He falls asleep on camera. He shows us the inside of his house. He learns all the skills required to become an idol. He sings and dances and even draws. But you can’t take from him. You can’t do things like send him food or follow him to the gym. He’ll startle like a horse, neigh, and kick you in the guts. Jungkook knows self defense.

When Bing fire is combined with Wu horse, they also create the Sword Star. I think we all know about Jungkook’s affinity for masochistic pleasure. He loves getting tattoos, loves getting piercings, and even asked a professional fighter to “Please beat me up” when they met at a gym. Jungkook loves a good, rough, physical sparring. He doesn’t like it necessarily because he likes to win so much. He just enjoys roughhousing and he truly doesn’t mind being pummeled to the ground once consensually.

This is why I think Jungkook is a bit contrarian or maybe just independent. He’s not a leader because horse herds don’t have leaders but he’s not a follower either because he chooses his own way. It’s like he doesn’t fit well when you put him in a category or a role. He just ends up doing his own thing and you can’t really stop him because you can’t stop the sun from doing what it wants to do. You can’t stop fire. You’ll get burned.

Bing Wu is known as a pillar that really stands out from the crowd. If everyone else is walking in one direction, it’ll run off in another direction. Jungkook is consistent but he’s also unpredictable. If you put obstacles around him, he won’t even see them. He’ll just make his own way through the world. Yoongi said about Jungkook, “He’s the most unique person I know.”

Why did the horse come out sixth place in the race for the zodiac? You would think that the horse is faster than a lot of the other animals. It should be faster than a rabbit and faster than a cow. The reason why the horse ended up at sixth place is because its attention was diverted. It didn’t run in a straight line. It doesn’t do something simply because someone told it to or because there’s a race with rules. It doesn’t go with the rules. It just does its own thing. It’ll run in one direction, run in another, and then run back.

If you’re like the snake and you try to hitch a ride with a horse because you think you’ll meet a shared goal really fast, you might be in for a surprise. The horse doesn’t give a shit. It has its own schedule. Jungkook isn’t trying to get the same accolades and wins as everyone else. We literally don’t know what he’s aiming for. All we know is that he’s going for it at full speed.

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