Aries Leo Relationships

Oct. 5, 2023, 8:21 a.m.

We’ve finally come to our first trine in this series. Aries meets Leo. The spark of life meets a consistently burning sun.

Things between an Aries and Leo are usually red hot. They goad each other on. “You’re the best,” one of them says. It doesn’t matter who. “No, you’re the best,” the other responds. They grin cheerily at one another, thinking to themselves that the other is quite right.

There are many reasons why these two signs go together hand in hand. Leos love a chance to prove their courage. Aries likes to dare people into thrilling adventures. Leo likes to impress while Aries loves to be impressed. They both like to have fun. They both respect one another’s solitude. Big cats like their personal space while Aries prefer to zoom through the world with their own company.

Both Aries and Leo are fire signs. They burn. As an element, fire is in charge of illumination. Do you notice how the Sun’s glyph looks like an open eye? That’s fire. The Sun enjoys triplicity in all fire signs but especially loves to sit in Aries or Leo. The Sun exalts Aries and rules Leo. Both Aries and Leo like to make things brutally clear. These aren’t signs that artfully draw the veil over their expressions or duck in shade and vague shapes. Aries will tell you exactly what is on their mind. Leo shares their feelings bluntly.

These two signs walk through life and describe life the way a powerful flame draws all of the details of the world out. Try this out. Watch a TV show with an Aries and a Leo. They don’t stop talking through the whole thing. Afterwards, they exchange perceptions. It’s not just the story that enthralls a fire sign. It’s their perception of events. It’s their own gaze on the narrative. They are charmed not by the story but by their own opinion of events.

This is why fire signs get the reputation of loving to share. We do! Aries and Leo both love to look at things, cry out in sympathy, and shine a light on what we love. These are the cheerleaders of the zodiac. You can find no supporter more enthusiastic than an Aries or a Leo. If we like what you do, we’ll tell everyone about it. I’m not kidding about this. We’ll tell our friends and acquaintances but also random people who happen to text us around the time of excitement, people we haven’t talked to in years, and random family members.

No one can ignore a burning fire. That’s Aries and Leo. Together, they create an explosion that no one can look away from.

Michelle Yeoh is a Leo and Jackie Chan is an Aries. They’re fantastic friends. They’re also both action stars. Whether you like action movies or not, you can’t deny that they’re hard to look away from. The narrative action is just too thrilling. They put their bodies to the test.

There are differences between the two signs. Aries, though dignifying the Sun, is Mars ruled at the end of the day. Mars makes a very different motion than the Sun. The Sun rises and sets everyday. It’s consistent and constant. Mars isn’t. Mars swerves, retrograding and then spinning around again. It sometimes hides under the horizon or behind the Sun.

Aries is more flexible than Leo. Both Aries and Leo care about goodness and about being seen for their goodness. However, Leo understands goodness and can take it for granted. Aries is tormented by the concept. What is a good person? Who gets to define the idea? Leo, used to relying on their courage, is used to behaving heroically. Aries is Mars and Mars is interested in survival. To properly move with your Mars, you have to have intimacy with your own fear.

In contrast to popular assumptions, Leo is actually an incredibly self aware sign. They’re used to seeing themselves from the outside. This is why Leo is so regal. They know their own impact and they can play with it too. They know that if they hold a word or a pause that they will take you through your own psychodrama. Leos love to see their own impact. That means that they’re not only interested in their own perception but also how other people perceive them.

Aries is much more of a doofus about such things. Aries is naive to how people perceive them. You sometimes run into Aries in the public eye who say the most outrageous things. How could this person have thought that this would be a good thing to say? To whom? Aries isn’t thinking about these things. They’re just saying what comes to mind. They can be stuck in their own mind.

Take a look at the relationship between Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman. Andrew Lloyd Webber is an Aries and Sarah Brightman is a Leo. He pursued her even though both of them were married when they met. From accounts I’ve read, it seemed like he just didn’t discuss it. He invited her to a romantic vacation and that was that. They were married for six years during which they were quite known for being together. Sarah Brightman starred in Cats and Phantom of the Opera. Then, Andrew Lloyd Webber started seeing his current wife. They divorced after. Sarah Brightman has said that she wishes things went differently.

Do you see what I mean when I say that Aries is more flexible? Aries moves on. Sometimes, you don’t even hear from Aries for months and then they text you out of the blue about something they think you’d be really into, almost forcing you to check it out. Leo is more steady with their affection. You can count on a Leo to text back and to show up. A Leo becomes a constant fixture in your life.

Aries, on the other hand, will do what they want. What the hell was Andrew Lloyd Webber thinking cheating on two women so publicly without any excuse? Answer is, he wasn’t. He’s an Aries. Why did Aries Jackie Chan declare his affection for Teresa Teng when he was still married to his wife but then publicly admit that he also played with Teresa Teng’s feelings? There’s no reason. He’s not thinking either. You’ll never catch a Leo in these types of situations. They’re too aware of how they are seen.

Leo is the Sun. The Sun gives us warmth and its light fluctuates in a constant and predictable cycle. Aries is fire and fire is not predictable. You can’t hold onto either sunlight nor fire but only one will eat through your hands if you try. The other simply wants you to come to them.

Aries and Leo have a lot of similarities. They both tend to get excited about things! They like to cheer others on! They light up when they have an idea! There’s also just enough difference between the two to keep things interesting. They both care about self determination but from such different angles. Leos invites people in while Aries likes to break away.

They have a lot to show one another, Aries and Leo. Aries can show Leo how to live in an unpredictable world and that challenges have to be faced with flexibility and not assumed resolution. You can’t keep the same goal you started with if you want to get anywhere in life. Leo can show Aries how to keep one’s fire contained. You don’t have to show everyone everything at once. You can love them a little bit as long as you do it each and every day.

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